What to do if your scalp hurts, itches, it hurts to even touch? We are looking for the causes and methods of treating scalp pain


Modern residents of megalopolises from time to time have a feeling that their scalp hurts.

It may be pain when touched, persistent itching discomfort or a feeling of constriction of the head. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by numbness of the limbs.

It would seem that there is no particular reason for concern, but still, if you have scalp aches, it means that there are some problems in the body. And first you need to find out the cause of this ailment.

Causes of a condition in which the scalp hurts

There are a great many reasons why people have a headache, but all of them can be grouped into four main categories.

1. Cosmetic reasons.

This group includes superficial phenomena that, if desired, are easy to eliminate. Most often people have scalp aches due to the following factors:

• inconvenient hairstyle: tight "tails" and braids, a lot of studs and pins, etc .;

• too tight headgear or a hat made of synthetic materials that irritate the skin;

• allergic to shampoos and other hair care products;

• sunburn of the scalp;

• skin burns with too hot air from a hair dryer or a professional hair dryer;

• chemical burn with hair dyes or other skin care products;

• lice caused by head lice.

Eliminating the cosmetic causes of pain is quite simple, which cannot be said about the other three groups.

2. Dermatological causes.

The cause of the pain can also be a dermatological disease, from fungus to skin cancer. As a rule, the symptoms in this case are sharply striking, which means that a visit to the dermatologist is indispensable.

The most common dermatological problems are:

• herpes zoster, manifested vesicular rash along the trigeminal nerve;

• fungal diseases (favus, microsporia, trichophytia);

• ringworm;

• scabies caused by the scabies mite;

• psoriasis, manifested characteristic plaques on the head;

• seborrhea, a symptom of which is the appearance of grayish or yellowish oily scales;

• furunculosis (purulent boils on the head);

• Systemic lupus erythematosus is a serious disease that affects not only the head, but also the skin of the body, as well as the joints, internal organs and central nervous system.

All these diseases are quite serious and require complex treatment, both external and internal. Appealing to a specialist is all the more necessary not to miss cancer of the scalp, the symptoms of which in the initial stages are very similar to the manifestations of other dermatological diseases.

3. Physiological causes.

Often, people who have scalp aches have big health problems in general and hair condition in particular. This problem is often exacerbated in the winter, when immunity falls, and the vast majority of office workers spend little time in the fresh air and a lot in smoking rooms and stuffy rooms with overdried air. The situation can be saved by a cardinal change of regimen, a transition to a healthy lifestyle, sports, as well as timely intake of vitamins and minerals.

Few people know that the scalp can simply catch a cold, especially if you walk in cold weather without a cap, and even with wet hair. This is especially sinful for young people who are able to walk in the frost after a bath. In this case, at best, you can earn pain in the head, and at worst - meningitis.

In addition, painful scalp can cause problems with blood vessels and blood vessels. In this case, you must visit a neurologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

4. Psychological causes.

If a person has a scalp pain, the reasons may lie in his mental state. Constant stress, rush jobs at work, tensions with other people have a negative effect on the state of the vessels immediately under the skin. As a result, they are pinched, and there is a feeling of squeezing of the head with a kind of hoop or helmet.

Having noticed the dependence of the painful state of the scalp and stressful situations, it may be worthwhile to consult a doctor for the selection of sedatives or to study the various relaxation techniques on your own.

Methods for diagnosing conditions when the scalp hurts

Diagnostic methods directly depend on the reason for which the scalp aches. The patient must decide for himself what is the most likely reason for his indisposition. After all, it will be stupid to go to the doctor with skin irritation from the new shampoo. Therefore, to begin with, think carefully whether the pain is not triggered by cosmetic reasons. Change your hat and haircut, buy a hypoallergenic shampoo, check your head for parasites (this is best done by brushing a thick comb over a sheet of paper) - if these measures do not help, you can make an appointment with a doctor in one of the following specialties.

• To a neurologist, if the skin of the head is clean and you have previously had problems with the vessels. Most likely, this doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of cerebral vessels to detect spasms, deformities and other violations in this area. Sometimes the patient is also sent to reoencephalography or electroencephalography - in order to identify diseases of blood vessels, as well as to determine their tone and the degree of filling with blood.

