Tomatoes with plums for the winter - we will remember the summer! Recipes and secrets of cooking blanks of tomatoes with plums for the winter


Tomatoes and plums - a unique flavor combination.

The blanks from this duet are unusual, have a fruity aroma and a spicy taste. And from these ingredients you can cook so much!

For example, pickle tomatoes with plums for the winter, salt in a barrel, make homemade ketchup, spicy adjika, various snacks and salads.

Tomatoes with plums for the winter - general principles of preparation

If whole tomatoes go to the harvest, it’s better to choose small fruits. They will marinate faster, will be more accurately located in the bank and they will fit more.

If you are preparing salads and snacks from slices of tomatoes, then you need to use unripe fruit which will be easier to cut and not wrinkle.

If you prepare tomato sauces with plums for the winter, then you can take any tomatoes, including overripe, large, crooked and cracked.

Plums can also take any. For pickling and salting, they are laid in banks. If sauces and snacks are prepared, the bone must be removed. Typically, tomatoes predominate in the blanks, less often an equal amount of plums and tomatoes is taken.

In addition to tomatoes and plums are used onions, garlic, sweet and hot peppers, all sorts of spices. As preservatives are involved: vinegar, aspirin, sugar, salt, pungent and spicy ingredients. All these components are perfectly combined not only with tomatoes, but also plums.

As usual, you need to use only clean dishes, wash well and dry the fruits, jars and lids before sterilizing. If you use a meat grinder or a blender to grind the ingredients, you need to check them for cleanliness. No residues of other products should be on the knives.

Recipe 1: Pickled tomatoes with plums for the winter in a simple way.

The recipe for easy conservation of tomatoes with plums for the winter. And tomatoes, and plums, and pickle are very tasty, especially well combined with meat dishes. It is better to use small egg-sized tomatoes.


• 1 kg of tomatoes;

• 500 grams of plums;

• onion;

• any greens;

• allspice.

Ingredients for brine:

• 2 l. water;

• salt 3 spoons;

• 7 tablespoons of sugar;

• 50 ml of vinegar 9%.


1. Put chopped onion, peeled garlic cloves into sterile jars, put sweet peas in peppercorns. If desired, add greens: parsley, dill, cherry leaves, horseradish.

2. Fill the contents of the can with boiling water, cover with a lid and let stand for 20 minutes.

3. Pour the liquid into the pan, bring the volume to two liters, cover all the spices, including vinegar. Let it boil and boil the marinade for 2 minutes.

4. Fill the tomatoes with plums with boiling marinade, roll them up and send them to cool in an inverted state.

Recipe 2: Ketchup of tomatoes with plums for the winter

A basic recipe for making ketchup from tomatoes and plums for the winter. You can add a wide variety of spices, garlic, all types of pepper to this base and get new tastes. Ketchup is thick and very fragrant, it is better to use ripe and soft tomatoes.


• 2 kg of tomatoes, ripe and soft;

• 1 kg of plum;

• 500 grams of onion;

• salt and sugar.


1. Pour water into a saucepan and boil. Omit the tomatoes for a moment, then put them under cold water. Remove the skin, remove the place of attachment of the stalk and put everything in a saucepan.

2. Peel the onions, cut them into half rings, send them to the tomatoes and set to cook for 20 minutes. Cool and wipe through a sieve.

3. At the plums, remove the stone, put it in a separate saucepan, add a glass of water and boil until soft. Cool and wipe through a sieve to remove all the skins.

4. Combine both mashed potatoes, boil for a third, add spices to your taste, pour the finished sauce into jars, cork with a key.

Recipe 3: Tomatoes with plums for the winter with aspirin

Recipe without vinegar. Plums are added in a small amount, more for flavor. Acetylsalicylic acid is added as a preservative at the rate of 1 tablet per liter of the preform. From these ingredients you can make one three-liter jar.


• tomatoes 2 kg;

• 300 grams of plums;

• 2 tablespoons of salt;

• 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar.

We also take standard spices: peppercorns, bay leaves, garlic, dill umbrellas and horseradish greens.


1. Put in a sterile jar washed and dried leaves, throw 5 peas of pepper, dill, a few cloves of garlic.

2. We put washed cream and tomatoes.

3. According to the classical scheme, pour boiling water, warm and drain.

4. Pour sugar with salt, boil the brine.

5. We throw aspirin into jars, fill it with brine and roll it up. We cool the blanks upside down, under the coverlet.

Recipe 4: Tomatoes with plums for the winter in jelly

Many make a similar snack of tomatoes and onions. But if you make such a harvest of tomatoes with plums for the winter, then it will turn out even tastier. An average of 1 kg of tomatoes is about 200 grams of plums. It is better to use unripe vegetables and fruits, so that the pieces keep their shape better.


• 1.7 kg of tomatoes;

• 500 grams of plums;

• 3 peppercorns;

• 5 head of garlic;

• dill, bay leaf.


• 25 grams of gelatin (two tablespoons);

• half a cup of sugar;

• 1.5 liters of water;

• two tablespoons of salt.


1. Immediately fill the gelatin with a glass of cool water and set aside for swelling. While engaged in vegetables.

2. Plums break in half, remove the bone.

3. Cut the tomatoes into circles, but not thinner than 5 mm.

4. We put the tomatoes in the prepared containers, in places we lay the halves of the plum, greens. Do not forget to throw peppercorns and bay leaves on the bottom.

5. Pour the remaining water from the brine into the pan, add salt and sugar, boil and finally put the swollen gelatin. Stir, bring to a boil, but do not cook.

6. Fill the cans up to the top, cover with lids.

7. We put towels or any cloth on the bottom of the pot or basin, put the jars, pour warm water and sterilize. For one-liter containers, 10 minutes is enough, half-liter jars are 7 minutes.

