Save time and money - whip up second courses. Extraordinary recipes of the second whip up: to the housewives


Whether your family returned from a camping trip, or from a suburban outing to the cottage.

The cook was late at work, or there is another reason.

But a quick second course is the same thing that you have to cook often and here any variety is appropriate.

Well, if there is a ready-made side dish, then the time will go even less.

But, otherwise, it is possible without wasting unnecessary efforts to quickly set the table with mouth-watering dishes.

Another such nice feature of “fast” dishes is that they use a little dishes. Usually this is a frying pan and a couple of bowls, which means there will be less washing.

The second in a hurry - the general principles of preparation

• Since we select the second dishes according to the principle of speed of preparation, then the recipes should be simple. First of all, no "complex" products, if possible, and technologies, too.

• Potatoes, rice, chicken pulp are best. You can use semi-finished products and partially finished products - canned food.

• Meat in fast food is usually fried without breading at maximum temperature. But minced meat is rarely used, except in the form of semi-finished meatballs or meatballs.

• "Fast" dishes have their own special advantages. So, greens in them are almost not processed thermally. And this equally saves time and stores vitamins in a dish.

The second dish in a hurry - scrambled eggs "Nomad"


• 8 eggs;

• salted fat - 120 gr.;

• tomatoes - 3 pcs. large, very ripe;

• green onions - half a bunch;

• smoked sausage, thin in a natural shell - 100 g .;

• stew pork, beef - a can of 250 ml .;

• butter, unsalted butter - table. spoon;

• hard cheese - any, can be feta cheese, 150 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Lard and sausage cut into small cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm spread on a large plate. Set the microwave to medium power and warm the lard with sausage for 4 minutes.

2. In the melted lard and fat from the can, heat the stew over medium heat.

3. Remove the pieces of meat from the pan, and instead place the coarsely chopped tomatoes. Cover with a lid and at maximum heat bring the juice to complete evaporation.

4. Put sausage, cracklings, stew in a pan and mix, distribute on the surface so that free places for eggs are formed.

5. In each "hole" add a little butter, pour the eggs and sprinkle with grated cheese together.

6. Under the lid, bring the eggs to readiness. Serve abundantly sprinkled with chopped green onions.

The second whip up - "Fast roast wings"


• 500 gr. chilled chicken wings

• potatoes - 2.5 kilograms

• three carrots;

• lard - a tablespoon;

• rast. oil - 0.25 cups;

• a small head of garlic;

• fragrant peppers - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the wings, let them drain and grind over an open flame. Cut into halves.

2. Melt the lard in a separate pan and fry the wings on high heat. Pull them constantly with a spatula, preventing them from sticking and burning.

3. Peel, wash, and divide the potatoes into 2 parts. Cut one half into large slices, pour boiling water and put on medium heat until half cooked. Cut the remaining potatoes into centimeter cubes and divide approximately evenly.

4. Fry a portion of small potatoes in vegetable oil at maximum heating until a crispy crust. Take out the potatoes and fry the onions in the same oil.

5. Remove the slices of potato from the broth with a slotted spoon and set it aside, and bring the broth to a boil again. Dip the carrot sticks and the remaining potatoes in it. Cook until half cooked, remove and mash the broth, do not drain.

6. In a large pot, lay in layers: large potato wedges; wings fried onion; boiled potato cubes with carrots; fried potatoes.

7. Sprinkle with pepper, slightly deepen the peeled garlic cloves in the roast, add salt. Put on moderate heat, carefully pour 0.5 liters along the walls. boiling water and potato broth so that the liquid does not appear on the surface.

8. Cover with a lid and incubate with medium heating for 15 minutes, guided by the softening of large potato wedges. Shuffle.

The second dish in a hurry - "Pilaf with mussels"


• 300 gr. mussels;

• long-grain rice - 100 gr.;

• 1 onion;

• medium carrot;

• to taste - black pepper, ground turmeric.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion into quarters of rings, chop the carrots with thin strips. Fry 3 minutes in a pan in a small amount of refined oil.

2. Add thawed washed mussels. Stir and continue to fry.

3. After 5 minutes, pour rice rinsed until clean. Season with turmeric, salt and pepper to taste.

4. Pour boiling water into the pan so that the water covers the rice by 2 cm. Cover and let simmer until cooked.

5. At the end of cooking, stir the dish well and let stand for 10 minutes.

"Home-style potatoes" - the second whip up


• 600 grams of potatoes;

• 50 ml of vegetable oil;

• head of white onion;

• garlic - 3 teeth;

• 100 grams of boiled ham;

• 1 tomato.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and boil the potatoes almost until ready in slightly salty water. Drain the broth, cool and cut into thin round slices.

2. In oil, lightly fry half rings of onion with finely chopped garlic. Add the chopped ham.

3. After two minutes, report small cubes of tomato. Salt to taste and hold over medium heat until the tomatoes give juice.

4. Add sliced ​​potatoes and grind. Cook in the same mode until the potatoes soften.

5. Serve hot with fresh or pickled vegetables, salad.

The second dish in a hurry - potato "drachana" with smoked chicken breast


• one kilogram of potatoes;

• fresh fat - 50 grams;

• 100 grams of cooked sausage;

• 150 grams of smoked chicken breast;

• large onion head;

• a tablespoon of ground white crackers;

• a spoon of flour;

• two small pinches of baking soda.

