Soft tissue bruise - why is this condition dangerous? How to quickly diagnose and cure soft tissue injury: ask a doctor


Soft tissue injuries require special attention, as serious complications can occur.

The diagnosis of a bruise may not always be accurate, and under his mask, often severe organ damage is hidden.

That is why it is necessary to be examined and treated in a timely manner.

Soft tissue injury: causes, symptoms

Each person at least once in his life, but hit something or just fell. Any damage that results from this is called a bruise.

Injuries to the knee, spine, head and other organs can be distinguished. Any damage upon impact, most often internal, all integuments.

But, nevertheless, the pain from the injury does not go anywhere, because upon impact, muscles, blood vessels, and sometimes even bones suffer. A bruise is a common trauma that can happen in an adult or in a child. The consequences of soft tissue injuries most often go away in a few days, but there are also injuries in which it is simply necessary to consult a doctor.

That is why, everyone should know the degree of bruises, so that as a result of receiving them it was possible to assess their condition.

Degree of bruising

The main sign of bruising is a painful sensation. The damaged area can swell, as a result of rupture of blood vessels, a hematoma develops.

The first thing that the victim feels is severe pain, gradually it only intensifies. During the first hours after the injury, a bruise and swelling appears.

Confusion can often occur. A person cannot move his hand or foot, for example, and believes that he has a fracture. The main difference between a fracture and a bruise is that immediately after an injury, motor function is not possible, but after a while it will not recover.

Four main degrees of injury can be distinguished:

1. The first degree - soft tissue damage is slight, a slight pain is felt that will pass after a few hours. The injury site does not swell, the hematoma does not appear, all motor functions of the damaged area are preserved.

2. The second degree - is characterized by severe pain, which does not pass the first 30-40 minutes. At the site of the bruise, hematoma and edema gradually appear. The motor functions of the joint may be slightly impaired. In the second degree of injury, the patient may need specialist medical attention.

3. The third degree - the consequences are not comforting, muscles and tendons are injured. Motor functions are severely impaired; severe hematoma and edema occur. The patient needs to call an ambulance, as the pain is severe. Bruises of this degree heal for a very long time and require constant monitoring by specialists.

4. The fourth degree is the most difficult, a person’s life is at risk. Trauma negatively affects the functions of the body. Internal organs, as a result of injury, may fail or be severely damaged. Injuries of this kind often occur after accidents. The patient needs immediate hospitalization.

A person can injure any part of his body. So, for example, if you hit your head, a bump will form, which will pass in just a few days. But if after such a blow dizziness is felt, it makes noise in the ears, and all this does not go away for two or three days, you must definitely contact a medical institution.

With bruises in the neck, swelling and pain will occur, and blood flow will also be disturbed, which, as a result, will lead to oxygen starvation of brain cells.

The most dangerous is a contusion of the abdomen, since the risk of damage to internal organs is quite large.

In such situations, it is important to provide first aid to the victim in a timely manner.

Soft tissue bruise: first aid

The first thing to do after getting a bruise is to provide peace to the damaged area.

To reduce edema or hematoma, you need to attach ice wrapped in tissue. Under the influence of cold, the patient's condition will improve significantly. You can also make a cold compress or very tightly bandage the injured place, if it is of course possible.

If scratches are visible on the damaged area, they must be treated with any antiseptic. Otherwise, you can bring the infection.

With minor damage to the soft tissues, the pain will pass in a couple of hours. In other cases, the patient may experience discomfort for a day or more. The day after the injury, you can try to reduce swelling and hematoma, for this the bruised area is warmed up or special ointments are applied.

If after some time the state of relief does not occur, you should contact the traumatology center as soon as possible.

Soft Tissue Injury: Medications

It is possible to alleviate the patient’s condition with the help of various medicines, which include ointments, tablets, gels, and more. Below are the most effective drugs by the principle of their action:

1. Cooling. These include lidocaine, menovazine, olfen. The composition of drugs includes red pepper, menthol, camphor, snake, as well as bee venom. After applying the product, the damaged area is cooled, swelling and swelling subside.

2. Warming up. These include - Myoton, Fastum gel. All drugs produce an irritating effect, thereby contributing to the acceleration of blood circulation, eliminate pain and swelling. But you can use them only a few days after receiving the injury.

