Useful properties and possible harm of oxygen cocktails. Rules for preparing and taking a healthy oxygen cocktail


Oxygen cocktail is great way to normalize metabolic processes organism and boost immunity, by saturating tissue cells with additional oxygen.

It will help get rid of a constant feeling of fatigue, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The three main components of an oxygen cocktail and its calorie content

The oxygen cocktail includes three main components - oxygen, edible foaming agent and tasty aromatic healthy base.

Oxygen can be found in the following forms:

Medical oxygen in cylinders - it is convenient to use if there is enough space for stationary placement of the cylinder;

Oxygen mixture in cans - in this form, oxygen can even be carried with you in a bag or pocket;

Oxygen concentrators - occupy a small space when stationary.

For the preparation of oxygen cocktails having useful properties, use medical oxygen marking GOST 5583-78 or food oxygen E948. The oxygen content in them is not less than 99%. In addition, harmful impurities are completely excluded here.

As a foaming agent are:

• Fresh egg white - dangerous, given the likelihood of infection with salmonellosis;

• Dry egg white is safer than fresh, but it is contraindicated for those who have individual intolerance to it;

• Licorice root syrup - includes alcohols;

• Special foaming compositions - designed taking into account all the features, and therefore safe and varied.

The basis of an oxygen cocktail beneficial to health can be:

• Water

• Milk

• Juice of apple, grape, cherry, pear, raspberry, sea buckthorn,

• Morse,

• Syrup,

• Herbal infusions having individually necessary healing properties.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the basis should not have:

• Oils - since oil in contact with oxygen instantly ignites;

• Gases - this prevents getting the desired consistency of the cocktail;

• Pulp in juices - this will prevent you from getting a lush, uniform foam.

The calorie content of an oxygen cocktail that is beneficial for the body is about 360 kcal per 100 g. Calories can vary depending on the basis of the product - milk, juice or water and decoctions of herbs.

Two ways to make a healthy oxygen cocktail

In order to prepare an oxygen cocktail that is useful for the body at home, it is enough to have all the necessary components on hand and perform a few simple steps:

1. Take a glass or plastic glass;

2. Fill a glass with a delicious liquid base, to which add a foaming component;

3. Shuffle;

4. Immerse in the prepared mixture a tube with an aerator connected to a can of oxygen;

5. Start the oxygen supply and continue until the glass is completely filled with air foam.

This method is enough simple and makes it possible to experiment with tasteschanging the basis of the cocktail.

For mass preparation of oxygen cocktails with health benefits, a cooking method is suitable using oxygen cocktail. A liquid base is placed in it, a foaming mixture and oxygen is supplied. Then the glasses are filled with a cocktail one after another, the foam formed in it. This method is ideal for schools, resorts and other institutions with systemic mass catering.

Precautions for the safe preparation of an oxygen cocktail benefit for the body, which is indispensable

Safety precautions when preparing oxygen cocktails:

• The minimum presence of oils will inevitably lead to fire in contact with oxygen. This happens instantly and stops in seconds;

• Before starting the supply of oxygen to the tank, within the radius of one meter there should only be someone who is engaged in cooking and is responsible for this.

How to take an oxygen cocktail with greater health benefits

Taking an oxygen cocktail with benefit is best two hours before a meal. It nourishes the body, its tissues and cells, and will play appetite well. Two meals a day for 200-400 gr.

The average course duration is 15 days.

If desired and in the absence of contraindications, oxygen cocktails can be taken longer, having developed a regularity acceptable to oneself.

Feeling even an increased need for oxygen foam, should take a break for several weeks after each month of admission.

The benefits of oxygen cocktail

Oxygen cocktails are good for the body. They were designed specifically to enrich it with oxygen by ingestion. Absorbed through the walls of the stomach, oxygen with blood penetrates deeper into the tissue, to their very cells. Each organ is enriched and nourished, restoring and improving its structure, and, as a result, functionality. A person living in a big city at least periodically needs a minimum course of taking such oxygen doses. This will relieve him of the potential danger of oxygen starvation, improve sleep, give strength and energy for sports, increase mental activity, and also strengthen the nervous system.

