Angina in children


Angina - This is an acute infectious disease in which the tonsils are affected. But the inflammatory process in this case affects all accumulations of lymphadenoid tissues of the larynx and pharynx.

Angina is viral, purulent, catarrhal, follicular, lacunar, etc. Small children most often get a viral sore throat, which is characterized by the appearance of red shiny vesicles located along the edge of the sky, enlarged tonsils and an encapsulated tongue.

The reasons that this disease can be caused are many. Most often, it appears under the influence of staphylococci, streptococci or adenoviruses, which can enter the child's body from the environment or be transmitted from adults.

For a child, this condition is quite dangerous for its complications, which can manifest as pyelonephritis, otitis media and other painful conditions, up to rheumatism.

Symptoms of tonsillitis in children

Most often, the onset of the disease is sudden, and is manifested by a high temperature (sometimes up to 40 degrees), an increase in the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes. The child becomes irritable, stops eating, as this brings him severe pain. He complains of headaches, aching joints.

If you try to conduct a visual examination of the baby's throat, then a white or yellowish coating will be noticeable on the tonsils. Anyway, with the appearance of any symptoms of the disease, the first thing parents should do is to call the doctor for the baby to provide qualified medical care in a timely manner.

Methods of treating tonsillitis in children

Treatment should be primarily aimed at alleviating temporary symptoms. Before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to ensure, if possible, hourly gargle of the child’s throat, it is better to use independently prepared infusions of chamomile, sage or a weak warm solution of salt or soda. This event will be appropriate for further treatment.

The doctor will most likely recommend gargling with solutions of antibacterial agents, and, taking into account the age of the child, will prescribe pills for resorption and aerosols for irrigation of the throat (for example, inhalipt). If a child is diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis, then antibiotics will most likely be prescribed for its treatment in order to avoid the development of complications.

If the baby has a high temperature, which often happens with such a disease, it is knocked down with any child's antipyretic drug - paracetamol, panadol, efferalgan, calpol, etc.

And yet, the first and main therapeutic measure for angina is rinsing, which allows you to relieve your throat from pus, germs and the products of their activity. Since this disease is usually accompanied by various manifestations of bacterial intoxication, it is recommended to drink plenty of it. Parents should remember to strictly monitor their child's compliance with bed rest, at least for two to three days.

Remember that angina is a dangerous disease, therefore, only a doctor should prescribe treatment for a sick child, who will prescribe the necessary drugs taking into account the baby's age, his body condition and individual characteristics.


Watch the video: Chest Pain in Children. Frequently Asked Questions. Cincinnati Children's (June 2024).