Socks Baby Foot, or let your foot!


Each foot can support five times more weight than our body weight. Stop is like good rubber on a car. It allows us to maintain balance, walk, run and jump, extinguishing most of the blows and loads. Throughout life, the foot can withstand enormous loads, and the skin on it is thicker than anywhere else in our body.

Take, for example, women — charming, elegant, unusual, and unpredictable. They are created to be beautiful, and emphasizing their perfection, they love to walk in heels. As a result, body weight is redistributed unevenly, and all work of the foot is performed exclusively by the toe, corns and corns appear.

And what is better man? Which can take place in the same winter-spring-autumn and summer sneakers in addition, absolutely not caring about the comfort of their legs and neglecting the salon pedicure. Their lot is keratinized skin of the feet and rough heels, scratching even through socks.

What to do and how to live with it?

Japanese miracle

Japan is an ancient country with its own philosophy of life and a special attitude to its own comfort and health, erected in a cult. Perhaps that is why it was here that fantastic socks for home pedicure were invented for the first time in the world.

A few years ago, unique Baby Foot socks could be bought exclusively in Japan itself, and they made up a significant part of gifts returned from oriental tours. Today everything has changed.

The company "Scandy Line", which successfully operates in the Russian market, offering an effective line of protection against excessive sweating Dry Dry, has received the exclusive right to be the official distributor of ТМ Baby Foot in our country. Now we can use this unusual miracle remedy from Japan.

Eastern recipe and modern solutions

The secret of Baby Foot socks lies primarily in their special composition. In this tool, seventeen organic components - from the extract of medicinal sage and camellia to the infusion of meadowsweet and grapefruit oil.

The main component due to which the tremendous effect of exfoliating keratinized particles of the skin of the foot is achieved is fruit acids. A special place in the composition of Baby Foot ingredients is occupied by lactic acid, known even during the time of incomparable Cleopatra.

Socks you just need to put on and sit for two hours with your favorite book or watch a new movie in a cozy home environment. Then you go to the shower and wash off the gel-like composition from your feet. And here the fun begins. The effect of using Baby Foot socks will only be visible after a few days. First, small cracks will appear on the skin of the feet, which under the influence of warm water will form into shreds. Such patches of skin need to be delicately removed while taking a shower. You can speed up the process of cleansing keratinized skin using various scrubs. A little patience - and as a result you get perfectly smooth and delicate skin, as after a salon pedicure, with the only difference being that the effect of using Baby Foot socks will last much longer, the procedure is carried out at home and does not cost a lot of money.

Everything ingenious, as usual, is extremely simple, which the Japanese once again enchantingly proved, creating the first unique Baby Foot socks. Easy walk to you!


Watch the video: I Tried A Dead Skin Foot Peel (June 2024).