Dry skin of the face, body, hands - signs, causes and care


Normal skin functions correctly if it receives sufficient hydration and has a normal balance of the body’s natural fluid. With a normal balance, the sebaceous glands produce enough oily substances so that the fluid is retained inside the skin. Oils set a natural barrier, but sometimes their quantity is not enough to cope with this function. If the concentration of water decreases and falls below 10%, the skin loses elasticity, can crack, itch and cause a lot of trouble to a person. Such skin is considered dry, it can be distinguished by the following signs:

- rough appearance, not elastic, stained;
- overly tight;
- flakes, flakes flake;
- visible pores;
- places of friction or tension may be the driest. These are elbows, knees, fingers.
- itching occurs, especially after drying out.

Why does my skin get dry?

Dry skin condition can be caused suddenly. This may be a simple exposure to sunlight or wind and cold, dry indoor air during the heating season, continuous operation of the air conditioner in the summer. Often we do not think about the consequences for the skin when using the latest cosmetics in the cosmetics industry. It can be alkaline soap, detergents for washing dishes for hands, detergents, and simply excessive use of cosmetics. In especially difficult cases, dermatitis can appear. Dry skin can also provoke serious diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, allergies to certain products, skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, etc. Loss of elasticity also begins with age-related skin changes.

Dry skin

The face is most exposed to the environment, therefore, the skin reaction can sometimes be simply unpredictable. In order for the facial skin to receive good hydration, the flow of water from the blood vessels into the epidermis should be the same. With insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands, dry skin appears on which wrinkles and folds, pigmentation and other changes are manifested more strongly. The reason for this is the lack of moisture in the epidermis. Why do I need to carefully care for dry skin? The most unpleasant consequence is rapid aging. Wrinkles may occur earlier; accumulating dead cells cause itching and peeling.

Care for dry skin is necessary in several stages.

1. Cleansing.

It is undesirable to use gels and soap that dry the skin. Hard water with a huge amount of chemicals can give the same effect. To clean the skin, it is better to use a cleansing milk, hydrophilic oil, which, when in contact with the skin, can turn into a delicate film. You need to wash your face no more than 2 times a day so that the sebaceous glands work properly.

2. Exfoliation.

Dry skin, as well as oily, should be cleaned of dead particles with a peeling or scrub. This must be done constantly to remove dead skin particles, and allow the skin to be replaced in their place. The procedure must be performed at least 1 time per week.

Home Exfoliating Scrub Recipe:
Ingredients: banana (1 ripe), sugar (3 tablespoons), vanilla sugar (1/4 teaspoon), honey (1 teaspoon). Mix and apply on face for 30 minutes. Rinse off plain water and enjoy delicate skin!

3. Nutrition and hydration of dry skin.

These are the necessary procedures. They can be carried out using masks and cosmetic cream. A big plus - excess cream can not hurt.

Masks for dry skin

The purpose of the masks is to fill in the gaps due to the action of the sebaceous glands and lack of moisture, thereby preventing early skin aging. In youth, dry skin is beautiful and smooth, but wrinkles may appear unexpectedly. Do not wait, act in advance. The composition of the masks should be many moisturizing ingredients.

- Mask for dry skin from mint leaves
Method of preparation: sort and rinse the leaves of mint. Pour boiling water and bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes. For 1 part of the leaves we take 3 parts of mint. Cool and apply on gauze evenly, apply on face, keep for 15-20 minutes. Remove, rinse with water. If you make such a mask several times a week for a month, your skin will be safe for some time.

- Oil-lemon mask, useful for flaky skin
Method of preparation: lemon juice, sour cream, mayonnaise (on a teaspoon). Mix everything and apply on face. Hold for 15 minutes, rinse and treat your face with tonic. This cream perfectly saturates the skin with vitamins, makes it supple.

Cream for dry skin

Creams are used in the second stage, after cleansing procedures. Creams and mixtures for dry skin care must be oily, they make it supple and elastic. The cream should be thick, it is better not to use milk-like mixtures. Gammalinoleic acid, which retains moisture in the skin, helps in such cases. A nutrient is best applied immediately after cleansing.

Rinse your face with water and leave it moist - so that the effectiveness of the cream is higher. When applying the cream, you can do a gentle massage along the lines of the skin, trying not to stretch the skin. Self-made nourishing creams can be equally useful cosmetics. You can store home remedies only in the refrigerator, but not for long - no more than 2 weeks, and it is better to cook fresh servings.

- Egg cream for dry skin. Method of preparation: prepare a decoction of linden blossom - brew 2 tablespoons of dried flowers in a glass of water. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool. Take a tube of fatty cream, 1 yolk and mix with a decoction. It is an excellent emollient and nourishing agent.

- Rowan cream for dry skin with oil. Method of preparation: grind a glass of ripe rowan berries and add a spoonful of butter, a teaspoon of honey and yolk. Get a nourishing cream for dry skin. A similar recipe can be used to make persimmon, pear, and apple cream.

- Cream for dry skin on herbs. Method of preparation: dried plantain and mint (2 teaspoons each), a glass of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of nutritious cream. Mix herbs, keep on fire for 5 minutes. Add a portion of the broth (2 tablespoons) to the cream and mix.

