Acne (acne) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Acne (Acne) - This is a disease that is associated with the fact that red nodules appear on the skin, which are called "acne". Inflamed nodules are very painful, and can cause teenagers discomfort because the appearance of the skin deteriorates.

The manifestation of puberty and acne occurs almost at the same time. Acne is treated for a long time, and may even be prone to relapse. Acne can appear on the face, but in some cases it can appear on the neck, arms, back and chest. It comes in many forms, and can manifest itself in different ways.

1. Black dots. They include horny scales that impede the access of sebum. The upper part of the cork begins to fill with dust and acquires a brown or dark color. Most often, the area of ​​appearance of acne is the nose, forehead and chin, as well as the back and chest.

2. Huskies are whiteheads. They are point nodules that are similar in size to a grain. The cause of their occurrence is a stretching of the gland and fat retention. They are located on the cheekbones and in the eyelids. They can also occur both individually and in groups.

3. Acne vulgaris (vulgar) appear as a result of the fact that the sebaceous glands are constantly inflamed. Usually shown in adolescents at the time of puberty. The reason for the deterioration of the skin is poor hygiene, abuse of harmful food.

4. Pustular acne is an acne with a purulent cap, often red. May appear as a result of the fact that the epidermis has been damaged, and harmful substances have come out. Squeezing blackheads is the main cause of pustules.

5. Phlegmonous acne. They are a tumor. They are formed as a result of the defeat of a large number of sebaceous glands. Phlegmonous acne can grow together and turn into abscesses or ulcers. In their place, when they are opened, scars may form.

6. Conglobate acne. They are rounded. This is the most dangerous acne that affects the side of the cheek, neck and back. With this disease, nodes form, after healing of which a scar remains.

7. Drug acne. The reason for their appearance is an allergy to the drugs used. They appear as red spots or ulcers.

Acne - treatment

Acne treatment is very long and exposure is needed. It is aimed to eliminate seborrhea, limit fatty, spicy and sweet foods. In severe acne, antibiotics are prescribed. In addition, you can wipe the affected area with a two to three percent solution of boric or salicylic acid, cryotherapy and UV radiation.

Comedones are removed and abscessed acne is revealed. Disincrustation can be used, which consists in removing the fatty core of an eel using vacuum or galvanization.

Acne - Prevention

Prevention of acne (blackheads) is to:

- observe a healthy lifestyle (give up bad habits, arrive in the fresh air, eat well);

- follow a diet (limit the use of fried, sweet, spicy, fatty foods, you will also have to give up chocolate and coffee;

- regulate bowel function (prevent constipation).

- In the diet more use raw vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

- consume a sufficient amount of liquid (at least two liters of clean drinking water per day);

- wear clean underwear made from natural fabrics;

- regularly clean, and avoid drying the skin with detergents;

Do not forget that squeezing blackheads promotes the spread of dangerous microorganisms and the disease will begin to progress. Acne should be treated under the supervision of a doctor using modern and highly effective methods.


Watch the video: How To Get Rid of Acne. Best Spot Treatment. How To Use Benzoyl Peroxide. Prevent Acne 2018 (June 2024).