Granuloma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Venereal granuloma - This is one of the diseases that venereologists classify as classic diseases. In other words, the most classic sexually transmitted diseases are: gonorrhea, syphilis, venereal granuloma, soft chancre, inguinal lymphogranulomatosis. Granuloma also has another name - this is donovanosis. Such a disease is a weakly contagious, slow-progressing, chronic disease in the form of an ulcer, which affects some parts of the human skin, as well as lymph in the genital area.

Granuloma - the causes of the disease

The main cause of the disease is sexual transmission. There is also a small percentage of granuloma infection through close household contact, although it is very unlikely, but still there are chances, due to the fact that such a donov bacterium is practically unable to exist outside the human body. Usually, the incubation period of the disease from that moment. When an infection has occurred, it can be about thirty days. This disease manifests itself in the form of a papule having a pink color, then such a papule becomes an ulcer.

Granuloma - symptoms of the disease

In general, experts believe that the incubation period can last from a day to three months, but on average thirty days. Its duration depends on the condition of the infected person, on the state of immunity, including the activity of the bacteria themselves. And only after the incubation period is over, the first symptoms begin to appear - these are bright red spots that are small in size - three to five millimeters. Then a pink nodule appears, after this the papule begins to grow in breadth, in two weeks the diameter can reach four centimeters.

Granuloma - symptoms of the disease

In general, experts believe that the incubation period can last from a day to three months, but on average thirty days. Its duration depends on the condition of the infected person, on the state of immunity, including the activity of the bacteria themselves. And only after the incubation period is over, the first symptoms begin to appear - these are bright red spots that are small in size - three to five millimeters. Then a pink nodule appears, after this the papule begins to grow in breadth, in two weeks the diameter can reach four centimeters.

And as the venereal granuloma progresses, the papule will gradually grow into a soft ulcer that has a fleshy red color and a velvet surface. But the bottom of such an ulcer can be grainy, the edges are uneven and raised. At the same time, such ulcers can be either deep or superficial, in rare cases, such ulcers destroy the tissue even to the bone. Moreover, such a formation has a very unpleasant odor. Most often, the genitals affect the pubic area, folds, on the inner thigh and in the perineum. Rarely there are cases when the lesion focus passes into the area around the anus. In addition, the oral cavity, face, neck can be affected.

Granuloma - diagnosis of the disease

In order to correctly diagnose this venereal granuloma, a venereologist should immediately exclude other sexually transmitted diseases that have similar symptoms: mild chancre, syphilis and so on. For this, various tests are carried out, as well as studies of the genitals of both partners, if possible over the past three to six months. Microscopic studies are also carried out, in the case when the picture of the granuloma is not clear, then the sowing method can also be used.

Granuloma - treatment and prevention

In no case should you self-medicate, and improper treatment can lead to the fact that granuloma disease can become chronic. In order to get rid of granulomas, the doctor will prescribe you a course of antibiotics and sulfa drugs.


Watch the video: Chronic Granulomatous Disease CGD (June 2024).