Proper facial skin care at a young and mature age - what are the differences? Home Facial Tips


What glances at the first meeting with a person?

True, on the face, and hair, hands, nails, clothes and shoes are regarded as secondary factors in creating a general impression.

A person is a business card of a person, so it should always look perfect.

But how to properly care for facial skin in order to maintain its youth and elasticity of the skin for many years?

And what is the fundamental difference in facial care for young girls and women at the "Balzac age"?

More on this later in the article.

How to care for your face: skin types and care features

Not knowing the type of their skin, the fair sex often use products that are absolutely not suitable for them, while complaining that the product does not give the desired effect. Oily skin should not be excessively nourished, and dry - overdry with lotions and tonics. Facial skin care is a delicate matter, therefore, without knowing the type of your skin it is impossible to choose the right care products.

There are only 4 types of skin:

1. Normal

2. Oily

3. Dry

4. Combined

Normal skin - the rarest. It’s hard to find an adult with this skin type. The skin is elastic, smooth, matte, with a natural blush, pores are not enlarged and expression wrinkles are almost invisible. All women dream of normal skin, since it does not require as much care as the rest of the types.

Oily skin characterized by oily sheen, greasy. Sebum clogs pores, so black spots, blackheads, and inflammation often form on oily skin. But there is also an advantage for the owners of this type - oily skin remains young longer, because wrinkles are formed much later, in comparison with other types. When caring for this type of skin, special attention should be paid to cleansing and toning - tonics, scrubs, masks. To protect oily skin, it is better to use moisturizing gels.

Dry skin most sensitive when compared with other types. However, in adolescence, this skin is similar to normal. Over the years, the skin becomes tightened, dry, irritation and peeling easily appear. The main areas of dry skin care are hydration and protection. In addition to day and night cream, it is imperative to have various masks in the arsenal of care for this type of skin - moisturizing, nourishing, exfoliating. Owners of dry skin need to drink a large amount of liquid, at least 2 liters per day.

Combination skin meets quite often. This type is characterized by oily T-zone and dry cheeks. The T-zone includes the nasolabial triangle, chin and forehead. There are special care products for combination skin. But if the difference between the T-zone and the cheeks is very pronounced, you will have to purchase funds for oily and dry skin, and apply them to the appropriate area.

How to care for your skin: general rules

You can not find a woman who has never in her life faced face skin problems. In adolescence, girls get acne and acne, which often haunts the fair sex to a more "adult" age. After 30 years, the first wrinkles appear. All this gives a lot of inconvenience, especially psychological, because a woman at any age wants to look perfect.

Facial skin is regularly exposed to the environment, so it must be protected from harmful factors - ultraviolet rays, exhaust gases, dust. Skin is a protective cover of the human body. It would seem, how can one protect what is called to protect?

Proper facial care will ensure long youth and help prevent the earlier appearance of facial wrinkles.

Face skin care consists of 5 main steps:

1. Cleansing

2. Toning

3. Protection

4. Nutrition and recovery

5. Additional care (if necessary)

Facial skin needs to be cleaned daily, in the morning and before bedtime, regardless of skin type. Makeup is better to wash off immediately upon arrival at home and do this using special tools. Only after there are no traces of cosmetics on the face, you need to wash yourself with mousse, gel or cleansing foam, suitable for the type of skin. Washing with soap is harmful for all skin types. Even baby soap will harm the skin, especially the sensitive area around the eyes.

Before using a cleanser, moisturize the skin with clean water. After applying a little mousse, gel or foam, gently massage the skin. You can not rub the skin of the face or try to stretch it. Then you need to rinse your skin with warm water and pat it slightly with a towel.

For oily skin, it is necessary to use scrubs, but not more often 2-3 times a week. Using scrubs helps cleanse your pores, narrow them and dry your skin. Scrubbing gives an effect after the first application - the skin ceases to shine oily, becomes smoother and more matte.

Toning, like the previous stage, must be done daily twice a day after washing. The tonic will help to remove the remaining particles of the cleanser and water, gently cleanses the skin, restores the acid-base balance, helps smooth small facial wrinkles and increase skin tone. Regular use of the tonic will help get rid of acne, black spots, greasy skin and redness. To tone the skin, tonics and lotions suitable for the type of skin are used.

How to apply the tonic is far from every representative of the fair sex. First you need to apply a small amount of tonic to a cotton pad and gently wipe your face skin - to clean the pores. Then pour a small amount of tonic in the palm of your hand and rinse your face - to tone the skin.

Skin protection is the most important step in face care. You can neglect the use of night cream, but go outside without a day cream - expose your skin to dust, dirt and wind. The main rule for choosing a day cream is the lower the temperature on the street, the fatter it should be. In summer, it is better to use a moisturizing gel - it is lighter in structure and does not leave a greasy shine.

