Thrombocytopenia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Thrombocytopenia They call the decrease in blood the number of platelets, colorless blood cells, which are of great importance for blood coagulation. In the case of severe thrombocytopenia, bleeding and spontaneous hemorrhage in the internal organs can develop, which can be life threatening. As a condition, thrombocytopenia can occur in almost any hematological disease.

Thrombocytopenia - Causes

Thrombocytopenia is usually acquired. Most often, the causes of its occurrence are:

- drug allergy (allergic thrombocytopenia),
- production of antiplatelet AT (autoimmune thrombocytopenia),
- infections, intoxications, thyrotoxicosis (symptomatic thrombocytopenia).

In newborns, thrombocytopenia can occur due to the penetration of autoantibodies from a sick mother (transimmune thrombocytopenia) through the placenta into the baby's body.

Thrombocytopenia - Symptoms

As a rule, thrombocytopenia is manifested by the following symptoms:

- bleeding gums;
- frequent nosebleeds;
- a tendency to bruise;
- a specific small-point rash on the body, usually on the legs;
- difficulty stopping bleeding after small cuts, tooth extraction, etc .;
- blood in the stool or in the urine;
- in women - prolonged, heavy bleeding during menstruation.

The general condition of the patient usually does not cause him fear or pain, however, this deceptive well-being can lead to internal bleeding of any organs, or even cerebral hemorrhage.

Thrombocytopenia - Diagnosis

The main and main test for thrombocytopenia is a clinical blood test. It is with his help that they get an idea of ​​the number of red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells in the blood. The normal platelet count may be slightly different in different laboratories, but from 150 thousand to 450 thousand cells are taken as the norm.

Thrombocytopenia is also an indication for examining bone marrow for the presence of megakaryocytes. In their absence, a violation of thrombocytopoiesis becomes apparent, and in the presence of either peripheral destruction of platelets or the deposition of platelets in the spleen.

Thrombocytopenia - treatment and prevention

For a mild form of thrombocytopenia that does not have clinical manifestations, usually a doctor’s supervision is usually sufficient. For example, it does not require treatment for thrombocytopenia in pregnant women, which passes after the birth itself.

More severe forms of thrombocytopenia require treatment, which usually begins with the elimination of their cause. The treatment is based on the elimination of the damaging agent, or treatment of the underlying disease (for example, when it comes to sepsis, antibiotics are used to fight the infection).

Also, donor platelet transfusion is used to treat this disease, with it you can temporarily correct thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia, which is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid, disappears when their normal level is restored.

Patients with thrombocytopenia, in order to avoid life-threatening conditions, must observe a number of preventive measures:

- to avoid situations leading to injuries, in particular, with thrombocytopenia you can not engage in any traumatic sports;
- give up alcohol, as it is the reason for slowing down platelet production;
- refuse to take aspirin, as well as other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (voltaren, ibuprofen, etc.), since these drugs tend to disrupt platelet function and provoke bleeding.


olesya 05.17.2016
This disease, in fact, is not a problem, but it is a cavalry one. Here, for example, I removed the spleen, and 10 months later my thrombocytes began to be exceeded for permissible norms and their shape became pathological. What will happen to me next I don’t know when it comes to the next portions of tests, it’s cracking me .... and I have a family, three children! How to treat further ...


Watch the video: ITP - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).