Folk remedies for parasites - cleanse the body. Getting rid of the visible and invisible enemy folk remedies for parasites


About 4 billion people living on Earth are stunned by parasites, most of whom actively reproduce and live for a long time due to their “owner”.

Parasites poison our bodies, causing serious chronic diseases. They provoke exhaustion, weakening, allergic reactions.

Parasites love those who do not wash their hands, drinking dirty water. They are also transmitted through vegetables and fruits, which are eaten, not washed out, not fully processed meat and fish, while interacting with animals, and in some cases having sexual contact.

Due to lack of seriousness, lack of information, ineffective diagnosis and treatment, the problem has become widespread.

There are 3 groups of parasites that can infect humans:

• protozoa

• helminths

• ectoparasites (live outside)

As a rule, the presence of parasites can be said with manifestations of persistent headache, dizziness, weakness, loss of appetite, irritability.

Interestingly, in many cases, the results of traditional analyzes indicate, ostensibly, the absence of parasites. But this is not always the truth.

Treatment of parasites by folk remedies - medicinal herbs

Almost all drugs from parasites are highly toxic and cause a lot of side effects. In addition, with their regular use, parasites become much stronger and more organized, and the person becomes weaker.

Traditional treatments are an alternative to conventional therapy. Antihelmintic plants act gently, sparingly, without causing adverse reactions.

1. Tansy - Medicinal plant with the strongest anthelmintic properties. It has a detrimental effect on intestinal parasites. But it is worth adding that tansy is a poisonous plant, so it is recommended not to exceed the dosage in order to avoid dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms.

So, prepare the tincture in this way: Pour one teaspoon of tansy flowers with boiling water (1 cup). Give the agent some time to insist, then strain and drink a few sips all day.

2. Sagebrush has long been used to expel parasites. Make it the same as tansy. In addition, alcohol tincture is quite effective: combine crushed wormwood and pumpkin seeds in equal proportions. Fill the mixture with vodka (1: 3) and leave in a warm sunny place for a week.

Drink a folk remedy for parasites daily before you sit down to eat.

In order for wormwood to clean all parts of the digestive tract, including the large intestine, it is recommended to use a dry plant inside. Wormwood needs to be crushed into powder and taken on a pinch quite often. But let it not seem difficult to you. After all, health is the most important thing!

So, the first week, put a pinch of chopped wormwood in your mouth every two hours, and do not forget to drink water. You quickly get used to the smell and taste of wormwood. Then it will be enough and 7-8 times a day on a pinch for a month.

Important! In the first week, the plant powder is consumed at night.

This parasite cleaning is best done in the fall and spring. At the same time should eat light food. To enhance the effect 1 time per day, do an enema from an infusion of wormwood, which is quite easy to prepare

Brew a couple of teaspoons of wormwood - a unique bitter plant with a liter of boiling water. Give, as is customary, insist, cool, strain and use for enemas.

Wormwood has its own contraindications. It is not recommended for enterocolitis, anemia, bleeding, ulcer, gastritis with low acidity. Do not use wormwood pregnant and lactating.

3. Strong antiparasitic effects have the so-called "triad“, Which consists of wormwood, tansy, clove powder. Three healing components destroy parasites in the human body (adults, larvae and eggs), as well as microorganisms.

In addition, this tool has a pronounced antimicrobial, antiseptic, antipyretic effect.

To prepare the drug, grind all the ingredients into powder. Herbs are best taken by putting them in capsules or placing them in bread balls, which are swallowed, not chewed and washed down with water.

While taking this unique and proven over the years means you need to adhere to a certain dosage. So, tansy can be taken no more than 3 g per day, wormwood - no more than 1 g, and clove powder, which, by the way, can be bought in finished form - 1, 5 g.

"Troychatka" is not recommended for gastric ulcer, gastritis, hypertension, pregnancy.

Begin treatment with taking 1 serving of the remedy 1 time per day (first day). Then 2 servings (second day). On the third day and beyond - in portions three times a day. For prevention, you can drink 1 serving daily, even until the end of life.

