When tilting, headache: possible diagnoses. If headache hurts when tilting: how to find out the cause and cure it


Leaning headache can occur for a variety of reasons.

Most often, it signals the development of various pathologies in the body, so it is very important to pay attention to it on time.

Let us consider in more detail why headache hurts when tilting and how to get rid of this unpleasant symptom.

Headache hurts when leaning: non-medical reasons

Such factors can provoke headaches when tilting:

• strong nervous overstrain;

• stresses;

• protracted depression;

• chronic fatigue;

• alcohol or drug addiction;

• taking certain groups of drugs (pain occurs as adverse reactions in the body);

• fear;

• inhalation of tobacco smoke;

• hangover syndrome;

• pungent odors;

• sounds too loud;

• insufficiently active lifestyle;

• smoking;

• malnutrition;

• exhaustion of the body;

• chronic lack of sleep.

Headache hurts when tilted: medical causes and symptoms

Most often, pain when bending in the head occurs due to the progression of such diseases:

1. Sinusitis - This is a strong inflammation in the paranasal sinuses. It occurs due to untreated flu or a viral infection of the respiratory tract, which gave complications. There are several forms of sinusitis:

• frontal sinusitis (inflammation of the ethmoid sinus);

• sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinus);

• sphenoiditis (inflammation of the sphenoid sinus).

You can distinguish sinusitis and its types by the following additional symptoms:

• a feeling of pressure in the forehead, temples, or eyes;

• purulent or mucous discharge from the nose, especially in the morning;

• increased body temperature;

• pain in the face during palpation;

• sharp pains in the head when bending and aching - when staying in a supine position;

• weakness and fatigue;

• chills;

• fever.

2. Hypertension is a disease characterized by high blood pressure. Often it is chronic. Symptoms of hypertension are:

• sharp jumps in blood pressure, which can occur after nerve stress, stress or physical exertion;

• shortness of breath;

• pain (burning sensation) in the neck;

• dizziness;

• weakness.

In addition, hypertensive patients are often overweight.

It is important to know that hypertension needs to be treated, since when neglected, it can easily provoke the development of a stroke.

3. Migraine - This is a condition that develops as a result of stress, chronic fatigue, or a genetic predisposition. People suffering from migraines complain of the following symptoms:

• lacrimation;

• immunity of too bright color;

• nasal congestion;

• chronic headaches, which intensify when it is tilted;

• thirst;

• swelling of the limbs and face due to drinking too much fluid;

• irritability.

4. Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae often arises from a sedentary lifestyle or sedentary work. It can cause such symptoms in a person:

• crunch in the neck;

• discomfort in the head after bending or physical activity;

• aching pain in the head, extending to the shoulders and arms.

5. Allergic reactions can cause pain in the neck and head when it is tilted. Usually, this condition develops after a person accepts a “dangerous” product for him or stays close to an allergen (wool, pollen, etc.). Along with allergic pain, he may also experience lacrimation, eye pain, laryngeal edema, or a rash. This condition requires immediate medical treatment.

6. Diseases of the cervical vertebrae often provoke pain in the head when tilting. Most often, such diseases contribute to this: spondylitis, subluxation, sprain of muscles or ligaments of the neck.

7. Drafts and curvature of the spine (if left untreated) will progress every year and cause acute pain attacks when the head is tilted.

8. Long stay in the same position may impair blood circulation and cause numbness and pain in the head when tilted.

9. Severe intoxication (poisoning) in the body can cause headache when tilted.

10. The so-called tensile painthat occurs against a background of stress. At the same time, a person develops a fainting state, his body tenses up, and the mind cannot work clearly. Such symptoms are very dangerous because they can take a person by surprise (while driving a car, etc.). This type of pain is treated with various sedative drugs, as well as antidepressants.

11. Inflammation in the vessels of the brainas well as vascular atherosclerosis.

12. Temporal arteritisIn addition to headaches, it can provoke depression, weight loss, sleep disturbance and increased blood pressure. This condition is typical for the elderly, as well as for those who often suffer from various infectious diseases and weakened immunity.

13. Cluster pain usually manifested in men. It has a periodic nature and is accompanied by shortness of breath and runny nose. In this case, the man feels a breakdown. This condition can lead to lack of air and loss of consciousness. It occurs due to strong psychological pressure or overstrain.

14. Pain in tilting the head can also cause high intracranial pressure, which is localized in one of the areas of the brain. In this case, a person may have impaired speech, coordination of movements, and vision. In addition, he may develop vomiting.

When tilting, headache: diagnosis and treatment

If you experience headaches, you should contact the following doctors:

• neuropathologist;

• cardiologist;

• traumatologist;

• ENT doctor;

• therapist.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the following diagnostic procedures:

• CT scan of the head;

• MRI;

• allergy test;

• general blood analysis;

• general urine analysis;

• abdominal ultrasound;

• cardiogram (if necessary).

The treatment of headaches always depends on the specific diagnosis that has been made to the patient. Based on the characteristics of the disease, a comprehensive course of treatment is prescribed for each person (individually).

Consider methods of treating the most common diseases that cause pain in the head:

1. If a person was diagnosed with sinusitis, then treatment involves the use of such methods:

• use of an air humidifier;

• inhalation with essential oils;

• the use of nasal sprays with hormones and antibiotics;

• use of nasal corticosteroids (fluticasone, beclomethasone, beclomethasone);

• use of antihistamines (Zirtek, Fexofenadine).

If drug therapy did not help get rid of the symptoms of sinusitis, then in this case the patient will undergo surgical treatment (removal of polyps, pumping out pus, etc.).

2. For the treatment of tensive pain in the head, analgesics and various anti-inflammatory oral drugs must be used. Also, a person is recommended to walk more in the fresh air and play sports.

3. For the treatment of temporal arteritis, it is necessary to use steroids in order to restore patency in the vessels and relieve them of inflammation.

4. High intracranial pressure is effectively treated surgically, since only the operation can completely get rid of the hematoma.

5. If the headache was caused by high blood pressure, then various vascular drugs are prescribed to the patient.

6. If the pain in the head was provoked by diseases of the spine or neck, then in this case it is necessary to do massage, conduct therapeutic exercises and various physiotherapeutic procedures. In more advanced cases, the patient may be prescribed painkillers, anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective drugs.

7. If headache was caused by severe stress or nervous exhaustion, then a person needs to take soothing medications. In severe depression, antidepressants are prescribed.

8. In case of allergies, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen and take anti-allergic drugs with quick action.

Headache hurts when leaning: prevention

In order to prevent the development of headaches when tilting, it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

1. Avoid stress and nervous strain.

2. Refuse bad habits (smoking, drinking).

3. In time, pay attention to the symptoms of diseases and treat them (especially with regard to the manifestations of sinusitis and high blood pressure).

4. Lead an active lifestyle (often walk in the fresh air, do fitness, run or swim).

5. Have a full eight-hour sleep.

6. Eat right.


Watch the video: Dr. Mark Green on Migraine Triggers (July 2024).