Cooking method:

1. Grate raw potatoes with a coarse grater. Add finely chopped onions and chopped medium-sized pieces of lard.

2. Present the julienne sausage and chicken breast. Pour in wheat flour, soda. Add a little salt and mix well.

3. Put the mass on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top.

4. Bake for half an hour, at 180 degrees.

5. Serve with sour cream.

The second whip in the slow cooker - "Pork with vegetables"


• 400 grams of pork (pulp);

• 1 carrot;

• large onion;

• two bell peppers;

• 100 grams of green beans;

• 50 ml of tomato sauce;

• 1 tsp starch;

• two ripe tomatoes;

• three cloves of garlic;

• broccoli - 60 gr.;

• 50 ml of soy (light) sauce;

• to taste spices.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the carrots into slices, the pulp of bell pepper and tomatoes into small pieces. Assort broccoli by inflorescences, and finely chop the onion.

2. Wash the pork well, dry and cut into small cubes.

3. Turn on the processor in the "Frying" mode. Pour two tablespoons of oil into the cooking bowl, put the onion. Fry until it is lightly browned.

4. Put pork to the onion and cook for 20 minutes, until half cooked.

5. Dip all the vegetables into the meat bowl and mix well.

6. In soy sauce, dilute starch. Add tomato sauce and pour the mixture into the bowl. Put spices squeezed garlic. Mix everything properly and continue cooking in the "Extinguishing" mode, setting the timer for 20 minutes.

The second dish whipped up - a recipe for a hearty potato casserole with meatballs


• potatoes - 700 gr.;

• three large carrots;

• one small onion head;

• two cloves of garlic;

• 650 gr. mixed (pork and beef) minced meat;

• 100 gr. polished long grain rice;

• cream 22% - 300 ml;

• one chicken egg and yolk;

• a teaspoon of lemon peel, finely grated;

• 1 small pinch of nutmeg powder;

• bread crumbs white - 2 large spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the rice well and boil it until tender in brackish water. Strain the broth, rinse the rice thoroughly again and leave to dry in a colander.

2. Mix the minced meat with boiled rice, finely chopped garlic and chopped onions. The finer the onion is chopped, the juicier the meatballs will be. Add the breadcrumbs first and then the lemon zest. Pepper to your taste, slightly salt. Add the chicken egg to the minced meat and knead well, gently beating on the table.

3. Moisten your hands with water and form small meatballs about the size of a walnut from the prepared meat.

4. Grate the carrots coarsely, or form cubes in a different way. Cut peeled potatoes into thin circles.

5. Put a layer of potatoes in a well greased form (vegetable oil or margarine). Lay grated carrots on top of it, on top of which lay the prepared meatballs.

6. Introduce the yolk into the cream, add the nutmeg, pepper to taste, salt and beat well until smooth. Pour the creamy mixture into the form of vegetables with meatballs.

7. On top of the mold, lay the foil sheet, gently pressing the edges hanging down to the container, for tightness.

8. Bake the dish in the oven at 200 degrees 50 minutes.

The second dish in a hurry - "Chicken Julien in a bun"


• 4 medium round rolls;

• one boiled ham;

• onion - 2 heads;

• 150 grams of 20% sour cream;

• hard or semi-hard cheese - 200 grams;

• a teaspoon of white flour of the first grade.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the onions with thin half rings. In well warmed vegetable oil, fry it until transparent. Add flour, mix and remove from heat.

2. Remove the skin from the boiled legs and sort the meat into fibers. Rub cheese into small crumbs.

3. On each bun, cut off the top with a knife. Carefully remove the crumb so that only a centimeter thick wall remains.

4. In each such “pot” put onions, chicken, fried with flour, and fill with sour cream.

5. Add a little salt, ground pepper and mix gently. Sprinkle with chopped cheese on top.

6. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees until the cheese melts.

The second whip in the slow cooker - chicken with vegetables "Fireworks"


• two chicken legs;

• a small onion head;

• one bell pepper;

• five medium potatoes;

• three cloves of garlic;

• olive or other highly purified oil - 50 ml;

• to taste table salt, thyme, ground pepper;

• 50 ml of white wine;

• a small bunch of salad.

Cooking method:

1. In a large bowl, put onion chopped in half rings. Cut the pulp of sweet pepper into large strips and send to the onion.

2. Add garlic chopped with a knife and large potato wedges here. Pour olive oil over everything.

3. Season the vegetables with salt, thyme and ground pepper.

4. Put the chicken legs in the vegetable mixture and mix well. Soak for 10 minutes.

5. Transfer vegetables with legs to the bowl and cook for 40 minutes by setting the option “Baking” on the processor.

6. Change the cooking mode to "Extinguishing". Pour the wine into the cooking cup and bring to readiness within 10 minutes.

7. Put spinach leaves on a plate. Lay vegetables on top of the leaves. Put a leg on top and pour everything with vegetable sauce.

The second in a hurry - tricks and useful tips

• If you have 10 minutes left and a device such as a pickle, do not forget to use it.

• Meat, be sure to cook to reduce cooking time. Cut into large pieces about 2 cm thick, and carefully beat with the tip of a heavy knife across the fibers. The strokes should be sharp and strong, but the layer of meat should not break through. With a little dexterity, this is not difficult at all.

• Even if it is not directly indicated in the recipe, almost all of the listed dishes can be cooked in a slow cooker.

• Covering the dish with a special plastic cap, and putting it instead of putting it out into the microwave, you can save another ten minutes.


Watch the video: How To Bake A Cake How To Make A Cake From Scratch At Home (June 2024).