Exotic and mysterious grapefruit: useful or harmful? Facts about calorie, benefits and dangers of grapefruit for weight loss


Grapefruit has long settled on the shelves of Russian stores, and very few people will be able to surprise with this fruit.

Grapefruit is a combination of two fruits in one - orange and pomelo.

This fruit grows on tall trees that reach a height of 13 meters.

Among scientists there are debates about the benefits and harms of grapefruit, but researchers cannot come to the unequivocal opinion.

Therefore, to find out what the use of grapefruit, benefit or harm will bring, it is worth examining its composition.

The composition and caloric content of grapefruit

The color is pink, red and white grapefruits. The benefits of grapefruit is largely due to its composition. 90% of this fruit consists of water, so grapefruit is useful and effective in losing weight, but more on that later.

In addition to water, grapefruit contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fiber, organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, and a small amount of ash. Due to the predominance of water in the composition of grapefruit, its caloric content is 35 kcal per 100 g edible part. Fat in this fruit contains the least - 0.2gr per 100g of fresh fruit. Proteins and carbohydrates 0.7g and 6.5g, respectively.

Grapefruit fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Among the vitamins worth noting:

• Vitamin PP - 0.2mg (per 100g of the edible part of grapefruit)

• Vitamin A - 3µg

• Thiamine or Vitamin B1 - 0.05mg

• Riboflavin or vitamin B2 - 0.03mg

• Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 - 0.03mg

• Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6 - 0.04mg

• Folic acid or vitamin B9 - 3µg

• Vitamin C - 45mg

• Vitamin E - 0.3mg

• Beta-carotene - 0.02mg

Based on the content of vitamin C in grapefruit, the conclusion suggests itself that this vitamin is contained in this fruit in the same amount as in orange. However, grapefruit contains more natural sugars than its orange ancestor.

The number of micro and macro elements in grapefruit is not as large and diverse as vitamins:

• Calcium - 23mg (per 100g of edible part of this fruit)

• Sodium - 13mg

• Magnesium - 10mg

• Potassium - 184mg

• Phosphorus - 18mg

• Iron - 0.5mg

In addition to the above, grapefruit contains naringin and quinine - substances that have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the content of naringin the fruits of grapefruit and have a bitter aftertaste. This substance is not in the very pulp of this fruit, but between the slices in a translucent skin.

How is grapefruit used?

Most often, grapefruit is consumed fresh, because it can be stored longer than other fruits, without losing its flavor and beneficial properties.

From the pulp of grapefruit is prepared jams, preserves, juices and liqueurs, and candied fruits are made from the peel of this bitter fruit, and essential oil and pectin are obtained.

Grapefruit goes well with meat and fish dishes. Before cooking, the meat is poured with grapefruit juice, and the fish is soaked in it for 20-30 minutes. After this treatment, the taste of dishes change for the better.

In aromatherapy and cosmetology The use of grapefruit is confirmed long ago. Popular are face masks with pulp or with the juice of this fruit. These masks help to whiten the skin and get rid of freckles. In addition, the skin after the masks with grapefruit juice becomes supple and smooth. The juice of this fruit tones the skin, normalizes fat balance and helps prevent signs of aging.

The beneficial properties of grapefruit are reflected in the quality of the skin of the hands, and on the growth and condition of the nails. Hand massage with grapefruit zest will help exfoliate the skin and make your nails stronger.

Essential oil Grapefruit is popular since ancient times. The smell of this citrus helps to raise the mood and invigorate, so after a hard working day it is recommended to take a hot bath with a couple of drops of this ether. In addition, grapefruit oil is used in the manufacture of perfumes, alcoholic beverages and confectionery.

What is the benefit of grapefruit for human health?

Due to its beneficial composition, grapefruit has a positive effect on the human body. The antioxidants that make up this vibrant citrus help renew skin cells, maintain youth and reduce the level of fats in the body.

Grapefruit has a pronounced antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Grapefruit juice helps to get rid of the problem of bleeding gums. Bitter substance - naringin - in addition to having a positive effect on the work of the stomach and intestines, it also affects the work of the liver. This fruit contains vitamin C in an amount equal to the daily human need.