Very dry skin

Stronger products are needed to act on such skin. In the cold season, such a composition can help - take 4 different hand creams (for example, "Lux", "Amber"), combine them together and beat with a spoon. Keep the product in the refrigerator, use 2 times a day. Coconut or almond oil helps a lot.

Dry hand skin

If you do not pay attention to hand care, your skin may become dry and taut. Even the remaining moisture can dry the skin if they are not wiped dry. Sometimes these are just hereditary features. Sometimes hands can become rough - as a result of a lack of moisture and fat. In any case, it is enough to properly care for your hands using creams with a lot of glycerin, lactic acid, sorbitol. In addition to fat cream, masks with olive oil and a drop of lemon juice work well.

A good remedy is a decoction of flax seed. It is easy to prepare it - boil 1 tablespoon of seeds in 1 cup of milk. In the most difficult cases, cracks in the hands form, especially when the profession requires you to wash your hands often. If you are sure that this is not psoriasis or eczema, you can use creams with emollients - allatonin, aloe, panthenol. The product is applied at night, cotton gloves are put on top.

Dry body skin

Sometimes metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins or genetic factors can affect the condition of the skin. If you notice a feeling of tightness of the skin after a shower, this is the first bell that you need to take measures until redness and peeling begin. When the sebaceous glands produce little fat, some procedures can be done at home.

Most often, the skin lacks vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging of the skin of the face and body. In addition to cosmetic procedures, attention should be paid to the quality of food. The diet should include foods with a high content of this vitamin - greens, eggs, legumes, buckwheat, bran, liver (beef), nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils. Dry skin of the body should not be exposed to active UV rays. In summer, protective cosmetics should be used on the beach, do not abuse the solarium.

You can not take very hot baths, as this leads to leaching of sebum.
A lot of moisture evaporates from the surface and in the bath, so you should not sit in the steam room for too long. Caring for dry skin is a must. Cosmetics for dry skin should be used - this is a regenerating oil, cosmetic milk, cream and body lotion. Peeling and scrub should be used no more than 1 time per week.

Folk recipes for dry skin

- Bath of flaxseed and chamomile pharmacy
Method of preparation: add a decoction of flaxseed and chamomile to the bath and take 10-15 minutes. It is not difficult to prepare a decoction - brew 50 grams of grass in 1 liter of water and leave for 2 hours.

- Milk bath with honey.
Method of preparation: heat milk (1 liter) for almost a boil, melt 200 grams of honey in a water bath. Mix and pour the mixture into water. Add 2 teaspoons of almond oil.

- Oatmeal broth bath
Method of preparation: take a few tablespoons of chopped oatmeal and place in a gauze bag. Hang it on the crane so that water passes through the oatmeal. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes.

- Dry Skin Scrub - Almonds and Oat Flakes
Method of preparation: grind one tablespoon of almond kernels and oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix with 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Apply to the body with massaging movements, wash off without soap. After scrub, apply moisturizer to the body.

- Salt peeling with honey for dry skin
Method of preparation: mix honey (4 tablespoons) and a spoonful of salt, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive), mix well. Apply for 5 minutes, rinse with water.

There are many ways to make skin soft and supple at home. Love yourself, find your way, take care of your body, and you will be irresistible!


Christy 12/04/2016
How to live in dry skin? You need to take care of her, so as not to dry and peel off ... Personally, I like Finepeel! For prevention and care the best!

Marina 11/12/2016
Schrunden-balsam cream advised me a beautician from the Family doctor. A little expensive, really. but the effect is cool.

Lena 04/23/2016
I have dry skin, but this is not a diagnosis. Mom and I have this type of skin. we don’t live without cream. But in general, I found for myself a way to nourish the skin, how to moisturize it deeply. if it’s clear, the article has excellent recipes, but in my life I don’t have the patience to make masks myself ... I buy ready-made masks. Moreover, not in jars in the form of a cream, but in special individual bags, on a fabric basis, soaked in a special gel. I tried different ones, I chose the masks of the Pharaoh's baths. the fact is that I know this brand, I use the bath salt Pharaoh's bathtubs and am very pleased with the quality. masks also did not disappoint. firstly, a fairly wide selection. it’s very easy to choose a mask for your skin type and age - everything is written on the package. secondly, that pleases. that the fabric base is designed for both the face and neck. Thirdly, the result becomes noticeable after 3-4 applications. At first I did these masks every other day. Now, to maintain shape, enough once or twice a week. Just for 10-15 minutes put the mask on your face and relax. Remove and remove residues. code becomes softer, moistened, soft, velvety. And after several procedures, it is noticeable that small wrinkles are smoothed out, that the tone of the face becomes smoother. and my men had small reddenings, hairbrushes - everything quickly passed. very pleased with the result. Well, as I said, it’s very important to me. whatever to brew. no need to insist, everything is ready

Julia 04.04.2016
I have been using Farkos Licorice Cream for the past few years. I really like everything about it: the composition, the price and how it is applied ... But now there is time and I wanted to treat myself to various bathtubs. Thank you, I found a couple for myself

Marinka 04/02/2016
And I did egg cream, it really really nourishes. Then I forgot about him completely. Now I will do it again. The skin does not really dry, but anyway, it feels that it is not so smooth and soft. Especially the calves of the legs and arms.


Watch the video: How can I stop dry skin? (July 2024).