How to get rid of laziness: step-by-step instructions for true lazy people. What is laziness - where does it come from, how to overcome it, and whether to fight over it?


Every person is lazy from time to time.

But what if apathetic inaction becomes a way of life?

How to get rid of laziness in this case?

First of all, you need to understand the reasons why this happens.

How to get rid of laziness: why am I lazy

Everyone has their own reason for laziness, but there are undeniable dogmas that apply to absolutely all people. They are the root causes of doing nothing.

These include:

• lack of internal motivation;

• chronic fatigue;

• procrastination;

• fear of failure.

To get rid of laziness, a person, first of all, must clearly imagine for what he needs it. If an individual does not have serious motives and strong internal motives for action, he will overcome the bad habit soon.

Many true lazy people prefer to put off everything until tomorrow: “tomorrow I will go on a diet”, “tomorrow I will go in for sports”, “tomorrow I will start learning a foreign language” - this list is endless. About 90% of the population of the whole country live by this principle, and only 10% act. It’s easier for a person to promise himself the fulfillment of his plans for the future than to start doing now. The addiction destructively affects the person, depriving him of true happiness. After all, a person can feel real joy only when he is active. This gives vital energy and contributes to the internal development of the individual.

But laziness is not always born due to a lack of motivation and the habit of putting things off the bat. There is also such a thing as fear of failure. Most often, it is peculiar to timid and insecure people. From childhood, relatives are imposed on them the idea that they are not capable of anything, so you should not even try to change anything in life. As adults, these people prefer to stay inactive and go with the flow, not knowing how to get rid of laziness and complete inaction.

Often lazy children grow up who received excessive custody from adults. The child gets used to the fact that others can do everything for him and prefers to remain inactive in the future. As a rule, typical "burglars" grow out of such children. Laziness for them becomes a way of life, and they rarely strive for any changes.

But it also happens that a person who works a lot and devotes himself entirely to activity burns out overnight and does not want to move on due to a lack of internal forces. To prevent this, it is necessary to rationally distribute working time and be sure to find time to relax. Get yourself a short, at least a week off. This does not mean that you need to drop all things and wallow on the couch for days. A change of activity is the best rest. This will give a new charge of energy, and it will be possible to return to previous affairs with new forces.

How to get rid of laziness: you can overcome alone

With such a habit as laziness, a person can fight on his own. First of all, you should make a promise to yourself, and then to relatives, that you will no longer put things off for later.

Only experiencing a true desire to overcome your idleness and apathy, you can cope with the problem that interferes with a full life.

How to get rid of laziness, the next step-by-step instruction will help alone, which should prompt even the most inveterate lazy person to act.

How to get rid of laziness: step-by-step instructions

Self motivation

Before starting the fight against idleness, the individual must clearly understand why he is doing this, what result awaits him ahead.

Since the habit of action has not yet been developed, and the process has already been launched, you need to motivate yourself daily using visualization. Imagine what awaits you if in the near future you will perform consistent, necessary actions.

Doing even the most boring, routine work, a person feels inspired if he clearly understands what award awaits him ahead. You need to catch fire and clearly imagine your victory and a sense of satisfaction from it: whether it is a successful exam or a positive assessment by the boss for the work done, or maybe the first successes in your own entrepreneurial activity.

Make a promise to yourself that by such a date you will fulfill what you have in mind. But it’s not easy to say this to yourself, but write down on a piece of paper in large letters and hang it in a prominent place, for example, in the bathroom. Every morning, looking at the note, you will recall the promise given to yourself. After that, immediately imagine that you have already achieved a positive result and feel like you are overwhelmed with pride from the work done.

Some psychologists suggest imagining a negative result, the worst situation that awaits from an outstanding task. Such a theory does not justify itself. Positive emotions and thoughts have a beneficial effect on all human activity and give energy to move forward. But when negative thoughts are born in the head, and a person starts figuratively scrolling through the worst situation that can happen, he falls into either panic or apathy (depending on temperament). They begin to attend thoughts that it’s too late to start doing anything anyway. An individual does not have any internal forces left to start acting, since he has just spent all his internal energy on negative thoughts.

