June 6: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 6th.


Holidays June 6

Russian language day

Russia is a multinational state in which hundreds of nationalities speak their languages. But the language of interethnic communication for all is the Russian language, the celebration of which takes place every year on June 6. This date was not chosen by chance, because on that day the greatest Russian prose writer and poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, one of the creators of the literary Russian language, was born. Events held in all regions of the country are aimed at drawing attention to the status of the Russian language as a cultural asset. It is the language of not only a great culture, it serves not only for comfortable communication between people of different nationalities and faiths. Its development is also a factor in the development of cultures of all the peoples inhabiting Russia. This holiday is celebrated not only in the Russian Federation, but also at the UN. After all, Russian is one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations. In addition to the Russian language, it is also French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and English, each of which has its own day in the year.

June 6th in the folk calendar

This day the people called Nikita Stolpnik, in honor of the Monk Nikita, who lived in the 12th century in Pereyaslavl Zalessky. He was responsible for collecting and storing taxes collected from residents of the city. He was a rather tough and merciless tax collector, fleecing the townspeople literally. Once in a church, he heard the voice of a prophet, and he received insight. He took the tonsure and went to the monks. He led a humble life, which he spent in prayers and repentance. He dug a large hole, laid heavy shackles upon himself, like the ancient pillars, and spent all nights and days in this stone well, begging forgiveness from God for committed sins. His prayers were heard. Forgiveness and the divine gift of healing were sent to him, which he used until his last days, helping the suffering and the weak.

On June 6, special attention was paid to the dogrose, as it was called then, to the free-growing tree. It was at this time that he was blooming. They came to the flowering bush in order to relieve spiritual burden and calm the mind. Often, small children would sit under blooming rose hips, telling them various stories and tales. Such a simple rite helped protect them from fear. Rosehip was considered not only a symbol of love, youth, beauty, but also had healing properties. Its crushed petals were applied to wounds, or brewed with honey and tea. Such a drink gave additional energy, gave strength and cleaned the blood.

Historical events on June 6

June 6, 1664 New Amsterdam changed its name to New York

This place was called New Amsterdam by the Dutch who arrived in America in 1621 and settled on the coastal territory. The day when their journey from Europe to the New World ended successfully, they began to celebrate as Thanksgiving. The locals, the Indians, welcomed them cordially and treated them to an unprecedented game for Europeans - a turkey. It was this bird that became the obligatory dish served on Thanksgiving table. The settlement of New Amsterdam in 1653. received the status of a city. After 11 years, it was renamed New York. Now it is one of the world's largest megacities, which has the unspoken name "capital of the world."

June 6, 1957 the first large Detsky Mir store was opened in Moscow, selling goods exclusively for children

It was the largest store in Europe where you could buy any children's goods or toys for children, from birth to the age of 14. This Central Children's Supermarket, which was located on Lubyanka, was built in three years. Its total area was about 55 thousand square meters. m., of which about half accounted for trading premises. The feature that distinguished it from the previously built children's department stores was not only its large size, but also its large central platform and high glass openings.

June 6, 2012 The legendary Soviet, Russian hockey player Vladimir Krutov (born 1960) died

We can say that Vladimir Krutov began to practice hockey from the age of 4, when he first started skating. Already at the age of 17 he made his debut in the CSKA team. At first he played in a bunch of three together with Larionov and Makarov. After 3 years, coach Viktor Tikhonov created the legendary five players, when two more hockey players - Vyacheslav Fetisov and Alexei Kasatonov - were added to the famous three. It is this composition that is rightfully considered to be “gold”, which brought victory to its team, playing for the USSR national team. Vladimir Krutov is a two-time Olympic champion, a five-time world champion, and a multiple champion of the USSR. Spent 90 matches, speaking at the world championships and the Olympic Games for the USSR national team, in which he scored 59 goals.

Born on June 6

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799 - 1837), a brilliant Russian poet

The future poet was born in Moscow. His great-grandfather, on the mother's side, was Abram Petrovich Hannibal, an African by birth. He was a servant and pupil of Peter I himself, who gave him education. Subsequently, Hannibal became a military engineer, who rose to the rank of general. In childhood, Alexander was a restless child, about which his grandmother was very lamented. She also noted his laziness to study, but a great desire to read books. His poetic gift was opened at Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, where Pushkin spent six years. Even then, he created numerous poetic works. Over the course of his life, he has created an unlimited number of poems, tales, poems, prose, many of which have become classics. These are “Eugene Onegin”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “Gypsies”, fairy tales - “About the Golden Fish”, “Tsar Saltan”, “The Golden Cockerel”, “The Young Lady-Peasant” and many other works. He died at the age of 37, having received a mortal wound in a duel with Dantes.

Bari Alibasov (born 1947), Soviet, Russian musician, producer

The first collective that Bari Alibasov organized and started producing was the Integral group, which the musician organized in the 1960s. The first experiment was not entirely successful, because this team was never able to conquer the peaks of musical charts. “Na-na” group became the most successful experiment, thanks to which both the collective and its producer became famous. The group of four guys, for almost 15 years, gathered full stadiums and conquered the peaks of musical Olympus. Bari Alibasov is not only a talented person, but also a great original. In 2010 jokingly organized his own funeral, or rather their rehearsal. Close friends and participants of his favorite brainchild - the Na-na group were invited to have fun. They remembered which Bari Karimovich was a wonderful person, and also made fiery speeches.

Vladimir Levkin (born 1967), Russian singer, former member of the famous group "Na-na"

On June 6, Vladimir Levkin, the former main soloist of the Na-na group, celebrates his birthday, the idol of the youth of the 90s. He was a member of the very first and most stellar cast. Which, in addition to Levkin, included Vyacheslav Zherebkin, Vladimir Asimov and Vladimir Politov. Vladimir Levkin graduated from the directing department of GITIS, which he entered in 1996. Since 1998, when he ended the contract with the group, he independently engaged in his creative activities. For a long time he was confined to a hospital bed when he was suddenly struck by a serious ailment. After a successful operation in 2003, his health recovered. He returned to the stage and is engaged in a solo career.

Name day on June 6

Nikita, Semyon, Ivan, Fedor, Stepan


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).