To the therapist, if in addition to pain in the scalp, you have other health problems. This specialist will assess the condition of your body as a whole, prescribe the necessary tests and, if the reason is a lack of nutrients, recommend taking vitamins or other measures to improve the general condition.

To a psychiatrist, if the reasons for which your scalp hurts, are clearly psychological. Do not be afraid of this doctor, because under severe stress and overwork relaxation techniques are unlikely to help you. But sedatives, correctly chosen by the doctor after a personal conversation, may well solve the problem.

To trichologist or at least a dermatologist if there are rashes, sores, sores, pimples, ulcers or boils on the scalp. A dermatologist may direct you to a scalp scraping - in order to correctly select the drug. The ideal option for examination of the scalp would be an appeal to a narrow specialist - trichologist. In this case, you will probably be offered the procedure of trichoscopy - with or without the use of an immersion liquid. In the first case, the specialist will also receive information about the health of the vessels of the scalp, and in the latter case, he will assess the degree of damage to the hairy surface.

Ways to treat if scalp hurts

When a person has a pain, there is a temptation to take a painkiller and quickly get rid of discomfort. So you should not do it, because, driving the problem inside, you only aggravate your condition.

So what measures can be taken if the scalp hurts?

Massage. First aid that does not require any special devices - head massage. It can be done with your fingers, with a massage comb or with a special massager, on your own or with a specialist. As a result of this procedure, blood circulation is significantly improved, which means that the pain becomes less, and even disappears altogether.

Cold and hot shower. Another good way to improve blood circulation and relieve pain is a full-body contrast shower, including the head.

Aromatherapy. Rub in the whiskey essential oil of chamomile, sage, lavender or marjoram. The product must be diluted with any odorless vegetable oil to avoid skin burns. After a certain time, the pain subsides.

Salt and pepper. To clean the scalp of skin particles that clog pores and provoke itching, as well as to heal minor wounds and scratches will help household tools that are in every home. Take a handful of salt, dilute it with soapy water and rub into the skin. After 10 minutes, the salt must be washed off. A similar procedure can be carried out with black pepper.

Cosmetic masks. Feed the scalp with beneficial substances, and therefore make it more resistant to adverse effects, you can use a variety of masks. A mustard mask is very popular. Dry mustard must be diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream, rub into the washed hair roots, and after 30-40 minutes - rinse. A mask of yolk, lemon juice and a couple of drops of honey nourishes the scalp. Another effective remedy is a mask of soaked rye bread. Mass should be applied to the skin, wrap the head with a towel, and after 10 or 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Relaxation. Rest, full sleep and relaxation techniques, whether yoga or meditation, can make you forget the feeling when your scalp hurts.

It is worth noting that all these measures will help only if your indisposition is caused by cosmetic or psychological reasons. When these groups of causes are excluded, and you are sure that it is a matter of physiology or dermatology, you need to contact specialists and undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment.

Sore scalp: preventive measures

If at least once you have a feeling that your scalp is hurting - prevention of this condition will be completely superfluous. So, in the future, to prevent such discomfort, you should:

• wear comfortable hats;

• do not tighten the hair in a tight tail and do not stack them in complex hairstyles;

• carefully observe personal hygiene, comb only your own comb (better than wood) in order to avoid infection with pediculosis or a fungal disease;

• use less chemical products for hair and give preference to natural shampoos;

• do not abuse the hair dryer and hair dryers installed in hairdressing salons;

• always wear a hat in cold weather and do not go out with wet hair;

• from time to time to nourish hair with masks from natural ingredients;

• less nervous and more relax;

• in the autumn-winter period drink alcohol courses of vitamins and minerals;

• try to lead a healthy lifestyle: eat right, increase the time you stay in the fresh air, play sports or at least do exercises;

• if necessary, examine the vessels of a specialist.

Following these fairly simple recommendations will make your scalp feel very comfortable, and you will remain a healthy person for many years.


Watch the video: The Scalp Part 13 Oily Hair and Scalp. NATURAL HAIR (July 2024).