This approach is fundamentally wrong. You should initially be positively tuned in and be sure to remember that it is never too late to start. A striking example is people who dare to get a second, third, or maybe even the first higher education, being already at an advanced age. Many famous people have achieved success over the age of 40-50.

People who are bored at the old job, think about how good it would be to change everything, to do their favorite activity, but continue to remain in their previous position, which, quite possibly, drives them into apathy and deprives them of action. They think about how to get rid of laziness, and start changing their lives for the better, but they are not moving off the ground. And the main reason for this is the lack of motivation.

Want to succeed, get rid of laziness - motivate yourself, be positive, clearly imagine the most incredible, best result.

It is easier for a positive-minded and confident person to self-organize themselves.

Goal setting and step-by-step plan for implementation

Self-motivation is just the tip of the iceberg. The most important work on yourself is ahead and deeper.

Once you have decided on the goal for which you are fighting your own laziness, it's time to draw up a detailed plan of action.

Write down your goal on the sheet in such a wording as if you had already achieved it, and put next to it the date when the writing should come true. Put the record in the most visible place so that it is regularly in front of your eyes and reminds of itself.

Get a diary or notebook in which you will write down an action plan for the day, week, month, year. At the end of the day, be sure to look through your notes, analyze what you managed to do and what not, and for what reason. Outline your thoughts.

The daily plan should always be at your fingertips. This is the only way to self-organize.

Developing a new habit correctly

It is very important at the initial stage not to overload yourself with new tasks. This threatens that you can burn out very quickly, and all efforts to get rid of laziness will go down the drain. Start with small goals and missions. Such an approach will help to develop a new habit gradually, which over time will enter your usual daily routine and become an integral part of it.

This is one of the most important moments in the fight against laziness. If you do not develop the habit of performing certain actions daily, then it will be very difficult for you to achieve positive results.

We promise ourselves and loved ones

To make a real challenge for yourself, it is not enough to give yourself only a promise. You must definitely voice what you have in mind. Tell your closest friends and relatives about your goals. Make a promise to them or argue with them that by the appointed time you will surely achieve what you have in mind. This is a rather bold step, and it must be decided. If you are serious and aware that laziness impedes your development, moving forward to a happy successful life, you should definitely make such a promise. Then it will be more difficult for you to abandon your own words. No one wants to look in the eyes of other people and loved ones a loser. Therefore, this approach will be very encouraging to action.

How to get rid of laziness in a child

It’s easier for an adult to organize himself and force himself to do something. But how to get rid of laziness in your own child?

It is difficult for a completely unformed man to force himself to do what he considers a boring task, since he does not see motivating motives for action. He enjoys racing until late in the street, playing computer games or watching cartoons. But as soon as it comes to homework or cleaning in your own room, the child becomes lazy.

It is very important from an early age to teach children the daily routine and responsibility. At an older age, this will be quite difficult.

This should be done in a friendly, and possibly playful way. Cleaning in the apartment should take place together with the child. First, you entrust your child with fairly simple tasks. After completion, be sure to praise him. The child should feel not only the importance of the completed work and experience a sense of pride, but also the desire to continue to help parents in household chores.

To accustom the young assistant to household chores is quite feasible. But how to get rid of laziness in a child when it comes to completing school lessons? Collaboration will also help here. Do not scold the child or take more drastic measures. Such approaches do not work and only intimidate, developing a negative attitude towards learning and completing any tasks. Be patient. If the child does not succeed in the first place, help him, but do not do his work for him. Encourage his first successes so that the baby feels a sense of pride and is motivated for further achievements. Only patience, understanding, joint activities and moderate rigor will bring results.


Watch the video: A Japanese Technique to Overcome Laziness (July 2024).