Folk remedies for parasites - brandy-castor mixture

A mixture of brandy and castor oil - "tricky" folk remedy for parasites. Cognac paralyzes them, does not allow parasites to lie low in a remote place. The effect of castor oil is a laxative effect, as a result of which harmful inhabitants spontaneously excrete.

In the morning, before breakfast, drink a mixture of medicinal, consisting of 50 g of good brandy and the same amount of oil. Perform the procedure daily until you yourself see that there are no more parasites.

Folk remedies for parasites - garlic and onions

Everyone knows about the benefits of garlic. This is the strongest bactericidal, antiviral, anti-parasitic natural remedy.

Crush the garlic clove, boil the gruel in a glass of water for just a minute, cool and do enemas for 7 days.

In addition, garlic juice (10-15 drops) diluted in warm milk is quite effective. You need to drink it on an empty stomach three times a day.

Parasite garlic can also be used like this: Eat alternately about 10 small cloves of the product. After that, do not forget to drink warm milk. It is necessary to finish the treatment by taking any laxative (after 2 hours). This ancient recipe will help get rid of various types of parasites.

The garlic tincture known to many is no less effective. It not only expels the parasites, but also cleans the blood vessels, preventing stroke, strengthens the defenses.

So, rinse and peel 350 g of garlic. Mash it in a wooden mortar or with a wooden spoon (do not use metal dishes!). Then pour the gruel with alcohol (200 g) and put it where it is cool for 3 weeks.

After the allotted time, strain the composition through cheesecloth and drink it with milk (in order not to burn the stomach) before eating three times a day.

Start with two drops of the remedy, daily increasing the dose by 2 drops. Reaching 15 drops, drink 3 drops less daily. From 11 days, you can use a stable 25 drops three times a day until the end of the tincture.

Onions are an excellent remedy for lice - parasites that live outside. Chop 2 medium onions (grated). Mix the onion gruel with 2 yolks. Apply a healing mixture to the scalp, and wrap with cellophane and a towel on top. Keep this mask for about an hour. Then rinse and rinse with freshly prepared lemon juice, diluting it with water.

Comb the hair with a fine comb. In order to consolidate the therapeutic effect, spend a couple of such procedures throughout the week.

Folk remedies for parasites - walnut tincture

Collect the partitions 33 ripe nuts and fill them with 1.5 liters of vodka. Be sure to close the dishes with the future tincture of the lid. Put it in the cabinet for a long time (40 days), then strain the tool and pour it into a glass pharmacy for convenience.

For a start, it is enough to drink about a tablespoon 3 times a day, but if the tincture is well tolerated, then the dose can be doubled. During the period of treatment, discard meat, spicy, salty, acidic foods.

Contraindications: ulcer, alcoholism, cirrhosis, idiosyncrasy.


Parasites live quite a long time. As a result of their vital activity, they produce toxins - poisons and allergens, which lead to cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gallstone disease, diabetes, allergic dermatitis, colitis, etc.

To get rid of them in time is to enable your immune system to function normally. There are certain measures to avoid infection:

1. The main rule for the prevention of parasite infection is frequent hand washing with soap and water. Do this as often as possible: after coming home, before sitting down at the table, after visiting the toilet room, etc.

2. Trim the nails.

3. Change bedding often.

4. Wet clean.

5. Drink clean water, heat treat meat and fish well.

6. Eat onion, garlic, pepper, mustard, horseradish.

7. Use protection against mosquitoes, ticks, etc.

8. Before you go on an exciting journey to exotic countries, get vaccinated against infectious diseases.

9. Pet deworming.

10. Treat your teeth in time.

11. Give up bad habits: smoking and alcohol, which are doping for parasites.

12. Store meat, fish, eggs separately in the refrigerator.

13. Wash shoes daily.

14. Separate cutting boards for meat, fish and other products.

Any means described above is aimed not only at the expulsion of parasites, but also at strengthening the protective forces. A strong immunity, as you know, is able to maintain health and defeat the alien.


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