Body drying for girls at home - how to organize it. Indications, features of diet and training, principles of drying the body


Drying is the process of burning a layer of subcutaneous fat with maximum preservation of muscle mass.

It includes three essential components: a special diet, adapted workouts and taking supportive medications.

Successful body drying for girls at home does not exclude any of these points.

Body drying for girls at home: indications and contraindications

Before proceeding to drying, you should find out to whom this process is recommended and to whom it is contraindicated.

Drying the body for girls at home requires considerable willpower and patience. Drying does not give instant results. Depending on the percentage of body fat, a loss from 0.5 kg to 3 kg per week is considered normal.

Drying at home is suitable if:

• have experience of regular strength training at home or in the gym;

• there is a successful practice of following a diet or a proper diet;

• it is possible to train at least 1 hour 3-4 days a week.

Despite the fact that, subject to all requirements, drying is safe for health, it is still has a number of contraindications:

• pregnancy and lactation;

• diabetes;

• diseases of the cardiovascular system;

• diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys.

Some girls may experience weakness, dizziness, decreased mental and physical activity. This is most often associated with a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates, which is due to the diet. In this case, the diet should be reviewed and consulted with a doctor. Another cause of malaise may be non-compliance with sleep patterns. For an adult, the norm is 7-9 hours a day.

Body drying for girls at home: diet, sports nutrition, supplements

The most important component of drying for girls at home is the diet. The basic principles of the diet:

• rejection of “fast” carbohydrates (chocolate, cookies, sweet carbonated drinks, bakery products, alcohol and other things);

• rejection of animal fats (fatty meats, lard, butter, sausages, etc.). The exception is fish oil. It should be taken during the drying period;

• reduction in caloric intake by 10-30%;

• maintaining a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with an approximate proportionality of 50-30-20, respectively. In this case, fats should be mainly of vegetable origin (nuts, olive, linseed and other vegetable oils);

• compliance with the diet. There should not be long breaks between meals, the diet should be divided into 5-6 receptions;

• heavy drinking, because water is directly involved in metabolic processes and, when there is a lack of it, the fat burning process is also significantly slowed down. The norm for an adult is about 2 liters of pure water per day;

• variety. The diet should consist of a variety of products: cereals, meat and fish, vegetables and fruits, nuts, etc., so that the body receives all the minerals, trace elements and vitamins necessary for a healthy life.

A completely carbohydrate-free diet is suitable only for athletes who are athletes, as long-term adherence is harmful to health: a large number of proteins overload the kidneys and liver, and the absence of carbohydrates leads to rapid fatigue, weakness and fragility of bones.

In order to preserve muscle mass as much as possible, while drying the body for girls at home, it is recommended to take:

1. Enough protein. Protein is a sports supplement that consists of protein mixtures. Whey protein and casein are best suited for drying. The first is fast protein, suitable for use between meals. The second is slow, it is recommended to use before bedtime. Protein intake has no contraindications, but if you are allergic to a particular type of protein, you should consult your doctor. Up to 50% of the total amount of protein entering the body can come from sports nutrition. The remaining 50% should come from food.

2. BCAA - Essential Amino Acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine), of which one third consists of muscles. In the process of training, muscles are also amenable to splitting into “fuel”. 5 grams of BCAA, taken before training, play the role of anti-catabolic, protecting muscles from destruction. In addition, BCAAs are directly involved in the recovery of muscle tissue after exercise.

3. L-carnitine - sports supplementstimulating the oxidation of fats for energy production. Thus, L-carnitine provides the body with energy, which is so lacking on a low-carb diet, and helps to quickly break down subcutaneous fat.

4. Vitamin and mineral complex - supplementsdesigned to provide the body with the necessary vitamins, micro and macrocells. Minerals and vitamins are directly involved in metabolic (metabolic) processes, so for the drying period they require more than for a person who does not engage in sports and does not follow a diet. Vitamin-mineral complex for athletes usually includes: vitamin A, C, E, F, K, P, N and B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chromium, iron, zinc and others.

There are also a number of special additives and drugs to speed up getting the desired result. Fat burners are divided into several types:

1. Thermogenics - Their action is to increase body temperature, which speeds up the metabolism and reduces appetite.

2. Lipotropics - accelerate metabolism, including fat burning.

3. Cortisol blockers - drugs that reduce the production of the hormone responsible for the energy reserves of the body - cortisol.

4. Fat and Carbohydrate Blockers - drugs that block the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.

5. Thyroid stimulants - activate the thyroid gland, the hormones of which contribute to the acceleration of lipolysis and metabolism in general.

