The meaning of the name Matvey


Name Matvey (Matthew, Matthew) has Hebrew roots and translates as God's man, the gift of Yahweh (God), bestowed from the Lord, God's gift, bestowed by the Lord. In meaning, it is similar to the names Ivan, Fedor and Bogdan.

Matvey Fedorovich Kazakov was an outstanding Russian architect and creator of the architectural appearance of Moscow of the 18-19th centuries. He built the well-known buildings of Moscow University, the Senate in the Kremlin, the Noble Assembly and many others.

Matvey - character traits

Usually little Matvey is a long-awaited child and his parents have high hopes for him. He grows up a healthy, strong and not capricious child. Matvey does not run through puddles and does not fight in the yard with the boys. He is also very honest: the change brought by Matvey from the store can not be counted.

She goes to school with diligence, but without much hobby. Having started to work, he is driven not by enthusiasm, but by a sense of duty. The adult Matvey is not so smooth in life as it was in childhood. He is devoid of ambitious plans, honest.

Sometimes it happens that suddenly fighting spirit wakes up at Matvey, it seems that he can sweep everything in his path, but also instantly calms down and returns to his former calm life. Peacekeeping in Matvey in the blood. He simply does not tolerate conflict situations and feels sick when he has to be their participant or witness. Matvey lives in complete accordance with his firm moral principles, he has a well-developed intuition, and he relies heavily on it.

Matvey - name compatibility

The alliance of Matvey with Glafira, Aksinya, Cleopatra, Iraida, Martha, Mavra, Thekla and Matrona is favorable. More complicated relationships are likely with Inna, Angela, Polina. Leila and Roxanne.

Matvey - famous people who bore this name

The name Matvey is from Ganopolsky, Blanter, Anichkin, Manizer, Kazakov, Dmitriev-Mamonov, Shishkov and Platov.

Matvey - interesting facts about the name

- zodiac sign named Matthew - scorpio;
- color - light brown;
- planet - Pluto;
- animal - scorpion;
- plant - nut;
- mineral - chiastolite.


Julie 04/15/2016
A friend grows up a little Matvey. Such a child! Very affectionate, kind, compassionate and impossibility. Developed beyond years. Already reflecting on serious topics, trying to understand the meaning of things. Just a unique baby!

Tanya 04/15/2016
I understand such people very well. I myself feel sick if they drag me, even indirectly, into a conflict. It is very difficult, it is simply impossible to live. Rudeness is present almost everywhere. If there were more such Matveyes, the world would become much better!

Jeannette 04/15/2016
Something seemed to me that Matvey was so ... very passive. That is, peacekeeping is wonderful, but simply ignoring conflicts does not eradicate the essence of scandals and rudeness. Of course, not everyone can be ardent activists ... Although, what good is the liability, I also do not know.

Now so many parents, so to speak, are reviving old, forgotten names. And Matvey also began to be born. With such qualities as described in the article, it is very good that there will be more Matveev. Everyone is tired of all sorts of macho guys and tough guys.

Little thing 04/15/2016
Almost perfect child))) No, really, where can you find a child who does not like to run through puddles ?! Duty ... I have not heard such a motivation from anyone for a long time. Matveev, apparently, almost no more ... And honesty is no longer in vogue, unfortunately.


Watch the video: How to pronounce Matvey RussianRussia - (July 2024).