How to get rid of inferiority complexes and stop being a victim. Instructions for getting rid of complexes about appearance


There is nothing worse than suffering from complexes.

They poison life, make you unhappy, make you constantly experience negative emotions in relation to yourself and others.

The result is low self-esteem, problems in his personal life and at work, tantrums, tears, depression.

How to get rid of complexes and what they are

At the heart of any psychological complex is self-doubt and fear - the most powerful and destructive human emotion. The reasons can be very different: parental pressure or attitude, a series of failures, suspiciousness, self-guilt, psychological or physical trauma.

Complexes grow on this fertile ground. Both men and women are characterized by complexes associated with appearance, guilt, or hyperresponsibility. How to get rid of complexes, few people know.

A strong half of humanity is prone to worry about work, sex and power: the male idea of ​​success is based on these three pillars. Men are more afraid of material problems, and when, from their point of view, material encouragement is not due, they begin to experience an eerie complex of sacrifice. As a rule, it develops in those people who in their youth were a victim of the excellent student complex.

Almost all adolescents experience age-related complexes. Appearance is the main criterion for recognizing peers in society, so any pimple that does not jump on time is perceived as a tragedy of universal proportions.

How to get rid of complexes about appearance

A negative assessment of their appearance is more characteristic of women. Legs, weight, nose, mole, height, freckles - whatever flaws the representatives of the fair sex find in themselves! Many wage a real war with them, trying to achieve the ideal. And some are plunged into the depths of depression, begin to literally hate their appearance.

It comes to the point of absurdity: a pretty girl perceives interest from men as a mockery, because she does not believe in her attractiveness. It is clear that gradually what the unhappy is so afraid of is beginning to be realized. Who wants to communicate with a neurotic young lady with an always sour and evil expression on her face?

How to get rid of complexes about appearance, not only qualified psychologists know very well. Adult women who have long stepped over the time of teenage uncertainty, or wise friends or parents can give no less worthy advice. Here is what you need to do.

• Get rid of denial in evaluating yourself as a loved one. Replace all thoughts like “not beautiful”, “ridiculous”, “unhappy”, “unworthy” with completely opposite ones. Do the same with negative definitions: “fat,” “scary,” etc. Learning to think of yourself only positively is not an easy task, but it's worth it.

• Learn to accept yourself and your body. In fact, any woman has an attractive appearance that everyone around knows about! One has beautiful ears, the other has a charming smile. And in general, French women know for sure: there are simply no ugly women in the world, there are groomed ones.

• To see yourself from the side, you can ask a friend to compliment you. Hear a lot of pleasant and unexpected.

• Turn to the stylist with a request to find you a basic wardrobe. Very often, we get used to jeans or a stretched sweater so that we completely forget about dresses, skirts, cloaks, cardigans, bodysuits, etc. Nothing enhances self-esteem like an unrecognizably changed reflection in a mirror. Who is this wonderful stranger? - From a simple question, any complex immediately capitulates and disappears forever.

• Soberly assess the attitude of others. In fact, everyone is only occupied with themselves (as, in fact, you), so neither your tummy, nor your hands or teeth are of interest to anyone. But communication, the pleasure of positive energy, professionalism make you just an irreplaceable person.

It’s hard to accept that all our feelings about appearance are just fiction. Its cause is self-doubt, fear of condemnation from other people. What do you care about them? Why is the chubby and not very (between us) clever Zina from a parallel class who doesn’t think how to get rid of complexes about her appearance, long ago jumped out to marry a skinny Volodya who doesn’t have a soul in her, and is completely happy? That's it. Because she does not care about the opinions of others.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex

Oh, this inferiority complex! He turns smart and subtle people into miserable neurotics, vegetating in the margins of the universe. He cripples the psyche and literally deprives a full life.

The worst thing is that it is this complex that is most often imposed on you by those who do not represent anything of themselves. What for? Yes, to assert oneself at someone else's expense, energized.

Another option is excessive suspiciousness as a character trait. It is worth such a person to hear something negative about himself (most often said in the hearts, from evil, unfairly), as he receives extreme stress. Against this background, psychological pathology develops.

In any case, the donor or the suspicious gradually loses mental and physical strength, which ends predictably and very sadly. To avoid this, you should know how to get rid of the inferiority complex. Again, there is nothing complicated.

• Get rid of energy vampires in your environment. If such is a family member, give him a fitting rebuff. To see the situation from the outside, to analyze his behavior and his reaction, and then directly and concretely say where and why he can go with his ironic, malicious, negative remarks.

• Help yourself improve your self-esteem with a simple but effective psychological technique. Create two columns on a piece of paper. In the first, reflect your merits, list the luck, achievements, strengths and attractiveness of the person. In the second, note weaknesses, weaknesses, and failures. Surprisingly, the second column will be much shorter, and most importantly - it can (and should) be adjusted.

• Take the habit of going to bed to list all your victories, achievements for the day. Let them be insignificant, but the subconscious does not care about quantity, the main thing is the essence, quality, fact. Many women, incidentally, do not consider the upbringing of two children, the ability to get along with households, and ironing a shirt an achievement. In fact, from any little thing you can extract the very grain that will help get rid of the complexes.

• Regarding the correction of negative traits and deficiencies, work out this column constructively. Identify the area in which there is a failure and work with it purposefully. Do not forget to praise yourself for every, even small achievement.

• To visualize your victories and speed up getting rid of complexes, you can not just pronounce your achievements before going to bed, but write them down in a diary. This will be your personal success diary, where you can paste photos, tickets, letters, etc.

• A very effective method is working with a mirror. (By the way, it can also be used to get rid of complexes about appearance). How to get rid of an inferiority complex in this way? Look at your reflection and say: I love you, I am a good person, I am beautiful, I believe in you, I appreciate you, I thank you.

Despite the seeming simplicity, speaking in your face the words of love and recognition is not so simple. The first lessons can cause tears, and that's fine! It cries and the soul is cleansed.

How to get rid of the victim complex

It is amazing how manic pleasure a woman takes on the role of victim. And all because society since childhood has given rigid guidelines: what it should do, how to behave. It is believed that a woman is obliged to do all the housework, and no one is in a hurry to thank her for her daily hard work. Moreover, the fact that the vast majority are not housewives and work with husbands on equal terms is not taken into account!

After the birth of children, responsibilities are added, and there is simply no time left for themselves. The woman again willingly sacrifices herself, tries to please everyone, to manage everyone, to create coziness. Such a model is also transferred to the performance of official duties, so the boss easily manipulates the employee-victim, who again "must".

There is another important nuance in the victim’s behavior model. To recognize such a complex to yourself, think: who do you blame for your failures? It can be a tyrant husband, an evil mother-in-law, an autocratic boss, dominant or indifferent parents ... If there is a person to blame for your problems, then you are undoubtedly a victim. And this means that your whole life will always realize the same scenario.

How to get rid of the victim complex? First of all, to understand that only you yourself are responsible for all your actions. This is your choice: an unworthy husband, intrusive relatives, an unloved job ... And only you yourself can change something in your life. Don't like the way you are being treated? Fight back or break up. Do not like appearance? Tell the family that you need four hours of time per week for yourself, and at this time do only yourself: beautician, massage, fitness, shopping. Tired of the boss? Do not be afraid to change your job: this step will definitely change your life, and maybe fate.

The feminine is much stronger than the masculine. It is a woman who is the source of life, love, harmony, and no one has the right to make her a meek victim of circumstances. You can, of course, complain and curse your whole life, but is it really life? Urgently get rid of the victim complex - and you will like it!


Watch the video: Overcoming Bad Inner Voices (July 2024).