Will it improve immunity at home? Effective methods of raising immunity, easily feasible at home


The immune system protects a person from various bacteria and diseases.

But when the immunity is weakened, the diseases “stick” one after another, chronic fatigue and apathy appear.

So what to do in such a situation?

It is necessary to take care of your immunity, strengthen it and maintain it at a high level, especially during epidemics.

For this, it is not necessary to go to the hospital, because there are many ways to raise immunity at home.

Improve immunity at home: is it possible?

The Internet is full of advertisements about miraculous means for raising immunity, but they all cost space money and do not have proven effectiveness. But many people do not trust folk recipes. This begs the question: is it possible in principle to raise immunity at home without resorting to medication?

The answer to this question is certainly positive. Proven methods for strengthening immunity are passed from generation to generation. Indeed, in ancient times there was no such variety of drugs and people studied the properties of various foods and herbs, with which you can positively affect your health.

But in order to overcome the problem, first you need to identify it. If in a year a person has been sick no more than three times, then there is nothing to worry about. If more, then you should think about strengthening your immunity.

There are signs by which it is easy to understand that a person has weakened immunity:

• Chronic fatigue

• Fast fatiguability

• Frequent colds

• Regular headaches

• Increased hair loss

• Digestive Disorders

• Faded skin, gray skin

• Fragility of nails

• Pain in the joints and muscles

• Constant drowsiness or insomnia

• Depressed mood

• Allergic reactions

• Bruises and bags under the eyes

If a person finds at least a few of these symptoms, then there is a weak immunity. These symptoms are especially acute in the "off-season" - in spring and autumn, when the body experiences a lack of vitamins and nutrients. But not only the season affects immunity. It affects lifestyle, unhealthy diet, constant stress, heredity, bad habits and other factors. Equally important is the fact of living in the city. After all, the exhaust gases that urban residents are forced to breathe

Any person is subject to a decrease in immunity, so it is important for everyone to know how to strengthen their health.

How to raise immunity at home: methods

Sometimes improving immunity at home helps compliance with the principles of proper nutrition and daily routine. These measures are enough to prevent a decrease in immunity and to increase it if the immunity was reduced was uncritical.

Proper nutrition involves the exclusion of fatty foods, sweets and flour from the diet. We need to pay more attention to natural products - cereals, fruits, vegetables and completely abandon fast food. However, this point is difficult to fulfill for many people, which is why they resort to using special means that positively affect immunity.

Eating junk food leads to obesity. And people suffering from this disease are more likely than others to lower immunity. Due to the large weight, the load on organs increases, especially on the heart and blood vessels, because the body's work is aimed at normalizing the work of the internal organs of an obese person. Therefore, the immune system suffers, because the hormonal background is disturbed and the organs function in a "tense" mode.

The day regimen is easy to develop with a clear work or study schedule. Lack of sleep leads to an increase in the level of the hormone, which provokes a decrease in immunity.

It is definitely worth adjusting the time of eating and increasing the amount of fluid consumed per day. An adult should drink at least 2 liters per day. Water quality also affects immunity, so do not drink tap water. It is better to drink boiled water and as often as possible.

Do not neglect sports. Exercise will help strengthen muscles and improve overall well-being, tone the body.

In addition to sports, hardening is also highly effective. Hardened people are not cold and drafts, therefore, they are sick less often. But you need to start hardening not in the ice hole in the frost - this will lead to health problems. You can start with a contrast shower. Gradually, the temperature difference needs to be increased, and only then try more "hard" methods of hardening the body.

But if these simple rules do not bring results and the person continues to get sick, then you should turn to traditional medicine and medicines.

How to increase immunity at home: medicines and folk remedies

The most affordable method of increasing immunity is the use of traditional medicine. There are many recipes for such funds.

1. The most popular recipe - dried fruits with honey, lemon and nuts..

All the ingredients of this "vitamin barrel" positively affect various organs and immunity separately, and together it is a super-tool that will help to survive all seasonal epidemics without a cold.

To prepare this tool, you need to take in equal amounts:

• dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes)

• nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews)

• lemon

• honey

Soak dried fruits in warm water for about 20 minutes, rinse well, then twist in a meat grinder with lemon and nuts. Lemon must be twisted together with the peel, as it contains a huge amount of vitamin C.

After mixing the resulting mixture with honey, transfer to a jar and put in the refrigerator. Use this storehouse of vitamins 3 times a day for a teaspoon. You can add this mixture to porridge in the morning.

2. Vitamin broth with wild rose is also popular..

To prepare it you will need:

• Dried rosehip berries - 100g

• 2 lemons

• Honey - 100g

• A few raspberry leaves (sold at the pharmacy in dried form)

Twist the lemons with a meat grinder and place in a small thermos. Add chopped raspberry leaves and honey. Make a decoction of rosehip, strain from berries and add the resulting liquid to a thermos. Insist at least 3 hours. Consume 2 times a day for a couple of months.

3. Not the most delicious remedy, but one of the most effective - a mixture of honey, lemon and garlic.

To prepare this tool, you must take:

• 3 lemons

• 2 heads of garlic

• 200g honey

Unpeeled lemons and peeled garlic are chopped in a meat grinder, then honey is added to them. It is necessary to mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained, transfer to a glass jar, which is tightly closed so that the mixture does not lose its useful qualities. This tool is not recommended for more than two weeks. The results from the application will be noticeable, even during the epidemic it will not be scary to get sick.

4. Nut tincture - an excellent tool, but you can apply it only to a certain circle of people. After all, this tincture is made on vodka.

To prepare a nut tincture you will need:

• 0.7l quality vodka

• 1 cup chopped walnut shell

The shell must be poured into a glass jar, pour vodka, close tightly and put away for two to three months in a dark, cool place. One teaspoon per day for 2-3 weeks will be enough to support the body.

5. Well, the "every day" recipe: you need to take a couple of heads of garlic, peel them, chop, put in a glass bowl. Pour the garlic with vegetable or olive oil and add to the dishes to taste. Garlic will help to add a spicy flavor to the dish and to overcome the bacteria in the body.

In addition to folk recipes, people resort to the use of medicines, with which you can increase immunity at home.

Conventionally, drugs that affect immunity are divided into 4 groups:

1. Herbal preparations (echinacea, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, ginseng, etc.)

2. Bacterial agents containing enzymes of pathogens

3. Medicines with nucleic acids (derinat, nucleinate, etc.)

4. Interferons

Effectively increase the immunity of any of these funds, but before using them, you must consult your doctor.

How to raise the immunity of the child at home?

This question excites any parent. After all, this problem is especially acute for the parents of those children who just went to kindergarten. Weak immunity misses any disease, and children are constantly sick - there is the so-called adaptation and formation of immunity. But you can help your child move this period easier.

It is necessary to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, but not to allow hypothermia. In the summer it is very useful to walk barefoot on the ground - this will help not only to harden, but also to prevent flat feet.

In the diet of the child you need to introduce fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins. Vitamin C has a great effect on the immune system, so its lack can play a cruel joke on health.

But children can also use folk remedies. Honey, nuts and other allergens can be introduced into the diet from 3 years old, and dried fruits from 6 months. Tinctures with alcohol are contraindicated for use by children, as well as pregnant and lactating women, whose health affects the health of the fetus or infant.

As for medicines, their use must be agreed with the attending physician.


Watch the video: 7 Ways To Boost Your Immune System Naturally (July 2024).