May 10: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 10th.


Holidays May 10

Appearance of the Icon of the Mother of God

The Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Holy Face of the Virgin "Life-giving Spring" annually. The icon is named after the church of Constantinople, erected during the reign of Emperor Leo I. According to legend, the site for the construction of the temple was not accidental, it was at its foot that there was a sacred spring with healing waters, which, according to the legend, was fed by the Virgin Mary. On the icon, the Mother of God and her baby are sealed above a huge bowl standing in the very heart of the reservoir. And around are people who seek to receive the long-awaited cure for bodily ailments. All of them use life-giving water from the source and receive healing.

In the fifteenth century, the temple "Life-giving Spring" was destroyed by Muslims, and healing waters at its foot were covered with darkness. Soon, a small church was built at this place, but over time, it collapsed. Then the Christians cleared the holy place from the ruins and rediscovered the path to the life-giving source. The Orthodox soon decided to rebuild the church, and in 1835 Patriarch Constantine consecrated it with great triumph. An almshouse and a free hospital were also built at the temple, where all the suffering were received.

Name Day of the Earth

May 10 is considered the birthday of the Earth. The holiday, of course, has nothing to do with the Earth Day global event, but pursues identical goals - to draw people's attention to the serious problems of our planet. It is believed that today the earth is resting, it should never be disturbed (digging, planting, harrowing, sticking stakes, etc.). In pagan Russia, Makosh and Veles, who were earthly intercessors, were especially honored on this day. In ancient times, people held a special rite - they fed mother earth and always watered it with beer, pouring the drink into fields and furrows. At the same time, certain spells were cast. After them they put an ear to the ground and asked her to tell about the future. If a person managed to hear the mother’s answer, he took a handful of earth from this place, put it in a bag specially made for this purpose, and kept it at home as a talisman.

May 10 in the folk calendar

Semenov day (Semen Ranopashets)

Every year on May 10, the Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of Semen (Simeon), a relative of the Lord - the great martyr and one of the apostles of seventy. The saint preached the Word of Christ for most of his life, guiding the “lost” on the true path. After the assassination of the Jerusalem bishop Jacob, Semyon was elected in his place. During the reign of Trajan, who was a fierce persecutor of Christianity, Semen was seized and, after much torture, was crucified on the cross. In those days, this execution was the most shameful and painful.

In Russia, the great martyr was called a ranopasse, because by this time the peasants were in full swing working on plowing. In the northern and central regions it was called early. It is not for nothing that the people said a proverb about this: "Sooner Pasha, and the harvest will be good!". Hurry, hurry, and hurry up too with the mind: sowing bread, for example, was taken only in the earth warmed by the sun. And to determine her readiness to take the grain, palms were laid on the ground. If they withstand five minutes and do not freeze much, it means you could safely get to work.

This day in Russia was also associated with an unusual sign that forbade peasants to sing songs for whole days. If someone violated this tradition - not to see his family a lot of bread this year.

Historical events of May 10

May 10, 1917 - Establishment of the Russian Book Chamber

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Russia was one of the leading book publishing powers. But the entire book industry rested on royal power. After the 1917 revolution, the Main Press Directorate was abolished by the Provisional Government, and in its place a new bibliographic institution, called the "Russian Book Chamber", was formed. The government also distributed the main functions of this institution, the main of which was the registration of all current press in Russia.

In 1920, the government reorganized the Chamber into the Russian Central Book Chamber and transferred it to Moscow. In 1936, the bibliographic institution underwent another transformation (became the All-Union Book Chamber), and in 1992 it returned to its original name. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the functions of the central bibliography, which carried out archival storage of publications of all types, were relieved of her. Today, the Russian Book Chamber is not just a state bibliographic center, but also the largest research institute in Russia.

May 10, 1956 - Abolition in the Soviet Union of tuition fees in high school

Today, every citizen of Russia receives a free secondary education, but, unfortunately, this was not always the case. In October 1940, a decree was issued that now the education in high school and universities of the USSR should be paid. The fee, according to the law, was made once a year. The amount of payments was not criminal and rather corresponded to the average wage in the Soviet Union. However, even such an amount blocked the possibility for most Soviet citizens to continue their education after seventh grade. This was especially true for those who worked on the collective farm. The result of the reform turned out to be very unsatisfactory: the number of full-fledged school graduates and people entering higher educational institutions fell significantly, and the CPSU Central Committee decided to abolish tuition fees. It happened on May 10, 1956.

May 10 were born

Claude Rouge de Lille (1760 - 1836) - French military engineer, poet, composer. The author of the hymn "Marseillaise", which sounded on the lands of France during the period of the June unrest, and during the February Revolution. However, it was finally approved (in the status of a national anthem) in the late 1880s.

Thomas Lipton (1850 - 1931) - the founder of the well-known tea company Lipton. From a young age, he worked with his parents on a small family business. The young man set sail, reaching America, tried to get rich. With 180 pounds in his pocket, Lipton opened his own business in Glasgow. The profit was small, but it was enough to go to Ceylon and buy up a couple of tea plantations. Soon, Thomas made a real tea revolution. From now on, tea was produced using new technologies and sold in beautiful packaging, so that the product has gained wide popularity around the world.

Vladislav Listev (1956 - 1995) - a famous television journalist. Glory came to him after the broadcast of the television program “Vzglyad”. Soon Listyev, together with his colleagues, founded the Vid company, which was engaged in the design of television programs for Channel One. In February 1995, Listyev held a meeting to declare a moratorium on advertising, and a week and a half later, the journalist was shot dead in the entrance of the house where he lived. The killers were never found. In 2005, the case was closed after the statute of limitations.

Name Day May 10

Namedays are celebrated on this day: Nikolay, Ivan, Peter, Anastasia, Sergey, Pavel, Semyon, Stepan, Anton, Antonina, Isidore, Maria.


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