Parisian women officially allowed to wear pants


Finally, Parisians will be able to officially wear such a male wardrobe as trousers. Madame Nayat Vallo-Belkasem, Minister for Women's Rights, said about the abolition of the ban on trousers in Paris. From now on, gendarmes have no right to arrest Parisian women in trousers. Naturally, earlier such precedents were not fixed, but formally the police could easily do it.

“This law has nothing to do with the principles of equality prescribed in the constitution. France has committed itself to Europe and must fulfill them, ”the Minister of Justice announced.

According to an old law, approved during the French Revolution, women in Paris who wanted to wear trousers had to go to the police department and get special permission. In 1892 and 1909, minor concessions were introduced into the law, which allowed Parisians to wear pants for cycling and horse riding.

But to walk in the pants to the weaker sex was strictly forbidden. If we talk about the applicability of the two hundred years old law exclusively in Paris, this fact is explained by the words of the revolutionaries, who argued that Parisians are not wearing short breeches, but pants.

Attempts to repeal the strange, to say the least, law have been made repeatedly. However, officials of different ranks, as well as representatives of justice, answered that the law was “dead”, so it doesn’t bother anyone and do not spend time on it.


Watch the video: Finally, It's Legal for Women in Paris to Wear Pants (June 2024).