A decoction of oats is a storehouse of vitamins: can it do harm? What benefits does oats decoction bring to the body, how to take it without harm


Many English families serve oatmeal for breakfast.

It is tasty and healthy.

However, a decoction of oats also has useful properties.

Broth of oats: composition, calorie, how to prepare and apply

According to its beneficial properties, oats are in second place after buckwheat. It contains all the substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of all organs of the human body. These are, first of all, vitamins A, K, E, group B, iodine, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, cobalt, manganese, etc.

Vitamin A necessary for the body. It participates in the redox processes, forms the bone system and teeth, affects the fat metabolism, cell growth.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) normalizes blood clotting, promotes the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, prevents osteoporosis, neutralizes toxins.

Vitamin E does not allow the body to grow old prematurely, restores the activity of the reproductive system in men and women, reduces the level of cholesterol.

Vitamins of group B normalize metabolism, promote the synthesis of hemoglobin, regulate the nervous system, heal damaged skin and mucous membranes.

Iodine necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, regulates energy, protein, fat metabolism, controls the rate of chemical reactions in the body.

Iron responsible for blood formation, cell activity, redox reactions. A sufficient content of iron in the blood maintains performance, helps to cope with stress.

Fluorine participates in mineral metabolism, in the correct formation of bones of the skeleton, is responsible for the growth and condition of teeth, nails, hair.

Phosphorus needed for the growth of bones and teeth, for normal functioning of the heart, kidneys, supports metabolism.

Zinc necessary for insulin in the pancreas, improves memory, prevents the formation of cataracts.

Sulfur - an important macroelement that makes skin, nails, hair healthy.

• Trace Element cobalt participates in the formation of red blood bodies, affects the process of blood formation.

Manganese helps to absorb vitamin B1, gland, copper. Responsible for building cells in the body.

Interesting fact: A decoction of oats has become very popular thanks to the French doctor Jean de S. Catherine. He called decoction the elixir of health and longevity. The doctor daily drank a healthy drink of two glasses before meals for many years. He managed to live up to 120 years.

Low-calorie oat broththerefore, its use will help maintain a slim figure, improve health. Per 100 g of liquid, 0.6 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 3.5 g of carbohydrates, caloric content 21 Kcal.

To take all the vitamins and trace elements from the useful cereal, you can prepare a decoction of oats, the beneficial properties of which have a beneficial effect on health. It is recommended to drink it daily.

Oats decoction recipe:

Two glasses of oat grains need to be filled with one glass of cold water, leave to swell for 12 hours.

After a while, add water to close the grains, bring to a boil, then put on a moderate heat and cook for an hour and a half, constantly adding water.

Strain the liquid in a separate container, cool the cooled grain, grind it in a blender and mix with the broth.

Boil until thickened kissel.

It is advised to use a decoction of oats an hour before meals, in small sips. This drink is useful for treating kidney stones. During the day you need to drink about a liter of drink. The course is designed for 3 months. You need to prepare a new portion of the drink every day, as it deteriorates very quickly. In the summer, it is best stored in the refrigerator.

Broth oats brings great benefits to the body. Ancient greek doctor Hippocrates advised drinking a decoction of oats to restore energy and increase the protective functions of immunity. Healthy drink is used to eliminate various health problems, for weight loss, in cosmetology.

Bath oat broth helps to eliminate natoptysh, heals cracks on the heels.

One glass of oats is poured with water, infused overnight, brought to a boil in the morning, and immediately removed from the heat. Filter the liquid, add the same amount of water. Feet dipped in the tub with a decoction of oats, hold for 20 minutes. As the water cools, pour warm. After the foot rinsed, dried with a soft towel, heels are treated with a nail file, cleaned of horny skin, lubricated with softening cream.

Broth oats: what is the benefit for the body?

The beneficial properties of oats decoction help with stomach ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis. It has a diuretic, antipyretic effect. Eliminates swelling, is used in the treatment of kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, enuresis.

• For the treatment of gastritis, half a cup of oats is ground in a coffee grinder, poured with half liters of water, roasted on low heat under a lid for about 20 minutes. The cooled beverage is filtered, boiled water is added to the liquid to make 600 ml. Formed kissel, which should be drunk during the day for three doses.

• When pancreatitis drink is prepared in several stages. First, fill the grain with water and germinate for about 3 days. After that, wash the sprouts, dry, grind in a coffee grinder. 1 tablespoon of the obtained powder pour a glass of water, boil a few minutes. Insist about an hour, drink at a time.

• To remove toxins and eliminate constipation, oat grains are ground in a coffee grinder, 2 tablespoons of powder should be poured with two cups of hot water, insisted in a thermos for 12 hours. Strained drink take half a glass for half an hour before meals.

Broth oats: what harm to health?

Despite the fact that a decoction of oats can be considered a storehouse of vitamins, this drink can be harmful to health.

• It can not be drunk to people with low blood pressure.

• Overdose of broth can lead to increased headaches.

• If there are stones or sand in the gall bladder, then treatment with a decoction of oats should be carried out only after consulting a physician. When the gallbladder is cut out, it is impossible to drink a drink from oats.

• The decoction is not recommended for people with renal and heart failure.

• Some people are allergic to cereals, so in case of individual intolerance you need to stop taking the drug.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the use of oats decoction

For pregnant women, a decoction of oats is very useful. Valuable vitamins and trace elements included in its composition are necessary for the growth and development of the baby. If a woman has a cold, you can make a cough decoction. Pour one glass of oat grains with one liter of milk, simmer over low heat for about 3 hours. Strain, to taste add butter and honey to the drink. Drink during the day half a glass.

Nursing mothers can drink oatmeal milk, which increases lactation. To do this, pour 1 cup of grains with a liter of water, boil until the consistency of jelly. Strain, pour in the resulting liquid as much boiled milk, cool. Drink all day.

Oats decoction for children: useful or harmful

A decoction of oats is good for children.

• normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines

• increases the protective functions of the body

• treats diathesis

• recommended for bronchitis, anemia

It can be given to crumbs from 2 months of age, but it is better to consult first with a pediatrician. Vitamin drink kids prepare from one liter of milk, a glass of oats, three tablespoons of honey. First, the oats are poured with water and cooked to a creamy state. Then they add milk and boil until the broth resembles thick kissel. After cooling, add honey.

Diathesis and eczema can be treated with oats decoction. To do this, untreated whole grains are steamed with hot water, kneaded with a fork and applied to the problem area of ​​the skin for 10-15 minutes. Such procedures relieve inflammation and refresh the skin of the face.

Oats decoction: harm or benefit for losing weight

A decoction of oats helps to get rid of unwanted pounds, cleans the body of toxins, saturates it with vital substances.

• Oats decoction acts on the intestinal wall, enveloping it with a viscous lubricant that protects the body from toxins and unnecessary substances. In a slagged organism, fat accumulates faster; a decoction of oats clears away excess, accelerating the process of losing weight.

• The starch contained in the oats broth is absorbed for a long time, therefore the appetite decreases, resulting in a reduction in the number of meals.

• The drink has many vitamins that increase immunity.

• A drink made from oats improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Problems associated with the endocrine system, lead to overweight.

Since the drink is low-calorie, it does not add extra calories. Decoction improves metabolism, restores metabolism, charges with vigor and energy.

By law, oats are considered medicinal cereal. In ancient times, the doctors of Egypt, India, and China used it to treat various diseases. It is best to purchase unpeeled oats or "horse". It makes a valuable healing drink.


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