Grapefruit Aroma - Natural Aphrodisiac. The smell of this citrus helps to overcome depression, apathy, migraine, normalize sleep and reduce nervous excitement.

Grapefruit - Fruit for cores. Bioflavonoids, which are part of this fruit, have a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system - the elasticity of blood vessels increases and blood composition improves. These substances in combination with vitamin C will help strengthen the capillaries. Therefore, if you use grapefruit at least a couple of times a week, you can significantly reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases. But it is worth remembering that these beneficial properties relate only to the grapefruit pulp, since during the mechanical processing of the fruit fibers are destroyed, therefore, grapefruit juice will not be as effective.

Grapefruit helps reduce cholesterol, prevent the emergence of diseases such as atherosclerosis and normalize the pressure. For women, this fruit is indicated for use during menopause, when blood pressure often rises. Pectin in grapefruit is beneficial for women in menopause, as this substance helps alleviate the symptoms of this period.

The benefits of grapefruit are proven by various scientists in the world. American researchers found that this bright citrus contains substances that help prevent tumors, and in particular - breast cancer.

For people with diabetes, this fruit is not contraindicated, as it contains natural sugars and helps to normalize blood sugar levels. In addition, grapefruit helps to remove excess fluid, toxins and wastes from the body. And the content of vitamin C in this fruit made it an excellent means to maintain immunity.

Would eating grapefruit harm health?

Not only health can bring grapefruit, but also harm, especially when it comes to an unhealthy stomach. It is not recommended to eat this fruit to people suffering from gastritis with high acidity and with gastric ulcer. Undiluted freshly squeezed grapefruit juice is not recommended for people with a healthy stomach, so as not to provoke irritation of the mucous membrane and destruction of the tooth enamel, as grapefruit juice has a high acidity.

Women who take hormonal drugs (birth control pills) should stop eating grapefruit, since this fruit neutralizes the effect of such drugs.

In general, when using drugs, grapefruit is not recommended. This fruit can lead to an increase in the active substance content of the drug, leading to an overdose. Therefore, it is better to give up grapefruit at this time, or use it after a long period of time, after consuming the medicine.

Is grapefruit useful or harmful for children?

Both the benefits and harm of grapefruit are proven, hence the question arises, is it possible to use this fruit for children?

Of course, the benefits of grapefruit are more than harm, so you can safely include this fruit in your child’s diet. However, it is worth remembering that citrus fruits are a strong allergentherefore, it is necessary to introduce grapefruit into the child’s diet in small portions and not earlier than the child turns 2 years old. If your child has problems with the digestive system or a tendency to allergies, then it is better to postpone the input of citrus fruits to the onset of 3 years.

Grapefruit contains vitamins and minerals that a small body needs for full growth and development. With colds and flu, you can give a child grapefruit juice or pulp. This fruit helps to improve the immunity and resistance of the disease, to restore strength.

In order for a child to eat with appetite, 20 minutes before a meal it’s worth offering him a slice of grapefruit. This fruit contains substances that help improve appetite. And if you let grapefruit eat before bedtime, then the child will sleep much better.

But do not enter this fruit in the diet, if the child has serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. And when you use drugs do not give this fruit, so as not to provoke an overdose of the drug.

Slimming with a grapefruit: truth or fiction?

Grapefruit is 90% water, so its caloric content is only 35 kcal per 100 grams. This means that when you lose weight, this fruit can be consumed without problems.

There are mono-diets and diets involving grapefruit. The juice of this fruit helps to fight with orange peel - cellulite. Of course, the use of juice noticeable results will not bring, be sure to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Eating grapefruit before eating will help speed up the metabolic processes in the body and prevent the deposition of fat, because this fruit helps to eliminate fat and excess fluid from the human body.

During the period of weight loss, many people are faced with insomnia - and grapefruit will help here. Drinking this citrus before bed will help you fall asleep faster..

The benefits of grapefruit for weight loss is obvious, but it is worth remembering the contraindications that the use of this fruit does not cause harm.


Watch the video: Do you really know how healthy is Pomelo? (July 2024).