Chicken noodle soup - light, tasty, hearty lunch. Recipes of chicken soup with noodles: with vegetables, mushrooms, cheese


Chicken and vermicelli soup is a classic soups and a great option for a light lunch, when there is not enough time for complex dishes, but you want something tasty and satisfying.

The soup turns out fragrant and very nutritious, besides it is loved not only by adults, but also by children of all ages.

Chicken Noodle Soup - General Cooking Principles

For cooking chicken soup with pasta they use two main ingredients - it is chicken itself and pasta.

Soup broth is made from whole chicken or any part of it. Dietary soup is obtained, if you use only chicken breast, from the rest of the poultry compound the output is more fragrant and saturated. Before cooking, the chicken should be thoroughly washed, put into water, add salt and if desired, additional ingredients, such as onions, carrots, celery roots and parsley. Next, the chicken is removed, cooled and sliced ​​according to the recipe, and the broth is filtered.

Vermicelli can be any: home or purchased, thick or in the form of a cobweb. It all depends on your taste preferences. Some, to give the soup a brighter taste before sprinkling pasta into the soup, lightly pierce the noodles in a dry frying pan.

You can also add any vegetables, mushrooms, dairy products, cheeses, favorite spices and greens to chicken noodle soups. In any case, this soup will turn out incredibly tasty.

We have selected the best time-tested recipes that you can take as a basis for your own flavorful first course.

1. Chicken noodle soup

This is probably the easiest chicken noodle soup to make. To make it you need a minimum of food, time and effort.


• small chicken;

• a pound of potatoes;

• 200 grams of vermicelli;

• Bay leaf;

• carrot;

• salt;

• bow;

• ground pepper;

• greenery.

Cooking method:

We wash the bird, put it in a saucepan of a suitable size, fill it with water. The amount of water depends on the broth saturation, approximately the liquid should cover the chicken carcass by five to six centimeters.

Salt the broth after boiling and removing the formed foam.

While the chicken is boiling, prepare the remaining ingredients: peel and chop the vegetables. The onion is in small cubes, carrots are thin straws, and the potatoes are in small cubes.

Cooking carrots and onions toasted, for this, heat the butter in a skillet, put the chopped vegetables there and fry on low heat until soft and have a characteristic golden color.

Remove the finished chicken from the saturated broth, cool it and cut it: we remove the skin, we separate the meat from the bones and cut it into pieces of medium size.

In the strained broth we throw potatoes, boil it until done.

Add chicken, golden fried, laurel, spices and chopped greens.

Sprinkle vermicelli, stir, boil for ten minutes, and turn off the gas.

There is another option for cooking simple chicken noodle soup with these ingredients. Also the chicken is boiled, frying is done. The only difference is that in this case the meat is not spread in the soup, it is cut into large portions and spread on an additional plate, served with hot broth with noodles and vegetables.

2. Smoked Breast Chicken Soup with Noodles and Melted Cheese

This fragrant soup with a unique taste will appeal to all lovers of tasty food. If desired, smoked chicken can be replaced by boiled chicken, but it is worth considering that the whole zest of the dish is smoked in flavor.


• 300 grams of smoked breast;

• 100 grams of spider web or any other fine pasta;

• 250 grams of melted cheese in a jar;

• three potatoes;

• 60-80 grams of butter;

• carrot;

• vegetable oil;

• bow;

• salt;

• garlic - on request;

• green onions, basil, parsley - a few sprigs.

Cooking method:

Remove the skin from the smoked breast, separate the meat from the bones. The meat itself is cut in small cubes, and the bones and peels are laid out in a pan, into which we pour two liters of water.

As soon as the water starts to boil, we take out the chicken pieces, we put the peeled and chopped potatoes into the broth.

Peel and chop the onion, garlic and carrots.

Heat a vegetable oil in a skillet or stewpan, lay a onion, fry to a blush, add carrot and garlic.

Once the vegetables are softened, add chopped chicken, butter and chopped greens.

Stir, cook for about five minutes, remove the pan from the heat.

We spread fragrant frying and melted cheese to the finished potato.

We turn down the gas to a minimum, mix all ingredients thoroughly, add salt if necessary, add spices to your taste.

We lay out the cobweb and turn off the gas in just a couple of minutes.

Insist chicken soup with pasta and cheese and smoked meat for about ten minutes.

3. Chicken noodle soup with mushrooms

Mushrooms for cooking chicken soup with noodles, you can use your favorite, especially interesting taste is obtained by adding chanterelles or white mushrooms. But also with champignons, which do not require much time for preliminary processing, the dish comes out tasty and fragrant.


• half chicken;

• salt;

• 200 grams of champignons or other mushrooms;

• bow;

• 120 grams of butter;

• 100 grams of fine fine vermicelli.

Cooking method:

Pour into a saucepan three liters of water, lay out thoroughly washed chicken.

Cook until done by salting the broth after boiling.

Chop the onions into quarters with rings and fry them together with mushrooms, cut into plates to a blush in butter. Add your favorite spices if you like.

Remove the finished chicken from the saucepan and after it cools down, we part it. Bones and skin are thrown away, and the meat is cut.

Into the strained broth, pour the mushy broil, add the pieces of meat and noodles.

Stir, cook for five to ten minutes, depending on the type of vermicelli.

4. Chicken noodle soup with vegetables

This version of chicken first course with vermicelli is good because you can add your favorite vegetables to it, they will give the dish its own special flavor, and chicken broth and noodles will add heartiness.


