Actual question: how to care for hair at home? Home Hair Care Basics - Problem Prevention


A person with absolutely healthy normal hair type can not be met often.

Under the influence of various causes of internal and external nature, the strands of many people need special care.

It depends on the type of curls.

Greasy hair

Dull shine and stickiness of strands, dandruff, and sometimes an unpleasant smell are the main signs of oily hair. They bother many modern people. An untidy hairstyle looks repulsive and makes it difficult to feel comfortable among others.

Oily hair can cause various reasons. We list the most important of them.

1. Increased secretion of sebaceous glandslocated next to the follicles. Actively working, they secrete subcutaneous fat in large quantities than is required to moisturize the scalp.

Excess fat accumulates at the roots, giving them an unnatural shine. Subcutaneous fat then spreads over the entire length of the hair, covering it with an oily film.

2. Seborrhea. It can arise as a result of a genetic predisposition, and as a result of certain diseases and conditions, for example:

• hormonal disorders;

• pregnancy;

• cardiovascular disease;

• diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

• stress.

3. Improper nutrition. The abuse of fatty, salty and smoked foods leads to oversaturation of the body with fats. Some of them are secreted from it through the sebaceous glands, including those located near the hair roots.

4. Shampooing too often. Shampoos, balms and other hair care products not only remove dirt and dead cells, but also activate the sebaceous glands. As a result, oily shine on the hair can appear even in people who have dry skin.

How to care for oily hair at home?

1. Wash your hair properly. Frequent washing will not only not solve the problem, but will aggravate it. Therefore, trichologists recommend that this hygiene procedure be performed no more than twice a week.

In this case, you can only use shampoo designed for oily hair. Other detergents will cause dry scalp, which causes the sebaceous glands to become more active.

Store detergent can be replaced with beaten eggs with lemon juice or gruel from rye bread soaked in boiling water.

2. Do not use air conditioners. These products make hair not only smooth, but also oily. It is best to rinse the curls with an infusion of birch leaves, chamomile, oak bark, field horsetail, St. John's wort, nettle or plantain.

3. Minimize application fixation aids hairstyles (mousses, varnishes and gels). Clogging the pores, they cause disruption of the alveolar glands.

4. Try not to use a hairdryer. If there is an urgent need for it, apply cold drying.

5. Comb curls maximum twice a day, trying not to touch the roots. Otherwise, the fat will be distributed through the hair, and they will quickly become greasy.

6. To refuse head massage. It enhances not only the flow of blood to the roots, but also the secretion.

7. Adjust power. You should enrich your diet with foods containing protein, vitamins and fiber. At the same time, minimize foods containing preservatives and fats (especially animals).

8. Take dietary supplements, which include ascorbic acid, B vitamins, as well as sulfur, zinc and iron.

9. Strengthen hair with home masks based on sour berries and fruits, yeast and honey, garlic, onions.

How to care for thin and dry hair at home

With insufficient secretion of sebum by the endocrine glands, the hair becomes dry. They lack a natural shine and softness, they are often confused and split off at the ends. Owners of this type of hair often suffer from seborrhea and alopecia. There are several causes of trichoclasia:

1. Diseases internal organs, for example:

• pathology of the digestive system;

• chronic infections (caries, tuberculosis, inflammation of the tonsils);

• kidney and urinary tract diseases;

• anemia;

• helminthiases.

2. Improper washing using dehydrating agents and aggressive cosmetic procedures.

3. Lack of vitamins as a result of insufficient or poorly balanced nutrition.

4. Permanent stress and overwork.

5. Bathing in hard, salty and chlorinated water.

6. Impact ultraviolet rays and cold.

7. Congenital pathologies of the follicle and hair shaft.

Care for dry and thin hair at home is to comply with several basic rules. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. A haircut should be done so that the curls receive more nutrition. After this, regularly trim split ends.

2. Wash hair only with boiled water, using shampoo for dry hair.

3. An hour before washing, rub healing oils (castor, burdock, olive) into the scalp.

4. Rinse hair with herbal infusions, mineral water without gas or beer.

5. Dry your head outdoors without using a hair dryer or wrapping your hair in a towel.

6. Never go to bed with your head wet.

7. Comb only with a wooden brush so that the hair is not tangled by static electricity.

8. Every evening, massage your head with your fingertips. This will increase blood flow to the hair follicles.

9. Use moisturizing and nourishing lotions and masks. You can cook them yourself on the basis of dairy products, oils, honey and eggs.

10. Refuse aggressive cosmetic procedures, especially lightening, straightening and curling.

11. Eat foods containing a large amount of vitamins, as well as minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon and zinc.

How to care for damaged hair at home

In addition to trichoclasia, there are other common types of hair damage, namely:

• slow or completely stopped growth;

• intense loss up to baldness;

• excision along the entire length of the hair body;

• loss of volume.

To restore damaged strands to their former beauty, you need to have a good idea of ​​how to care for your hair at home.

A set of measures to restore curls includes a number of important points.

1. First of all, the damaged hair root should be restored. To do this, you will have to abandon the chemicals and procedures that are carried out at high temperatures that aggressively affect the follicles. These include, for example, staining and perm, tongs and curlers.

2. Stop using a hairdryer that drains the root and body of the hair. It is best to let the curls dry naturally, soaking them slightly with a towel.

3. Change the usual detergents for medicinal, made on the basis of herbs. They can be made independently. The easiest way is to add a few drops of vitamins from ampoules or essential oil to your favorite shampoo.

4. Use herbal decoctions to rinse the strands after washing.

5. 1-2 times a week to apply restoring masks to damaged hair. They can be bought or cooked at home.

6. Include in the diet foods rich in vitamins (especially E and group B), as well as vitamin complexes.

How to care for very long hair at home

Care for long hair depends on their type. Let's dwell on general recommendations.

1. Choose a shampoo for long hair of your type.

2. Be sure to comb the curls before washing (especially if they are thick). Otherwise, they will be very confused.

3. You can not comb wet strands, as over time they will become cut not only at the tips, but also along the entire length.

4. Since long hair is often dry at the ends, it is necessary to provide nutrition for them along the entire length. To do this, you can brush them 2-3 times a week with a brush with healing oils previously applied to it.

5. To strengthen the roots, use masks with honey, berries, fruits, green tea and olive oil.

Thus, curls of any type and length can look beautiful and healthy. To do this, you just need to properly care for hair at home.


Watch the video: How To Stop Grey & White Hair Naturally In 5 Minutes. SuperPrincessjo (July 2024).