8. Roll the key.

Recipe 5: Tomatoes with plums for the winter without spices

The peculiarity of this recipe for tomatoes with plums for the winter is that nothing is placed in the jar except tomatoes and fruits. The ingredients exchange flavors with each other. It is better to take dense tomatoes of a cream grade, with them such a workpiece is more beautiful.


• plums;

• tomatoes.

Per liter of brine:

• a spoon of salt;

• 1 tsp essences;

• 3 spoons of sugar.


1. Tomatoes need to pierce a toothpick near the stem.

2. Fold the washed tomatoes and plums into sterile jars. The proportions can be absolutely any. But when laying it is better to alternate vegetables with fruit, it will taste better.

3. Fill with boiling water, warm up for 10-15 minutes, drain the water.

4. Add spices, boil, again pour into banks. Pour vinegar essence into each, cover with a lid and roll it with a key.

Recipe 6: Adjika from tomatoes with plums for the winter

One of the most delicious options for harvesting tomatoes with plums for the winter is adjika. The sauce is spicy, moderately spicy, with pleasant fruity notes and sourness. And he is very easy to prepare. For this adjika you can use any plums and even cherry plum.


• 1 kg of plum;

• 2 kg of ripe tomatoes;

• 2 onions;

• 80 grams of garlic;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 1.5 tablespoons of salt;

• 2 chillies;

• spoon of paprika.


1. We wash plums, we dry and we remove stones.

2. Rinse the tomatoes, also dry and cut into pieces, remove the stalks. It is better to use fleshy varieties to make the sauce thick.

3. Peel the garlic and onions. Finely chop the garlic and put it aside.

4. Grind onion, tomatoes, hot pepper (the seeds can not be removed) and plums through a meat grinder. We shift the mass in the pan and set to cook for 20 minutes.

5. Add all the spices, cook another 10 minutes.

6. Add minced garlic, boil for another 5 minutes. At this stage, you can bring to taste, add more salt, sugar, perhaps in the ingredients a little acid. In this case, you can add vinegar or lemon.

7. Spill boiling adjika in jars, twirl caps.

Recipe 7: Salted Tomatoes with Plums for the Winter "Like a Barrel"

The recipe for deliciously delicious tomatoes with plums for the winter, which are prepared directly in glass jars. But it is only suitable for the happy owners of the cellar. Tomatoes and plums are better to use unripe, so they retain their shape.


• tomatoes;

• plums;

• horseradish leaves, currants, cherries;

• peppercorns;

• Dill umbrellas.


• 10 liters of water, better than spring;

• two glasses of salt;

• one glass of sugar.


1. Banks are washed well with baking soda, you can not sterilize. At the bottom we put the leaves, pepper, fennel umbrellas.

2. Fold the tomatoes and plums together.

3. In cold water, pour salt with sugar, stir until dissolved.

4. Fill the cans, cover with plastic caps and stand for 24 hours at room temperature, then lower them into the cellar.

5. After a couple of months, you can try barrel tomatoes with plums. This recipe does not explode and costs a lot until next year, but it’s important to keep it in a cold room.

Recipe 8: Spicy Tomato and Plum Sauce for the Winter

For this harvest of tomatoes with plums for the winter you will need overripe tomatoes and fruits. For the sharpness, red capsicum is used, but if it is not, then you can take green, increasing the proportion by 1.5 times.


• 2 kg of tomatoes;

• 1.2 kg of plums;

• 800 grams of sweet pepper;

• 200 grams of spicy pods;

• 500 grams of onions;

• 3-4 tablespoons of salt;

• 250 grams of sugar.


1. All fruits are washed and dried, spreading on the fabric.

2. Remove plums from plums, fold them into a large saucepan.

3. Tomatoes cut into arbitrary slices, send to plums.

4. There we add the sweet pepper peeled from seeds and the sharp pods cut into pieces.

5. Add peeled and chopped onions arbitrarily.

6. Cover the pan with a lid, turn on the stove and cook the future sauce for an hour. Water does not need to be added, there will be enough allocated juice.

7. After an hour, turn off the fire, remove the lid and cool the workpiece to a warm state.

8. Now boiled products need to be rubbed through a sieve or simply punch through a blender. The mashed sauce turns out to be more tender, and the one pierced by the blender is thicker, and it is made easier. We choose the most suitable method and prepare mashed potatoes.

9. Put the sauce on the stove, add sugar, salt, boil for 5 minutes and pour into prepared containers. Roll up.

Tomatoes with plums for the winter - tips and tricks

• To prevent tomatoes and plums from bursting when boiling water is poured, you need to pierce the skin with a toothpick. Also, this technique will help fruits marinate faster, absorb the aroma and taste of other ingredients.

• Plum skin is tough enough, so for sauces it is better to remove it. The easiest way is to stew the fruit under a lid with a small amount of water, then cool and rub through a sieve, you can even large.

• Spices make the taste of workpieces special. But it’s important not to go too far with them. As they cook, they reveal their flavors and can completely overshadow the natural taste of the products.

• The choice of harvest depends primarily on the quality of vegetables. If the tomatoes and / or plums are ripe and soft, then it is better to put them in sauces. And if the fruits are quite firm, unripe, then it is better to do pickling, salting or cooking salads.

• Vinegar is not only a preservative, but an ingredient for taste. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. And if you want to make the workpiece tastier and healthier, then use apple cider vinegar, by the way, you can also cook it yourself.

• After twisting the cap, be sure to turn the jar over and check for hissing and bubbles. If they appear, then the workpiece must be opened, drain the marinade, boil and roll again. If this is a salad, then you can open, sterilize for 5 minutes in a saucepan and roll it up again with a key.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with David. March 13, 2019 (June 2024).