6. Diuretics - diuretics that remove water from the body.

7. Anoretics - suppress appetite.

The most effective fat burners are combined, which contain several components at once. For example, it can be such a complex: thermogenics, L-carnitine, cortisol blocker, carbohydrate and fat blocker, thyroid stimulator. The composition of the ingredients, which have a different focus, helps to give maximum results during drying and to preserve muscle from destruction.

Body drying for girls at home: a training schedule and their types

The best workouts when drying the body for girls at home are those where the most muscle is involved at the same time. Conventionally, training on drying can be divided into two types - aerobic and power.

Aerobic training can reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body, strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase the overall endurance of the body. The best aerobic workouts are:

• run. You can run in the park, in the stadium, on the waterfront or buy a treadmill;

• swimming. If there is no suitable reservoir nearby, you can go to the pool;

• bicycle riding. You can ride on specially designated paths, cross-country terrain or purchase an exercise bike for your home;

• rowing. An alternative is a rowing machine;

• rope jumping, aerobics, step aerobics, etc.

And in order for these workouts to be as effective as possible, you should adhere to some rules:

1. Systematic. Training should be regular. For example, every other day or at least 3 times a week.

2. The duration of aerobic training is directly proportional to the number of calories burned and, accordingly, lost weight. The optimal duration of one workout is 60 minutes.

3. The intensity of the training is the most important indicator of its effectiveness. To start the fat burning process, the heart rate must be at least 120 beats per minute.

4. You can eat no later than two hours before training, and no earlier than two hours after it.

5. The best time for aerobic training is in the morning, as a little "sleepy" body spends more energy, and, accordingly, burns more fat.

In order for body drying at home to bring maximum results for girls, aerobic training should be alternated with strength training.

Strength training will help bring the muscles to tone, work out individual muscle groups, add relief to the body as a whole. The optimal training schedule is 3 aerobic and 2 strength training per week. It is better to perform them on different days, so that the body has time to recover.

In order for strength training to be as effective as possible, you should draw up a personal training program.

There are several types of strength training:

circular. Training is based on the "circular" method. One circle includes one approach to exercises for different muscle groups, which are performed with minimal rest between them. There can be 4-6 exercises in a circle. The training itself, usually consists of 3-4 laps. Between circles, 2-5 minutes of rest are given;

supersets. During such a workout, one approach may consist of two to three exercises that are performed without rest. After the set, a break of 40-60 seconds follows. Superset is repeated 3-4 times. This approach may include exercises for one muscle group, in order to achieve maximum pumping, and for different ones;

split training - they mean training in one day of any one muscle group or one large and one small muscle group. For example, one day - legs, buttocks and shoulders, the second day - the back and triceps, the third day - the chest and biceps.

For maximum effectiveness, training should be based on basic exercises - those that involve several muscle groups at once and require high energy costs. Additionally, isolating exercises should be done that help to carefully work out each muscle.

At home, the basic ones will be:

• squats. Can be done with athletic elastic, kettlebell or dumbbell;

• various types of lunges;

• pushups;

• pull-ups (if there is a crossbar);

• tilts with dumbbells forward (similar to deadlift);

• "good morning" - can be performed with a body-bar, doing forward leaning forward.

For isolating exercises are suitable:

• flexion with dumbbells or elastic for biceps;

• bench press with dumbbells up, swings to the sides and forward for deltas;

• extension of the arm with dumbbells from behind the head to the triceps;

• rise on socks for legs;

• extension and bending of the leg with weights for the front and back of the thigh;

• Leaving the legs to the side for the outer surface of the thigh

• abduction of the leg with the weighting to the side and back from the “kneeling” position for the gluteal muscles.

The list of exercises that you can perform at home is endless. For their implementation, most often a small auxiliary set is needed: a horizontal bar, one - two pairs of dumbbells, a body bar, an athletic elastic band and a rug.

Body drying for girls at home: metabolic enhancing procedures

In addition to a special diet and training, care should be taken to speed up the metabolism. Special massages, rubbing and wraps can help with this. It is best to perform them after training, when the muscles are well warmed up. For massage, it is best to use a special massage oil, which, penetrating the skin, helps to accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level. Wraps with various oils and clay have also proven effective in the fight against cellulite.

Another effective way to speed up metabolism is to regularly visit the sauna or bath. Well, if visits to the sauna can be combined with rubbing with essential oils and scrubs.

To enhance metabolism, the use of green and ginger tea and natural coffee is also recommended.

Body drying for girls at home: causes of failure

The causes of failures when drying the body for girls at home can be:

• incorrect calculation of the total calorie content of the diet and BZHU or non-compliance with the diet;

• incorrectly designed training program or its violation;

• stress, lack of sleep and rest.

During drying, the body gives in to a significant load and is under stress, so, first of all, you need to remember about moderation and health benefits.


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