Fat burning diet - not to be confused with the sports "drying"! Types of effective fat burning diet, sample menu


There are many weight loss diets that are tested in practice and give a good result. There is a diet on cereals (buckwheat and rice), on vegetables, by blood group, Japanese and Kremlin, and many others.

With a fat burning diet, you can lose weight in a short time, as the metabolism and the breakdown of fats increase. This diet is based on a sharp reduction in carbohydrates and preference for protein foods in the menu. Proteins always act as a building material for the body and do not accumulate in body fat. When processing protein components, a lot of energy is lost, so you can achieve weight loss. Eating vegetables and fruits provides fiber and vitamins.

General principles of nutrition on a fat burning diet

Before you go on a fat burning diet, you need to learn about products from which people can quickly lose weight. During their use, unnecessary kilograms are not added, even excess fat is burned.

At the very beginning of the list of fat burning products are citrus fruit, such as tangerine, orange, pomelo, as well as grapefruit, which cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system. With regular use of grapefruit, there is a decrease in the level of insulin secreted by the body to regulate glucose. This reduces the feeling of hunger. Thus, the fruit helps to significantly reduce the weight of a person. Vegetables that are rich in fiber, are very useful for weight loss, since their processing takes a lot of calories, so the fat is not delayed.

Milk products also play a big role in losing weight. Phosphorus and calcium in the composition of low-fat dairy products contribute to the release of the hormone calcitriol, which helps burn fat.

Daily use of vegetables, such as different types of cabbage (Savoy and cauliflower, broccoli and kohlrabi), cucumbers and beets, asparagus and spinach, celery, zucchini and black radish, as well as cress and green peas, the body is cleansed of slags.

American nutritionist Michael Adams compiled list of products-fat burners. They do not have an increased nutritional value, but provide the body with essential vitamins, trace elements and substances that help in the breakdown of fats. 15 products from this table are called negative calorie foods.

These include:

• wholemeal bread;

• cruciferous vegetables (different types of cabbage, radishes, radishes), as well as garlic and tomatoes;

• low-fat dairy products: kefir and sour milk, cottage cheese and yogurt;

• from drinks green and black coffee, green tea and mate;

• exotic fruits - coconut and avocado, as well as pineapple;

• spices: ginger root and cinnamon;

• honey based drinks.

Here is a list of foods with protein content, the use of which is considered preferable:

• boiled egg -2 pieces;

• lean fish or seafood - 170 gr;

• low-fat cottage cheese -100 gr;

• baked or boiled meat, you can lean ham, 11 gr;

• low-fat cheese -60 gr

• kefir or low-fat milk, natural yogurt is allowed;

• walnuts or cashews, but not peanuts.

Protein products from this list should be constantly included in the diet and form its basis.

It is necessary to include in such a menu and carbohydrate foods:

• pasta -100 gr., Boiled rice, buckwheat oatmeal (cooked at the rate of 50 grams per serving), use tomato paste as a seasoning;

• two boiled or baked potatoes, you can have a few spoons;

• mashed potatoes;

• boiled corn;

• a slice of rye flour or wholemeal bread with bran.

In drawing up the menu should be based on the compatibility of carbohydrate and protein foods, as well as vegetables and fruits. Without compliance with their ratio can be an imbalance in metabolism.

The diet is as follows:

Food for the morning intake should be composed of proteins with the inclusion of fruits and vegetables as desired.

At lunch, you need to eat vegetable salad, for portions of food from carbohydrates and proteins. Instead of lettuce, you can afford fruits from the list that help burn fat.

During dinner, a portion of proteins.

At night it is useful to drink a little kefir.

If this diet is observed, alcohol, all confectionery, chocolate, fast food, mayonnaise, fatty and canned foods are strictly prohibited.

Sample daily / weekly menu: fat burning diet

Fat-burning diet differs from the others in that with it the menu of each day is different and consists of different dishes, so it is easier to follow. With this system, it is not necessary to starve, the feeling of hunger is quenched by the consumption of nourishing protein foods.

Here is a sample menu:

In the morning you should have breakfast with two boiled eggs, cabbage salad with the addition of spinach.

At lunch, eat boiled fish, oatmeal will be like a side dish. For dessert - an apple.

In the afternoon snack you can restrict the fish salad with a slice of bread made from rye flour, for dessert, pineapple slices, which is considered an excellent fat-burning fruit because of its coarse fibers.

It is necessary to have dinner with seafood, for example, you can boiled shrimps, choose grapefruit from fruit.

There are quite a few different choices of fat burning diets, including fairly strict ones, the main ones are: fat burning diets on onion soup, kefir and cottage cheese, soy.