Having a small calorie content, an oxygen cocktail also enhances the body's metabolic processes. This allows you to fight overweight.

Studies have shown that 85% of patients are cured of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract by taking oxygen shakes that are beneficial for the body. In addition, the nervous system is restored, the respiratory work is normalized and the cardiovascular system is getting stronger.

Can an oxygen shake harm the body?

An oxygen cocktail can harm the body in only a few cases:

individual intolerance to certain componentsincluded in the composition - most often it is egg white. If such a problem arises, then it can easily be eliminated by simply replacing the ingredient causing the undesirable reaction with an acceptable one;

flatulence with prolonged use - the continuous use of a cocktail with oxygen can provoke increased gas formation in the intestine. In the end, it can even lead to digestive disorders;

acute periods of asthma;

urolithiasis disease;


Acute course of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

If you have doubts or undesirable manifestations after starting the reception, you need to consult a dietitian. After all, unfortunately, even an oxygen cocktail can cause harm to the body under certain conditions.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail for the body of a pregnant woman and a nursing mother

Pregnancy is a wonderful and incredibly complex process of a new life. In the body of a pregnant woman, significant changes occur at all levels, from physical to hormonal.

Oxygen cocktail is good for health and is able to give strength to the expectant mother. It normalizes pressure, relaxes, stabilizes the emotional background. In addition, according to experts, babies are born with more stable immunity. Taking an oxygen cocktail useful during pregnancy:

• Prevents placental insufficiency;

• Prevents hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus;

• Maintains the level of hemoglobin in the blood of the expectant mother and her baby at a favorable level;

• Minimizes the risk of a pregnant woman becoming infected with viral diseases;

• Improves the quality of sleep;

• Stabilizes metabolic processes, which helps with rapid weight gain;

• Suitable for those who, for certain reasons, spend little time outdoors.

To avoid harm from taking an oxygen cocktail, remember about contraindications:

• Acute periods of asthma;

• Allergy to components;

• Diseases of the stomach and intestines;

• Bile and urolithiasis or suspicion of them.

In the process of breastfeeding her baby, the mother shares immunity and health with him. To maintain normal health, she needs to eat properly. Oxygen cocktail has calorie content and vitamin composition, are indispensable in this period. He will help to stay awake, despite lack of sleep, give energy. Bringing incomparable benefits to the body, an oxygen cocktail also will support the lactation period at an optimal level.

Useful properties of an oxygen cocktail for a child's body

Children spend a lot of energy per day. And even in a dream, their brain continues to process the information received during the day. Therefore, the children's body needs support. Oxygen cocktails with their useful properties and the necessary daily caloric content will perfectly restore all strength and replenish the resources of a growing organism.

Absorbed through the stomach and intestines, oxygen has a healing effect on their walls, accelerating tissue regeneration. It is very useful for children who have digestive and digestive tract problems. But you should not drink cocktails during the acute course of the disease. In addition, it is the absorption of oxygen by the intestine that has an anthelmintic effect on it. But who, no matter how children, love to explore this world, not remembering hygiene.

Oxygen cocktail very useful for childrenbecause he:

• Increases the body's ability to resist viruses;

• Improves appetite;

• Normalizes sleep;

• Tones and gives energy;

• Activates mental activity.

How did the oxygen cocktail with its health benefits appear?

Oxygen cocktail is healthy and delicious. In the 60s, N.N. Sirotinin conducted research in the field of oxygen therapy, during which he came up with oxygen foam for oral use.

This method has the same therapeutic properties as a probe placed in the patient’s stomach and filling it with oxygen. Only the use of an oxygen cocktail is a much more pleasant process.


Watch the video: Tim Ferriss: "The 4-Hour Body". Talks at Google (July 2024).