Why head and eyes hurt at the same time: there are many reasons, doctors say. What can be done when the head and eyes hurt, too?


The question - why do the head and eyes hurt - has recently been asked more and more by patients.

Headache is often accompanied by pain in the temples or pressure on one or both eyes.

The simplest cause of a mild headache is overwork. But if the headaches are long or intense, then their causes may be more serious.

Napier, meningitis - a life-threatening disease, can also be accompanied by pain in the head and eyes.

Therefore, if you have a headache, you do not need to swallow painkillers immediately, thereby muffling pain symptoms. To begin with, it is worth determining what exactly could cause the pain and how intense it is. Perhaps you were just in a stuffy room or because of the long work at the computer your eyes and head are tired. Such a headache will pass quite quickly, you just have to go out into the fresh air or give your eyes a rest.

Another thing - prolonged headaches that last for more than one day. This often causes a throbbing pain in the temples or the back of the head and there is a strong pressure on the eyes.

Possible reasons why the head and eyes hurt

To independently determine the answer to the question of why the head and eyes hurt, one should analyze the lifestyle. Perhaps the cause of the headache is the failure to observe an elementary regimen or a healthy lifestyle.

Eye fatigue

Overwork from long work at the computer or being in a room with artificial lighting can cause severe eye fatigue. Eye strain causes inflammation of the optic nerve. This is what can cause pain in the frontal part of the head and temples. If you ignore the pain symptoms, the headache only increases and may have more serious consequences.

To avoid overwork, take short breaks at work. It will be enough just to be distracted by 5 minutes and look out the window, watch birds or people. The main thing is that the eyes are in motion during this time. You can also use special eye drops to relieve tension from the vessels of the eyeball. During the lunch break, you can do a little gymnastics for the eyes - with your eyes closed, rotate the pupils in different directions.

If you wear glasses, headaches can also arise from the fact that the glasses were chosen incorrectly.

Migraine Attacks

Migraine pain usually covers only one half of the head. Most often it is a throbbing pain that intensifies with the slightest tension or movement. Migraine headaches are so severe that they cause nausea. May also be accompanied by intolerance to bright light or loud sounds. Some people even have difficulty with speech - they cannot properly pronounce certain words. Sometimes there is weakness or tingling in the arms or legs. Migraine attacks can begin at any age, but quite often occur precisely in the period from 20 to 30 years.

For headaches caused by migraines, pain occurs in only one eye. Pressing pain interferes with normal looking, and a person tries to move his eye as little as possible, and if necessary, turn his head precisely so as not to move the pupil.

A migraine attack passes after two to three days. However, after a time repeated. Since migraine itself cannot be cured due to the fact that the causes that contribute to its occurrence have not yet been identified, it is generally recommended to avoid irritants and take sedatives or pain medication.

Sinusitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis

Eye pain, which is accompanied by headaches, can also be the effects of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, or sinusitis. Pain in the eye occurs from the side where the affected sinuses are located. Sinusitis is accompanied by high fever, stuffy nose, and sometimes swelling of the face.

With timely treatment, possible complications can be avoided. Therefore, if you experience pain in the eye area and the subsequent occurrence of a headache, which is accompanied by a high temperature, you should definitely contact the otolaryngologist for examination and consultation.

Cerebrospinal fluid disturbances

Liquorodynamic disorders are another explanation of why headaches and eyes hurt. Impaired circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid or cerebrospinal fluid affects intracranial pressure, lowering or increasing it. For a more accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo a full examination.

The most common symptoms of CSF can be low heart rate, lack of appetite and high fever. A person experiences severe dizziness and nausea.

The main causes of circulatory disruption of the cerebrospinal fluid is inflammation of the brain tissue, which interferes with the movement of cerebrospinal fluid - from a microscopic cyst to a tumor in one of the brain areas. Injuries to the back or spine can also cause cerebrospinal fluid disorders.

Cervical osteochondrosis and low mobility

A sedentary lifestyle or sedentary work often cause the development of cervical osteochondrosis. The weak mobility of the spine leads to displacement of the vertebrae, which can lead to pinching of the nerve endings. Arising in the back, the pain gradually moves to the neck, back of the head and gives to the eyes. Any movement of the head leads to increased pain. Sometimes pain is given to the chest or leads to pain in the hands. Rarely, but still, some people experience dizziness, or their temperature rises.

With cervical osteochondrosis, headache occurs constantly. To get rid of it, you can attend massage courses, be mobile or take a course of physiotherapy. Observing a healthy and active lifestyle, you can avoid complications of osteochondrosis and forget about headaches for a long time.

Ophthalmologic problems

False myopia or spasm of accommodation is most common in children and adolescents. If it is not timely to cure false myopia, then after a while it will turn into real.