3. Absorbable. These include - Lyoton, Aescin. Under the influence of the drug, hematomas and bruises quickly resolve.

4. Painkillers - ibuprofen, ketans, nise. The sensation of pain becomes not so strong, the inflammation is relieved.

5. Anti-inflammatory - Nurofen, Dolobene.

You can also note other means, or rather ointments that help with soft tissue bruisesrelieve inflammation and eliminate pain:

1. Heparin ointment. The main substance that is part of the ointment is heparin. It has long been used to treat bruises and sprains. Thanks to heparin, the healing process is accelerated several times. Despite all its effectiveness, it is impossible to use the ointment immediately after the injury, since the size of the hematoma will only increase.

2. Ointment Vishnevsky. This is one of the most common tools that are used, perhaps, to treat all ailments. In order to alleviate the condition with soft tissue bruises, you just need to anoint the affected area with ointment.

3. Lifeguard - accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. The composition of the product includes exclusively natural components.

4. Diclofenac, Ibuprofen - help get rid of pain, eliminate swelling and swelling.

There are a lot of tools to get rid of soft tissue bruises, but before using them, it is recommended to consult your doctor, if this is not possible, you need to carefully study the instructions.

Soft tissue bruise: folk remedies

If during first aid it was necessary to cool the damaged areas, then in the future they need to be warmed up on the contrary. Hematomas have already formed, so the use of cold is simply not advisable. In order for them to resolve, use warming compresses and ointments. The following folk remedies were able to prove themselves well:

Essential oil

If the hematoma was obtained recently, you can use lavender oil. With a hematoma obtained long ago, rosemary oil is suitable.


This tool, obtained from a freshwater sponge, in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, it is quite effective. You can buy a drug in almost every pharmacy. Bodyagi powder is mixed with water until a slightly liquid slurry forms, after which it is applied to the damaged area. An effective remedy is precisely with fresh bruises.


If the bruise is on the knee or a little lower, you can use the bow. Squeeze the juice from the onion head, and then moisten gauze in it. The tissue is applied to the sore spot for 20-40 minutes. Several such procedures are recommended per day.

Vodka with salt

For 100 grams of vodka you need to take half a spoonful of salt, mix well and moisten in this gauze. After it is applied to the sore spot, a film is applied on top. You need to change the compress as it dries. Thanks to the solution, the hematoma will quickly resolve.

Apple vinegar

With severe soft tissue bruises, apple cider vinegar is effective. Take 500 grams of vinegar and heat, then add one tablespoon of salt and a few drops of iodine to it. The tissue is wetted in the resulting solution, and then the injury site is wrapped. For the best effect, you need to wrap the film on top. In order for the hematoma to be able to soak in the drug, it is recommended to lie down for 20-30 minutes. The first few days after the injury, do the procedure no more than two times.

Raw potatoes

It is believed that if you attach raw potatoes to the site of injury, immediately after receiving it, then the appearance of a bruise can be avoided.

How to treat soft tissue bruises and not harm yourself

Even with the most severe bruises, folk remedies can help, but there are also injuries that can be cured on their own, simply will not work. Many unsuccessfully spend time on their treatment, and as a result they turn to a medical institution with severe complications.

If a severe bruise occurred on the limbs, then first of all it is necessary to exclude the fact of dislocation or fracture. It is unlikely that it will be possible to independently determine this, which is why you need to contact the clinic.

Even if there is no fracture, the patient is still treated in a hospital, and discharged only on the second or third day. In this case, it is effective to apply warming procedures, and subsequently physiotherapy.

With large hematomas, it is necessary to pump out caked blood in order to avoid the occurrence of blood clots.

Also, the patient can harm self-medication with the following bruises:

1. The bruise occurred in the lower back and abdomen. It is possible that there was a rupture of some internal organs.

2. With a bruised chest. The first day the patient may not feel anything, he will try to get rid of a little pain. However, severe breathing pain then appears, indicating lung damage.

3. With severe bruising of the chest, the heart muscle may be damaged. In this case, the patient will feel pain in the left side.

It is dangerous to engage in self-medication without a preliminary examination, because a person does not know what exactly was damaged under the soft tissues. Before prescribing treatment, specialists conduct a lot of research, and only then prescribe medications.

That is why with severe injuries, it is better to get specialist advice, especially since it is not necessary to go to the hospital yourself, you can simply call an ambulance.

Be careful, monitor your health and give him timely help!


Watch the video: How to know if you have a serious knee injury (July 2024).