Tiramisu with mascarpone - boundless tenderness. Recipes of Italian dessert tiramisu with mascarpone and toppings


Italian dessert tiramisu with mascarpone is known all over the world. And all thanks to its unusual taste.

Not only that, there were various sweets, for example, chocolate with the taste of tiramisu, waffles, cookies and cakes. But nothing compares with the original delicacy, which occupies the first position in the menu of restaurants and sweet cafes.

But in order to taste it, it is not necessary to leave the house, you can cook tiramisu with mascarpone yourself.

Tiramisu with mascarpone - general principles of preparation

Italian dessert consists of two main elements - toppings and cookies.

Tiramisu is collected in layers, like a cake.

On top of the dessert is covered with a thick layer of cream and sprinkled with cocoa.

Each cookie is dipped in coffee before laying, which gives the delicacy a special tenderness and aroma.

A detailed dessert technique is described in detail in the recipes below.

How to make a cream

The basis of the cream is mascarpone. This is an Italian cheese, which has a high fat content, tastes like butter and has a very delicate texture.

In a classic cream, eggs are added that need to be whipped into a foam. They give the filling a special splendor.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the eggs, as the product does not undergo heat treatment and is used raw. Sugar or powder is used as a sweetener.

For flavor, add vanilla to the cream.

How to make Savoyardi

The constant ingredient in tiramisu is savoyardi cookies, which are also called ladies' fingers.

It can be prepared independently or purchased in a store. But it is not always on sale, and acquisition becomes a problem.

It is the preparation of cookies for many that is a snag, although this is not a big deal.

What you need for cookies:

• 3 squirrels;

• 2 yolks;

• 60 grams of flour;

• 60 grams of sugar;

• powder for sprinkling.

How to cook Savoyardi:

1. Beat the yolks with 30 grams of sugar until the grains are completely dissolved.

2. Beat the proteins with the remaining sugar protein until lush and dense foam.

3. Combine both masses, add flour and mix.

4. Put the dough into a bag, cut off the tip and squeeze sausages onto a baking sheet, about 7-8 cm long. The width is up to 2 cm. We leave a place between the cookies, as they will rise during the baking process.

5. Sprinkle raw billets with powder and send to the oven. Bake until light brown, usually enough for 8-12 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.

Before assembling the savoyardi dessert, you need to cool it well, it is better to cook them the day before.

Also important Do not keep cookies on the baking tray, so that the protein does not move up.

You need to bake savoyardi immediately after beating, the dough is not stored.

Recipe 1: Classic Tiramisu Dessert with Mascarpone

It was this recipe that made dessert popular around the world. After some time, various versions of tiramisu with and without mascarpone appeared on its basis.


• 250 grams of mascarpone;

• 2 eggs;

• 3 tablespoons of cocoa;

• a spoon of Amaretto liquor;

• 200 grams of coffee;

• 4 tablespoons of powder;

• 100 grams of savoyardi.


1. We make coffee impregnation. Ideally, espresso is used, but you can simply brew strong coffee on the stove. To do this, you need 200 grams of water and 2 tablespoons of ground grains. The drink is brewed, filtered, cooled. Then liquor is introduced into it.

2. Beat in a bowl whites of two eggs, at the end we introduce half the icing sugar. A thick, stable mass should be obtained.

3. Separately, beat the yolks with the second half of the powder and mix with mascarpone. You need to enter the cheese carefully, adding one spoonful and thoroughly mixing.

4. Proteins are introduced into the yolk mass with cheese, mixed with movements from the bottom up, trying not to sediment the foam, the cream should turn out to be airy and uniform.

5. We divide Savoyardi into 2 parts. Quickly dip the cookies in coffee and lay on the bottom of a deep form with the first layer. Then we spread the cream, again moistened cookies, and so on. You can make 2, 3, 4 layers, but the cream should be the last.

6. Sprinkle cocoa tiramisu and remove to the cold, withstand at least 3 hours.

Recipe 2: Tiramisu with Eggless Mascarpone

Many are frightened by the preparation of a popular dessert due to the addition of raw eggs. But, as it turned out, you can make tiramisu with mascarpone without them. For many, this recipe seems simpler and easier. But what can replace the eggs and how to do it right?


• 150 grams of fat cream from 33%;

• 500 grams of mascarpone;

• 100 grams of powder;

• 18 pieces of Savoyard;

• cocoa for sprinkling;

• a cup of coffee and a spoonful of liquor.


1. We make a cream. Cool the cream well, whip with a mixer into the foam and gradually introduce all the powder. Then we introduce mascarpone on a spoon. Cheese should be at the same temperature as cream.

2. Mix coffee with liquor, dip half the cookies and stack as the first cake.

3. Spread the cream, then again savoyardi.

4. Lubricate the top layer of tiramisu cream, sprinkle with cocoa and remove to cool for 4 hours, but preferably at night.

Recipe 3: Tiramisu with Mascarpone and Berries

The divine taste of Italian dessert, diluted with fresh berries. For this, tiramisu with mascarpone will need fresh berries of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. You can take one kind or assorted, a matter of taste. But it is important that the berries are dense, do not let the juice out ahead of time and keep their shape well.


• 6 yolks;

• a pound of mascarpone;

• a cup of coffee;

• a spoon of liquor;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar;

• 30 Savoyards;

• Cocoa;

• berries.