The cause of false myopia is muscle spasm, which makes it difficult for a person to focus on an object when the distance changes. Such an inability to clearly see the object leads to overstrain of the optic nerve, pain in the eyes and head. Pain appears in the eyes, fatigue increases.

As a preventive measure, you can use eye gymnastics or use eye drops to relieve tension.

In any case, if you experience sharp eye pains that cause headaches, you should definitely see a specialist. Left untreated, such a disease can cause glaucoma and complete blindness.

Methods for diagnosing the disease: why the head and eyes hurt

In clinical conditions, a specialist doctor will be able to answer why the head and eyes hurt only after taking an anamnesis and diagnosing the condition of the body on special equipment. For an accurate diagnosis, you may need to undergo the following examination:

MRI of the neck and head. This examination is necessary in order to assess the general condition of the cervical spine, as well as to exclude possible damage to the organic matter of the brain.

Antography. This examination allows you to check the condition of the vessels of the neck and head. Antography is most often recommended for passing to patients who are subjected to physical exertion. This examination allows to exclude possible aneurysms, abnormalities in the structure of blood vessels.

Expanded blood test. Conducted to identify chronic infections or inflammations, worms and other things.

Ultrasound of the internal organs. It is mainly used to evaluate the functioning of organs that affect the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Electroencephalogram. According to the results of this survey, it is possible to evaluate the work of the brain and identify possible violations.

Ways to treat a patient who has a headache and eyes

After an accurate determination of why the head and eyes hurt, the doctor selects an individually appropriate treatment.

As an independent disease, headache is quite difficult to cure. Migraine is practically untreatable, therefore, a person suffering from seizures, it is best to consult a neurologist for a more accurate diagnosis and recommendations for the prevention of seizures.

To avoid possible complications, it’s worth give up all bad habits - stop smoking, drink coffee on an empty stomach, drink strong alcoholic beverages. Daily walks in the fresh air will be an excellent prevention against headaches.

Massage and acupuncture help relieve tension in the neck and shoulders, which greatly facilitate the passage of the next migraine attack. By massaging the temples in a circular motion, you can reduce the level of pain during migraine. A massage of the inside of the palm will help relieve pain in the eyes and head caused by overwork.

Two glasses of warm water and 10 minutes of relaxation in a comfortable position able to relieve spasms of blood vessels and relieve you of headaches.

If headaches are chronic, then antidepressants or sedatives and medications are sometimes prescribed to relieve the condition.

If you have a headache, you can take analgesics to relieve pain. aspirin or paracetamol. It is especially important in this case to lie comfortably, relax and close your eyes. When a severe headache attack has passed, you should immediately consult a doctor, you may need to antibiotic treatment, vascular and venous outflow drugs, nootropics

If you are overworked or if the cause of pain in your eyes and head is stress, make yourself a soothing herbal tea by adding peppermint or lemon balm to it. Aromatherapy also helps to relax, so use aroma oils or light special incense sticks for the night in the bedroom. If possible, then at work, at lunchtime, arrange yourself an aromatherapy session. This will remove excess stress and focus on work.

To relieve a severe headache, use beet juice. If you moisten the cotton pads in beetroot juice and attach them to the ears, then after a couple of minutes the headache will begin to subside. Of course, to completely remove the pain will not work, but here an acute attack such gadgets can overcome.

Prevention of the symptom: so as not to have headaches and eyes

Try to be as much as possible in the open air, watch the world around you, experience more positive emotions. Too much abuse of analgesics is not worth it, otherwise it will negatively affect other internal organs.

When the first signs of a headache appear, try to relax and sit in a comfortable position for a couple of minutes, closing your eyes. This will slightly weaken the inflammation of the optic nerve, and the headache will not be so intense.

Another migraine attack will be less painful if during a meal to drink 100 ml aloe infusion on chicory juice. Also, to relieve migraine attacks will be effective and steam baths. Pour water and vinegar in equal proportions into a container and bring to a boil. As soon as steam begins to form, it is necessary, with your head bent over the container, take at least 70 deep breaths.

If the headache is caused by over-exertion or eyestrain, touch your forehead to the cool glass of the window. This will help to neutralize the electrostatic charge, which accumulates on the skin and leads to painful sensations.

Keeping a diary of headaches will help you to further understand why headaches and eyes hurt. Due to this, it will be possible to avoid the recurrence of attacks, if you do not allow the identified irritants or actions that contribute to the occurrence of headaches.

In order to prevent serious consequences, it is better to consult a doctor to determine the exact reasons why the head and eyes hurt, and for a competent solution to this problem.


Watch the video: Eye Examination (July 2024).