Mongolia - recreation, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Mongolia is a country in Central Asia with a population of about 2.8 million. Its closest neighbors are China and the Russian Federation. Mongols predominate among the population of the country (85% of the population), and its ethnic composition is also represented by Darkhat, Sartul, Khoton, Buryat, Torgut, Mongang, Kharachin, Kazakh, Kyrgyz and other groups.

The main language in Mongolia is Mongolian. Interestingly, more than a quarter of the country's population speaks Russian and understands it, since many representatives of the older generation studied in the Soviet Union or Russia. In addition, since 2007, the Russian language has been included in the compulsory curriculum in Mongolian schools.

The official religion of Mongolia, which is professed by more than 90% of the population, is Buddhism. The main currency in the country is Tugrik.

Mongolia - the capital and major cities

The capital of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar, which began its annals in 1639, being at that time a Buddhist monastery. Today, modern high-rise buildings coexist here with yurts located right in the center of the city, and residents of the capital with equal success move along its streets both by car and on horseback. In the capital of Mongolia, one of the most distinctive in Asia, about 712 yews live. person. Ulan Bator produces about half of the country's gross industrial output.

It is worth saying that in Mongolia, together with Ulan Bator, there are only 26 cities, among which, except the capital, Darhan and Erdenet are considered large. In these three cities, 63% of the country's urban population is concentrated.

Mongolia - holidays and tours

Mongolia is very popular with lovers of eco-tourism. It attracts tourists, first of all, with the opportunity to touch the eternal and preserved in a natural state of nature and harmonize their mental state, as well as get acquainted with the ethnic culture of the Mongolian villages, live at tourist camps in felt yurts, taste the national Mongolian cuisine, travel on foot and on foot horseback riding or enjoy excellent fishing or hunting.

Tours to Mongolia are also interesting for history buffs, because they provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in a completely different culture, visit the ancient monuments of the country, wander through the ruins of the ancient Mongolian cities and feel the spirit of the homeland of the legendary Genghis Khan.

For lovers of outdoor activities in Mongolia, there are also interesting entertainments: safaris, rafting, travel through the legendary Gobi desert.

Mongolia - Attractions

Like any other capital, Ulaanbaatar has a large number of memorable places and attractions. First of all, it is worth seeing the monument and the mausoleum of the national hero of Mongolia Sukhbaatar, the Peace bell located in the central square of the city, the Winter Palace of Bogdykhan, the last emperor of Mongolia, the “Khan’s headquarters” and her famous sculptures of the goddess Tara, the largest operating monastery of the country of Gandan and the temple of Genrai Singh, the Palace of Culture and the Art Gallery, the House of Parliament. Being in the Mongolian capital, you should definitely visit its many unique museums: the Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of History and Natural History, the National Museum of History, the Museum of Art, the Museum of Ulan Bator, the Museum of National Toys, the Military Museum, the Public Library and others.

Many also seek to see unique Buddhist monasteries in Mongolia; mountain reserve Bogdo-Ula (Holy Mountain); excavation site of Karakoram, which was the capital of the Mongol Empire in the 13th-16th centuries. In the Mongolian steppes, one can see runic steles dating from the VI-VIII centuries, which are tombstones of the Turkic Khagans and commanders.

And yet, the main attraction of this country is its nature. The most famous natural attractions of Mongolia - a powerful waterfall near the Orkhon River; unique cemeteries of fossil animals living in the Jurassic and Cretaceous period in the Gobi desert; Hubsugul Lake, the deepest in Central Asia; four mountain peaks located around the capital, which are holy places for the Mongols.

Mongolia - weather (climate)

Mongolia has a continental climate, with harsh winters and dry, hot summers. In Ulan Bator, one of the coldest capitals of the world, in summer the temperature is from 25 ° С to 35 ° С, in winter - 25 ° С-35 ° С.

Weather in Mongolia now:

Mongolia - Cuisine

Mongolian cuisine is characterized by a persistent commitment to national traditions, and we can say that it has reached modernity in the form in which it existed dozens of centuries ago. It is characterized by an abundance of meat (mainly lamb, less often beef, horsemeat), and also prepare dishes from the meat of yaks, saigas and other domestic animals. The meat is eaten boiled, dried, baked, dried. Among the traditional national Mongolian dishes are boiled meat “horkhog”, fried stern meat “bodedog”, fried goat’s chestnut, which is baked directly in the skin, boiled sheep’s fat, groundhog tarbagan meat (we do not recommend it to tourists) since you can get one of the many infectious diseases carried by the marmot), and many more other dishes.

Also in Mongolia, dairy products are very popular. Locals will certainly treat you to koumiss, fermented baked milk “tarag”, dried cottage cheese “arul”, cheese “byaslag”, traditional milk froths, soft cheeses and many other tasty and healthy dishes.

For the preparation of flour products, unleavened dough baked in a pan or in ash is used. Of the plant foods, the Mongols prefer rice and legumes, using wild herbs, roots and berries (mountain ash, bird cherry), and spices as seasonings.

The Mongols' favorite drinks are koumiss, Ayran sour milk and Mongolian tea prepared according to the original recipe (with milk, salt, butter, and sometimes even with toasted flour, but without sugar). Alcoholic beverages are represented by vodka “archi” from mare’s milk, homemade “airag” (also milk) and other drinks.

Mongolia - interesting facts

Since ancient times, the Mongols led a nomadic lifestyle, and for many modern descendants of Genghis Khan, it remains relevant. Even in the capital, many people live in yurts that are easily moved from place to place. For many Mongolians, the words “my address is neither a house nor a street” are a description of their way of life. The rules of conduct in the yurt are quite complicated, therefore, tourists when visiting it should be guided by the actions of the owner.

The Mongols are very hospitable, they like to receive and treat guests here. Any request of a guest of the country for help provokes an active response, but you do not need to try to thank the locals for the help with money - you can offend them. Sincere gratitude will be received much better.

Having met on the street a pile of stones, over which a strip of cloth is tied, you do not need to talk loudly in this place, and even more so - touch this structure. Thus, the Mongols mark their sacred places - "ovo".

Staying in Mongolia, you need to be very careful about the local water, which must necessarily boil. Before the trip, it is strongly recommended that you be vaccinated against plague and cholera, as well as preventive measures against typhoid, meningitis, rabies, and hepatitis C. Medicine in Mongolia is well developed, but the system of international health insurance is not working here. If necessary, an ambulance will be provided free of charge, but subsequent treatment will need to be paid.

In Mongolia, telephone service is poorly developed, even in the capital, public telephones are a rare occurrence, and they are concentrated in hotels and post offices. You can exchange currency in cities, but to pay for goods and services with a credit card - only in the capital.

Mongolia - visa application

To visit Mongolia, a visa is required, which can be obtained by contacting the Embassy of Mongolia in Russia. For a tourist trip, you need a category “J” visa, which can be issued with a valid passport by submitting the necessary documents to the consulate and paying a consular fee of $ 50. Its validity period is 3 months from the date of issue; it allows you to stay in the country for up to 30 days.

Mongolia - Embassy

The Mongolian Embassy in Moscow is located at 11. Borisoglebsky Lane. You can call there by calling (495) 290-67-92, (495) 290-64-81, (495) 290-30-61, (495) 291-61 -71 (fax).

Map of mongolia


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