How to fry mushrooms - recommendations and recipes. How much to fry mushrooms and how to fry mushrooms in a pan to make the dish tasty


Mushrooms are especially popular during fasting and among vegetarians.

In terms of protein content, they successfully replace meat.

All mushrooms can be divided into four groups, depending on their nutritional value.

The first group - porcini mushroom and milk mushrooms.

The second - champignons, saffron mushrooms and milkwort.

The third - chanterelles, morels, honey mushrooms.

Fourth - raincoats, mushrooms and oyster mushrooms.

How long it takes to fry the mushrooms depends on their type.

Let's figure out how to fry mushrooms so that they turn out really tasty.

How to fry mushrooms - the basic principles of cooking

The time for roasting mushrooms depends on their type.

How long does it take to fry mushrooms: russula, mushrooms and mushrooms. These mushrooms must be soaked for three to four hours, then dried and fried in a pan for forty minutes. They can be fried breaded.

What is the time to fry Russula mushrooms. In addition to soaking, it is desirable to pre-boil the russula for half an hour, and then fry the same amount of time.

What is the time to fry mushrooms mushrooms. Boletus edulis or boletus is most appreciated in cooking for its bright taste and aroma. It is pre-boiled for 20 minutes, after which it is fried the same time.

What is the time to fry mushrooms champignons. They do not need to be boiled beforehand. In addition, it is better not to wash the champignons, but to wipe them with a damp cloth, as they get water very quickly, due to which the cooking process can be significantly delayed. Champignons fried raw for half an hour.

Before frying mushrooms, they must be properly prepared. As mentioned above, some mushrooms must be pre-soaked, among them, such as saffron mushrooms, trawls, chanterelles, russula and mushrooms. Boil these mushrooms as well in order to minimize the risk of poisoning. Russulas are fried only after they are boiled in several waters.

So, mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned, washed well, especially for forest mushrooms, in order to get rid of sand and dirt. Then the mushrooms are boiled in slightly salted water. Cooking time depends on the type of mushroom. Basically, it is from ten minutes to half an hour.

Boiled mushrooms are thrown on a sieve to get rid of excess moisture. Traditionally, mushrooms are fried with onions. It is chopped in half rings and fried until transparent in heated oil. Then add mushrooms, pepper, salt, mix and fry, stirring constantly, from 15 minutes to half an hour.

Mushrooms before frying do not boil. They are cut into slices and spread raw in a pan. Fry until light brown. At the end put a little butter to make the taste of mushrooms tender and fry for another seven minutes. Mushrooms are salted at the end.

Frozen mushrooms are first dipped in boiling water, slightly salted, and boiled for five minutes. Then lay on a sieve and transfer to a pan. Fry until the moisture evaporates. Lay onions, pepper and salt. Continue to fry over low heat, stirring constantly, for about ten minutes.

Mushrooms can be fried not only with onions. The most popular dish is fried mushrooms with potatoes. They are also fried with cabbage, carrots, garlic, eggs, etc.

Mushrooms can be sautéed in batter or breading made from flour or crackers.

How to fry mushrooms in a pan - recipe 1. Oyster mushrooms fried with onions


50 ml of vegetable oil;

iodized salt;

two bow heads;


300 g oyster mushroom.

Cooking method

1. Peel, rinse and finely chop the onions.

2. Rinse oyster mushrooms under running water. Cut off the base. Put the mushrooms on a towel so that they dry slightly. Then cut the mushrooms into slices.

3. Put chopped onions in a pan with butter. Fry the onion until it is transparent and soft. Now add mushrooms to the pan, mix and fry under the lid, stirring occasionally, for about 15 minutes.

4. At the end, add salt and season the mushrooms with spices and pepper. Serve fried mushrooms with a side dish of vegetables or cereals.

Recipe 2. Fried Mushrooms with Cheese


10 g butter;

300 g of mushrooms;

1 bay leaf;

1 pinch of salt;

1 pinch of spices;

100 g of cheese;

100 ml cream;

1 pinch of black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Wash the mushrooms well and put them in a colander. When all the moisture has gone, cut into thin slices. Melt the butter in a pan, and put the mushrooms in it. If you wish, you can add onions and garlic.

