Urticaria - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Hives - This is an allergic disease, it is characterized by formations on the skin, as well as on the mucous membranes in the form of blisters, which in turn is a kind of reaction of the patient's body to various stimuli. By and large, an allergic reaction of the immune system usually appears due to the fact that there is an incorrect immune response to a certain type of bacteria, parasites and viruses that are chronically in the body.

By the way, those allergens that supposedly cause a disease like urticaria are one of the many factors in the immune response. So there are additional pulling factors to urticaria: any infection, household allergens, genetic predisposition, and much more. So urticaria is not a separate skin disease, but a certain signal of your body.

Urticaria - causes

There are a lot of reasons for urticaria and the allergen that provokes such a disease can be anything, from pollen and products to various microorganisms. It is sometimes very difficult to calculate the true causes, sometimes ordinary observation can help, and sometimes it is necessary to pass a number of analyzes.

As for acute urticaria, it is caused by drugs, infections, foods or insect bites. As for chronic urticaria, it is often associated with certain pathological processes in cases of disorders of the central nervous system and internal organs. There is also urticaria, which is caused by cold, pressure, physical exertion, sunlight, and so on.

Urticaria - Symptoms

Such a disease as urticaria is characterized by such formations on the mucous membranes and skin as blisters, which are very dense, swollen, have a bright red color. Such blisters come in various shapes, sizes, and shapes; a blanching zone often appears in the center of such a blister.

In acute urticaria, it appears, and very sharply, severe itching, rash on absolutely any part of the body, burning sensation. In addition to this, in addition to blisters, a deterioration in health can be observed, this is called nettle fever. In general, everything will depend on which urticaria begins to appear in you. So the correct and competent diagnosis of the disease is very important.

Urticaria - diagnosis

Diagnosis of urticaria is usually not difficult and will be carried out by an allergist-immunologist. If the reaction is to take medication or certain ingredients, then a provocative test will be performed. A skin test may also be performed. In addition, specialists may recommend blood tests and other tests.

Urticaria - treatment and prevention

The most effective way to treat and prevent urticaria is the elimination and timely identification of all factors that can cause urticaria. Although there are cases when in chronic urticaria the allergen cannot be detected.

Acute urticaria can sometimes pass by itself, without consultation and treatment. But chronic urticaria will not be able to disappear without a thorough examination of your body and without the competent advice of a dermatologist. Usually, the treatment of urticaria is that antihistamines are prescribed, in more severe and difficult cases it is necessary to use corticosteroids.

The main thing here is to consult a specialist in time so as not to start the disease, since in the future it develops into a chronic form. Only after the diagnosis is carried out, the true causes of the appearance of urticaria are discovered, the specialist will prescribe you the right and effective treatment.


Alena 06/19/2016
Our daughter is diagnosed with urticaria, and I gave her mulberry and cancer! What could have caused her?


Watch the video: Urticaria - not always an ALLERGY (July 2024).