How to get rid of bad breath recipes


It’s quite embarrassing to get into a situation where someone indicates that you do not smell very nice from your mouth. This is terribly reflected in our self-esteem, but it can also talk about some significant problems in the human body.

How to quickly eliminate the smell of bad breath

This problem may concern not only adults, but even a one-year-old child. Dr. Komarovsky says that suddenly a baby has up to a year of stale breath, this can be a sign of a serious illness in him. For example, a bad acetone smell may indicate a disease called diabetes mellitus. To treat the disease in children should be promptly, as the danger is catastrophic. To do this in the morning urgently in a pharmacy buy a test for the determination of acetone in the urine analysis. In the case of a positive result, it is imperative to call a doctor.

Bad Breath Causes

In adults, this problem occurs quite often. Even after brushing your teeth, bad smell returns very soon. But how to refresh your breath for the whole day? Initially, you need to determine why a terrible smell occurs.

There are certain reasons for this.

1. Bad habits. After drinking, with a hangover, the smell of fume is strong enough and lasts a long time. But how to prevent its occurrence? Initially, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes are bad habits to be fought. The effect of tobacco on the body is terrifying. But, you can get rid of the sour smell as well as the garlic smell, after eating garlic or onions. To do this, rinse your mouth, so neutralize the smell is very simple.

2. Diseases of the mouth. In the case of diseases of the gums or teeth, the development of pathogenic microbes occurs. They destroy the integrity of the teeth, as well as affect the bleeding gums. A white bloom appears on the tongue, due to which a purulent odor occurs. To prevent a terrible smell, you need to timely treat and remove teeth. This is especially true for the removal of a wisdom tooth. Daily oral hygiene and brushing your teeth after eating will remove plaque, relieve teeth from rotting, and gums from purulent infections.

3. Diseases of the stomach. If you have a stomach ache, then you often notice bitterness in your mouth and feel a metallic taste of iron. These symptoms occur mainly during gastritis. But what to do in this situation? Only tablets and medication for the digestive tract will help to kill him.

4. Chronic tonsillitis accompanied by a terrible smell, which is similar to the smell of rotten eggs. The patient urgently needs to consult a doctor to treat the disease.

5. The smell of ammonia in the morning, is observed in people suffering renal disease. It should check the kidneys at the doctor. And after treatment, the smell will disappear.

6. When fastingduring diets, dry mouth appears, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Offensive odors can be accompanied not only in humans, but also in dogs and cats. The reason for this may be worms, they can be seen in the feces, in the form of white lumps. An antihistamine will help remove and kill them. It should be given to the animal on an empty stomach. If a dog is drooling heavily, it can also cause an unpleasant odor.

Smell from the mouth how to clean at home forever

Folk remedies people treated diseases from ancient times, and the elimination of not a good smell from the mouth is proof of that. You can get rid of it with the help of useful tips traditional medicine.

The red carnation, dried, will cope with stale breath in a matter of minutes. You just need to chew a handful of dried flower and the smell will disappear.

Hydrogen peroxide has an incredible effect. Dilute 4 teaspoons of liquid, a glass of warm water and rinse your throat and mouth. Unpleasant odor instantly evaporate.

Activated carbon is also considered a great helper, to combat unpleasant odors in the mouth.

Parsley and coffee grains are also considered useful in eliminating unpleasant aromas in the mouth. Chewing a little of one or another ingredient, you can not worry about fresh breath. It will remain for a long time.


Watch the video: What causes bad breath and how to get rid of it (June 2024).