• kilogram of chicken meat;

• three tomatoes;

• vegetable oil;

• carrot;

• salt;

• three potatoes;

• bow;

• a glass of fine vermicelli, such as a spider web;

• Bulgarian pepper.

Cooking method:

My chicken and chop.

Put the meat in a saucepan, pour three liters of water.

After boiling, remove the foam, salt.

Add in ten minutes of boiling potatoes, chopped into cubes.

Fry grated carrots, onion cubes, and pepper, cut into strips in a vegetable oil in a pan.

Add blanched shredded tomatoes.

Fry all vegetables for ten minutes, adding spices and salt to taste.

Put the ready vegetables in the pan to the meat and potatoes, add the noodles.

Cook for five minutes, serve the soup with sour cream, sprinkle profusely with fresh herbs.

5. Exotic Chicken Soup with Noodles and Shrimps

The aroma of spices, chicken, shrimp and tender vermicelli - a combination that is simply impossible to resist.


• 500-600 ml of chicken broth;

• 200 ml of coconut milk;

• chili peppers;

• two centimeters of ginger root;

• 30 ml of lime juice;

• a clove of garlic;

• 300 grams of fresh peeled shrimp;

• 30 ml of vegetable oil;

• 10 grams of curry;

• 150 grams of egg vermicelli;

• 5 grams of coriander;

• 50 grams of chopped hazelnuts;

• zest of one lime;

• 20 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Broth put on fire, bring to a boil, pour coconut milk.

After boiling again lay out the shrimp.

Shrimp out, filter broth with milk.

Put chili, previously cleaned of seeds, garlic, vegetable oil, nuts, ginger root, lime zest, lime juice, curry into the bowl of a blender or into a food processor. Crush all ingredients until smooth.

Boil the noodles in slightly salted water, tilt on a fine strainer.

Pour walnut sauce into the pan, simmer for two minutes.

Pour the sauce into the chicken broth, cook for two minutes, then immediately add the boiled shrimps, sugar and coriander. Bring the soup to a boil again.

We put vermicelli in the desired portions in the desired quantity, pour the pasta with exotic chicken broth with shrimps.

6. Chicken noodle soup

This soup can be entered into the menu even for one-year-old children, of course, if the child does not have an allergic reaction to dairy products. The dish turns out light and very tasty. If desired, you can grind roasted mushrooms together with meat, and add cheese at the time of adding the butter.


• 300 grams of chicken fillet;

• two tablespoons of vermicelli;

• salt;

• half a cup of cream;

• 10 grams of flour;

• 15 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

Wash the fillet, put it in a saucepan with water.

Cook until cooked, then grind in a blender.

In the boiling broth pour vermicelli, after re-boiling, add the chicken puree and salt.

Dilute flour in cold cream, pour the mixture into boiling chicken broth.

Add softened butter, mix.

Before serving, insist five minutes, served with greens and croutons.

7. Chicken noodle soup with eggs

Bright soup with unsurpassed flavor and unique taste. After trying to cook it at least once, you will return to the recipe again and again.


• 600-700 grams of chicken;

• two medium carrots;

• three eggs;

• salt;

• butter;

• 100 grams of vermicelli;

• greenery.

Cooking method:

We clean the carrots and rub them on the smallest grater, put them in the pan to the already melted butter, salt and fry until golden. Pour a couple of spoons of water, simmer until tender.

My chicken and boil. Cut the finished meat in small pieces, re-lay in the strained broth.

Eggs are hammered into a small bowl, add salt, slightly beat with a fork.

Greens are washed, thoroughly shake off excess moisture, grind with a sharp knife. It is best to take a couple of dill sprigs and a little parsley.

Bring broth with meat to a boil, add golden carrot roast, pour vermicelli.

Cook for two minutes after boiling, quietly pour in mixed eggs, constantly stirring the broth with a spoon with a long handle.

As soon as the protein coagulates, turn off the gas, put the green soup in the soup, let it brew for five minutes.

8. Chicken Noodle Soup with Italian Corn

If you like unusual dishes from quite ordinary products, then this recipe is exactly what you need. Simple and tasteful.


• 400 grams of boiled chicken;

• 120 grams of spider web;

• salt;

• a glass of canned corn;

• ground pepper;

• two liters of chicken broth;

• 150 ml of heavy cream;

• 20 grams of corn starch;

• 50 ml of milk.

Cooking method:

Mix in a large saucepan cream and broth, lay out the diced chicken meat.

Tom ten minutes.

In a small container, mix the starch and milk, inject the mixture into the chicken broth.

Add boiled vermicelli boiled in a separate saucepan in salted water, corn, spices to taste.

Tomim all together for another five minutes.

Chicken noodle soup - tips and tricks

• Broth for chicken soup must be cooked on low heat, so it will turn out light, unlike very boiling broth, which in the finished form turns out to be cloudy and not appetizing.

• Do not have time to remove the foam and broth dimmed? Do not worry, add some cold water, the broth will boil again and you can remove the foam.

• Turmeric, curry or grated carrots fried in butter, will give a beautiful color to the dish.

• If melted cheese is part of the soup, be sure to pay attention to the purchase of this ingredient, that this is a cheese, not a cheese product. Otherwise, instead of a delicious creamy soup, you will have something with floating pieces.

• Want your soup to be thicker? Add some flour or semolina.


Watch the video: 3 Hearty Stew Recipes. Classic Beef, Hearty Chicken, Vegan Mushroom (June 2024).