1. Grind the yolks with sugar, gradually introduce the cheese and mix well. The cream is ready! It is already possible to add slices of berries into it, but in order not to stand out a lot of juice, it is better to make layers when assembling the dessert.

2. Brew coffee, cool and dip cookies. We spread the first layer tightly to each other.

3. Lubricate with cream, sprinkle with pieces of berries. Then apply another layer of cream.

4. Wet Savoyardi, spread a new cake. Repeat the procedure.

5. The top layer is a cream sprinkled with cocoa. We lay out whole berries or slices on it. But it is better to do this after soaking in the refrigerator, before serving. In this case, the berries will not lose their appearance, they will not let the juice go.

Recipe 4: Tiramisu with Mascarpone and Sour Cream

Sour cream is a more affordable and cheaper product than mascarpone. When mixing these products, you can get a very tasty cream, but only if all the details are followed. Eggs are not used, but if you can’t imagine stuffing without them, you can put 3 pieces.


• 600 grams of sour cream from 25% fat and higher;

• 250 grams of mascarpone;

• a glass of powder.

Also, according to tradition, you will need savoyardi cookies, coffee, cocoa for sprinkling. The dessert is assembled according to the classical scheme.


1. We take a clean kitchen towel, ordinary waffle and put it in a sieve so that the tips hang from the edges. We put a sieve on a pan or bowl.

2. Put the sour cream in the center of the sieve, cover with a clean cloth and remove the structure for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator. During this time, excess water will stand out, sour cream will become thicker - what you need for a good cream.

3. Mix the filtered sour cream with mascarpone and sugar, use tiramisu for the assembly.

Recipe 5: Tiramisu with Mascarpone and Brandy

Ideally, steamed coffee with the addition of Amaretto liqueur is used to wet the cookies. But no less popular is the recipe for tiramisu with mascarpone and cognac. The dessert acquires a unique, nutty flavor and a slight bitterness of alcohol. It is not recommended to give such a treat to children.


• 300 grams of cookies;

• 4 eggs;

• a cup of coffee;

• 4 tablespoons of cognac;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar;

• a pinch of vanilla;

• 400 grams of mascarpone;

• a spoon of cocoa.


1. For cream, divide the sugar in half, separate the proteins from the yolks. Beat separately with sugar. Then we combine, introduce mascarpone, a spoonful of cognac, add vanillin and mix well.

2. Mix the coffee with the remaining cognac.

3. Wet the third part of the cookie, put it on the bottom of the mold.

4. We layered with cream.

5. Wet the second part of the cookie, grease with a cream and do the same procedure with the remains of savoyard.

6. Sprinkle the top of the dessert with cocoa powder.

Recipe 6: Tiramisu with Mascarpone, Cinnamon, Ricotta and Nuts

The tiramisu dessert with mascarpone and ricotta turns out to be very tender, not so fat and it is very simple to prepare. And the nuts give a special smell to the cream. Cinnamon is used to flavor cookies.


For cookies:

• 3 egg whites;

• 100 grams of powder;

• 4 yolks;

• 100 grams of flour;

• 2 grams of cinnamon.

For cream:

• 250 grams of mascarpone;

• 250 grams of ricotta;

• 250 grams of natural yogurt;

• 100 grams of nuts (better than hazelnuts);

• 130 grams of sugar.

For impregnation, you need a cup of fresh coffee, a pinch of cinnamon. For sprinkling cocoa powder.


1. Beat the whites with powdered sugar until lush, add the separately ground proteins. We introduce a mixture of flour with cinnamon, which must first be sieved. Knead the dough.

2. Put the dough in a pastry bag, squeeze the sticks. The length of raw cookies should be about 8 cm, thickness 1.5-2. Sprinkle the blanks with powder, send to the oven. Bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

3. Hazelnuts are dried in the oven, crushed into crumbs.

4. For cream, simply beat the ricotta with mascarpone, introduce yogurt and sugar, mix and add ground hazelnuts. Cool well.

5. We collect the cake according to the classical scheme: we moisten the cookies, coat the layers with cream. To decorate, you can simply sprinkle cocoa dessert or mix it with cinnamon.

Tiramisu with mascarpone - useful tips and tricks

• No liquor or desire to add alcohol to dessert? Use a similar essence. Tiramisu will hardly lose in taste, the aroma will be bright, pronounced.

• In some dessert recipes, granulated sugar is used, in others, icing. What is the difference? In fact, it is not there, just the powder dissolves faster, less time is spent on preparing the cream, the egg whites are magnificent. But when replacing one product with another, focus on weight. Sugar in a glass is much more powdered and vice versa.

• Instead of cocoa, you can use coffee, a mixture of these products, for sprinkling. Also, ground nuts, cinnamon will help to add variety and new notes. Or you can just sprinkle dessert with grated chocolate or garnish with sweet chips.

• Tiramisu can become the basis for a festive cake, it can be covered with mastic, decorate with any cream. But the portioned serving of the dessert, which is collected in small plates or glasses, looks especially impressive. Experiment!

• To make tiramisu dessert easily leave its shape, you can line the bottom and sides with cling film. Just remember to remove it when serving.

• Mascarpone is a delicious product, but very oily. To fix this, you can add to the cream a portion of natural yogurt, whipped cream.


Watch the video: How to Make Tiramisu!! Classic Italian Dessert Recipe (June 2024).