Fat onion soup diet and weekly slimming menu

To cook this soup (it is also called “Bon soup”), take 7 onions, 3 Bulgarian not red peppers, 1 medium head of ordinary cabbage, 2-3 tomatoes, a bunch of celery, and optionally a cube of vegetable broth.

Of these ingredients, soup is cooked for a whole day for 10 -15 minutes on high heat, after which the dish should be kept on low heat for several minutes. All days of the week you need to drink about two liters of fresh water, it is a prerequisite for other diets for weight loss. In addition to the soup, used and other dishes, but specific to each day of the week:

On Monday the menu is allowed fruit, except bananas. Useful juice from cranberries, it is possible to drink a cup of green tea.

On Tuesday You can cooked vegetables, baked, but not beans, corn and green peas. Allowed in a small amount of boiled or baked potatoes.

On Wednesday they eat onion soup, stewed vegetables for the second, and any one fruit, but bananas from fruits, vegetables from potatoes.

On Thursday In addition to onion soup, fruits and vegetables are allowed, you can drink a glass of kefir and afford one banana.

On Friday along with onion soup in the menu include 550 g of beef or chicken without skin, you can fish. From vegetables will go fresh tomatoes;

On Saturday In addition to onion soup, you can enjoy meat, cabbage with cucumbers and green sweet peppers.

On Sunday, at the end of the week, you can not do without soup, porridge from brown rice and some fruit juice.

During the observance of this diet from the diet will have to exclude bakery products, alcoholic and carbonated drinks and dishes cooked in fat.

Fat burning diet on kefir and cottage cheese

With this diet, you need to eat 250-300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese per day with 750 ml of kefir divided into 4-5 meals equally.

Cottage cheese with kefir causes stimulation of metabolism, as a result, the body begins to spend more calories.

You can arrange a fasting day for kefir in a different way, who does not want to sit all day on this dairy product.

Menu for one day diet on kefir:

In the morning, the morning meal should be started with a glass of kefir, with a slice of dried rye bread.

Before lunch, you can afford two apples with a glass of low-fat kefir or a glass of freshly squeezed natural juice.

At lunch, eat boiled fish in the amount of 200 grams. From salads fit a salad of vegetables or sauerkraut.

In the afternoon a glass of milk, from fruit to eat an apple.

Dinner with a carrot casserole with a slice of bread and cheese, for dessert, 1-2 apples.

At bedtime, a glass of skimmed milk or kefir is allowed.

Dairy products must be lean and not very fresh. Their 1-2 day freshness is allowed.

Fat Burning Soy Diet

The soy diet is very beneficial for the female because it is rich in protein, which is the "building material" for the cells in the body. In addition, it is considered a source of phytoestrogens, which are a natural analogue of female hormones. Phytoestrogens help to improve the metabolism in the body of women by burning excess fat.

This diet is only people with a strong will, because it is very tough and heavy. With a soy diet for 4 days, it is recommended that only boiled soy bean is used - 500 grams per day, while drinking plenty of water (up to 2-3l).

Prepare soy for the purpose of losing weight in this way. Soak it from evening to morning in cold water, and in the morning boil for an hour until soft. The resulting mass from boiled soybeans is not salted or refilled with any butter. With this diet you can lose weight up to one kilogram per day. The use of a soy diet for more than 5 days is dangerous to health.

Important points of nutrition

It is recommended to eat fruits in the morning meal, because they cause increased appetite, and vegetables - in the mid-morning snack.

To get a quick, good result, you should drink large amounts of water, reaching up to about 3 liters per day, since a lack of water in the body slows down the metabolism process.

In the daily menu of food must be present grapefruit, a very useful fruit for weight loss.

In the morning every day you need to drink a glass of fresh water on an empty stomach, only after two hours should there be breakfast.

Dinner should be 2 hours before bedtime.

It is also necessary to learn that it is better to use more high-calorie foods before lunch, in the evening to give preference to a small amount of protein foods.

It is advisable to divide the entire daily ration into 4-5 meals, which will make it possible not to feel hunger, but also not to overeat. And the stomach is gradually reduced, getting used to a small amount of food.

Fat burning diet is best combined with exercise, only then you can achieve the desired effect.

After abandoning the diet, one should continue to follow the principles of fractional nutrition.

People who follow any diet, it is desirable to maintain the body and strengthen the immune system to take multivitamin complexes.

When choosing any diet, it is necessary to consult a doctor or a nutritionist, since any fat burning diet is a stress for the body. A frivolous attitude to its use can result in serious health problems.

The considered diet has limitations, it should be avoided for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, excretory system, planning pregnancy and pregnant women.

You can lose weight wisely, choosing only suitable power systems, then you can achieve excellent results and become slim and beautiful!


Watch the video: KETOGENIC DIET. Shred Fat & Build Muscle (June 2024).