2. In a deep bowl we combine the cream with salt, spices and pepper. Mix everything well.

3. As soon as the mushrooms are browned, pour the creamy sauce into the pan and put the bay leaf. Stir and simmer over moderate heat until cooked. Five minutes later, take out the bay leaf.

4. The cheese is chopped into small chips. You can use soft curd or cream cheeses if you wish. Put a handful of cheese in a pan, mix, then add the next handful. This is done so that the cheese does not stick together in a lump, but melts evenly. Turn off the heat and serve with a side dish of potatoes.

How to fry mushrooms in a pan - recipe 3. Mushroom frying


50 ml of sunflower oil;


400 g of mushrooms;


80 g of flour;

1 bouillon cube;

80 ml of sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Finely chop the peeled onion and fry in oil, preheating it until golden brown.

2. Clean and wipe the mushrooms with a damp towel. Cut them into arbitrary small pieces. Put them onion, mix, season with a mixture of Provencal herbs, salt, oregano and allspice. Fry until mushrooms are browned.

3. Dilute the bouillon cube in water. Pour mushrooms with the resulting broth, make the fire quieter under the pan and simmer for five minutes.

4. Dilute flour in an incomplete glass of water, add sour cream and beat everything with a whisk until smooth. Pour the creamy sauce into the mushrooms, boil and boil, stirring continuously, for another five minutes. Add chopped greens at the end. Serve as an addition to spaghetti or another side dish.

Recipe 4. Fried Dried Mushrooms


half a bunch of fresh herbs;

onion head;

a pinch of black pepper;

three cloves of garlic;

a pinch of salt;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

dried mushrooms - 150 g.

Cooking method

1. Mushrooms can be used any, it is best to take assorted mushrooms for this dish. Put the mushrooms in a bowl and pour warm water. Soak them for about seven minutes.

2. Discard the mushrooms on a sieve. Strain the obtained mushroom infusion through cheesecloth.

3. Pour a little oil into the pan and heat it well. Put the chopped quarter onion into the pan and fry it until soft. Send the soaked mushrooms to the onion and continue to fry, stirring constantly, for about five minutes.

4. Add the peeled and minced garlic and fry for just a minute.

5. Pour mushroom infusion into the pan, salt, pepper and simmer over low heat until cooked. When all the liquid has evaporated, the mushrooms are ready. Chop them with chopped herbs and serve with a side dish of potatoes.

Recipe 5. Fried Mushrooms with Nuts


a pound of fresh porcini mushrooms;

table salt;

three quarters of a glass of peeled walnut kernels;

ground black pepper;

two bow heads;

80 g of butter;

Apple vinegar;

parsley and cilantro.

Cooking method

1. Porcini mushrooms peel, wash well and boil in water, slightly salted it, for a quarter of an hour. Throw them on a sieve so that all moisture is gone. Then cut the mushrooms into thin slices and put in a pan with heated oil. Drain the stand out juice. Fry until golden brown, not forgetting to stir constantly.

2. Combine mushroom juice with apple cider vinegar, pepper and mix. Pour mushrooms with this mixture. Peel and finely chop the onion. Rinse and chop the parsley and cilantro. Nuts through a meat grinder.

3. Add greens, onions and nuts to the mushrooms, mix, warm for two minutes and turn off the heat. Cool completely, put in a slide on a serving plate and decorate with greens.

How to fry mushrooms - tips and tricks

  • If possible, wash the mushrooms before frying, especially mushrooms. Simply wipe them with a damp towel. Otherwise, they will absorb a lot of moisture.

  • Try to take young mushrooms for frying, they are much more tender and tasty.

  • Salt the mushrooms at the end of frying so that excess moisture is not released during cooking.

  • Stir the mushrooms with a wooden spatula so that they do not change their taste and smell.


Watch the video: Make Perfect Sauteed Mushrooms - The Only Recipe You will Ever Need (June 2024).