In addition to the fact that the day cream protects the skin from dust and dirt, it also protects the skin from the deep penetration of decorative products into the pores, facilitating the process of removing cosmetics at the end of the day. A foundation will lie on top of the day cream, but it is not necessary to use the foundation for makeup.

Nutrition and skin repair involves the use of a night cream. Night cream, like other face skin care products, is selected by skin type. Apply a night cream half an hour before bedtime. If the night cream is over, you can apply daylight, there is nothing to worry about. But night cream cannot be replaced with day cream, since its main task is to nourish the skin, and not to protect it. In addition to the nutrition of the skin from the outside, we must not forget about nutrition from the inside - improper nutrition and bad habits negatively affect the condition of the skin.

By additional care is meant the use of face masks - nourishing, cleansing, moisturizing. They can be both purchased and cooked at home. It is better to use face masks not more often than 1-2 times a week.

No less than external care, inside skin care is important. For example, using IMEDIN® complexes, which include the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins that are similar in composition to the components of human skin, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen - the main protein that maintains skin elasticity.

How to care for your face after 25 years: caring for young skin

Young girls are confident that no additional skin care is needed before age 30. But this opinion is erroneous - it is after 25 years that the skin ceases to retain moisture as well as before, and this is the first step on the path to aging. By the age of 25, some girls already begin to appear the first facial wrinkles.

After 25 years, few girls know how to properly care for facial skin. Of course, you must follow the basic rules of care, which were mentioned earlier. It is not difficult to choose caring for products - usually manufacturers indicate on the package for what age this product is suitable. A cream or gel for the skin around the eyes is added to the main list of creams, tonics and lotions. It is important from this age to begin to separately care for this area in order to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles or to make existing ones less noticeable.

After 25 years, it is worth buying sunscreens, if they have not been used before. Skin at this age becomes more vulnerable to sunlight and prone to overdrying.

How to care for your face after 30: useful tips and recipes for home masks

After 30 years, facial wrinkles become more noticeable - in the corners of the eyes, on the forehead, near the lips. The skin loses its elasticity, the complexion does not become as even as before. Therefore, at the age of 30, neglecting facial skin care is unforgivable. Be sure to follow the basic rules for care, use creams for the skin around the eyes, use various serums for the skin. The SPF filter becomes a “must have” and must be part of the daily protective cream and decorative cosmetics. After all, the sun's rays and radiation from a computer monitor adversely affect the condition of the skin.

If puffiness appears under the eyes in the morning, then in the evening it is better to refrain from drinking fluids. Drinking water is better not less than 2 hours before bedtime. Moisturizing and nourishing masks need to be done 2 times a week. Masks prepared at home are popular, here are a couple of them:

1. Face mask with kelp and vitamin E or lemon juice. For this mask, you need 2 teaspoons of dry kelp (sold at the pharmacy), 5 drops of vitamin E (similarly sold at the pharmacy) or lemon juice, 3 teaspoons of boiling water. Dry seaweed is brewed in boiling water in advance. Swollen algae are mixed with vitamin E (for dry skin) or lemon juice (for oily skin) and boiling water. The mask must be applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water. The skin will become more elastic, small wrinkles will be smoothed out.

2. Mask of honey and clay. Ingredients: 1 tsp bee honey, 0.5 tsp lemon juice, 1 tablespoon white clay, 2 tbsp. water. All the ingredients are mixed together, it should turn out to be a grayish slurry. It is recommended to apply the mask on the neck and face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm running water, then wipe the skin with lemon slices. A mask with honey helps prevent moisture evaporation and the formation of wrinkles, which is very important after 30 years.

How to care for your face after 35: effective care

Women in Balzac's age know what wrinkles are firsthand. It is very important during this period to adjust facial skin care according to skin type. Oily skin should be cleaned regularly and skin balance must be prevented to prevent black spots. And for owners of dry skin, it is better to abandon tonics and other products that dry the skin. Greater emphasis must be placed on moisturizing the skin.

From the age of 35, in addition to SPF filters, creams should include anti-aging components - collagen, hyaluronic acid. It is absolutely necessary to use serums for the skin of the face, as their concentration of nutrients is greater than in creams. Also, the content of vitamins A and E and antioxidants in the composition of creams will positively affect the condition of the skin, which will help slow down the process of skin aging.

If possible, it is worthwhile to turn to the services of a cosmetologist, do peeling and facial massage. However, these procedures can be performed at home.

Observing these simple rules, you can also preserve youthful skin for many years after 35 years.


Watch the video: Simple Makeup Tips To Look 10 Years Younger (July 2024).