Why does the wife not want a husband? ALLOWANCE FOR MEN. Consider the probable reasons why a wife may not want a husband in an intimate way.


Every person wants to be loved, meaningful and important in the life of his partner. When we meet someone with whom we are comfortable, well, joyfully, we think: "here it is, ours," "it will always be like this." In the flowery period of relationships, we are in a state of high spirits and positive emotions: prepare for a meeting, embellish ourselves, showing from the best side.

As soon as the partners begin to live together, the first crisis in the relationship begins - the adjustment of mutual expectations or simply “grinding”. Then comes the next crisis - the birth of a child and the couple have to completely change their way of life. During the entire period of cohabitation, men and women, periodically, will undergo crises.

One of the important indicators of family relationships is sex. If there is a problem in a family with intimate intimacy, it’s time to sound the alarm and take action. Lack of desire can occur in both man and woman. Let's talk about the reasons for the lack of sexual desire in women and consider recommendations for their elimination.

1. Why the wife does not want a husband: problems, a lot of cases, fatigue

So it turns out that nowadays a woman has a huge amount of obligations: she should be able to earn money, be an excellent hostess, a good mother, be an attractive woman. In such a cycle and under such a load it is difficult to remain energetic in the evening and pay attention to your man. Hurry to sit at the computer, get into social networks or fall into the arms of the pillow. She squeezed like a lemon.

Behavior of a woman: Practically never initiating intimacy, but when manifesting intimate hints a man refers to fatigue, the presence of many cases, headache, drowsiness.

Decision: It should be understood that once upon a time, men went hunting, and women were engaged in gathering, supporting fire, preparing food and raising children. Those days are over, and women also went on a "hunt," but no one freed them from the rest. If a man and a woman go together to "hunt", then it is logical that you can manage the household together.

If you can not hire a housekeeper, try a little "unload" your spouse in the "domestic respect." If you will, periodically, help and say: “How lucky I am with you. You do so much that I just won’t add my mind, how you manage to do everything. No wonder you get tired.” At the same time hug and kiss your woman.

2. Why the wife does not want a husband: male infantilism

It often happens that a woman is the head of the family. If you help and tell the children what to do and how, then this is normally perceived by her, so the maternal instinct implies learning, care and direction. But it often happens that a woman also has to behave with a man. Collect the scattered things, wash the dishes behind him, iron, ask to do something, repair, repair and more. And it is here that the trouble lies - the maternal instinct starts to wake up from the woman towards her husband. The more such behavior on the part of a man, the stronger the attitude of the wife to her husband as a child. It comes to the point of absurdity: you have washed your hands, take off your shirt, you are already in it for the third day, go take a dip. It looks like a conversation between two adults who love each other? No, this is a mother-child relationship. And where does the "mother" get a sexual attraction to the "child"? This is against nature.

Behavior of a woman: Often sniffs things for the presence of a "dirty smell", indications of actions concerning personal hygiene: you washed your hands, bathe, cut your nails, shave, change your shirt, clean up after yourself, frequent requests to fix something, do something.

Decision: Take responsibility for your own life! Of course, it is very convenient when the wife gives ready-made solutions. No need to steam and strain the brain - what, where, where and why. But with such behavior, you risk your full sexual life and attitude as an inferior person who does not know how to do anything on her own.

Learn to buy groceries in the store, see where and what is broken in the house, sharpen knives, wash dishes, sweep and take out the garbage. And of course, keep track of your personal hygiene. The more unpleasant the smell comes from you, the stronger the association of a bad smell with a husband. Do it without asking a woman and believe me, she will appreciate it highly!

3. Why the wife does not want a husband: resentment and disappointment

So we have been brought up that we have not learned how to pronounce our dissatisfaction with our partner correctly and discuss problems in a relationship. Much accustomed to remain silent and save grievances. This is especially true of women. Pout lips and do not talk, the man has to guess what she was offended. She, naturally, is not up for sex, because in her head she leads an internal dialogue with her husband, where all good feelings towards him are destroyed.

Behavior of a woman: Behaves offended, does not talk, ignores the requests or communication of men. She does not ask to do something, she does everything herself.

Decision: If you have chosen such a "beech", which is accustomed to be offended and sulk, you will have to take matters into your own hands. If you notice that the situation has acquired a similar character, do not wait until the problem reaches its climax and there will be thunder. Come and talk about the condition you saw on your spouse's face: "Honey, I think something is bothering you? Tell me, please, I am worried about you and would like to help." Only the tone of the voice should match the phrase showing your sympathy and experience. By this you emphasize that you notice the state of your woman, show empathy and empathy. This leads to rapprochement, trust and improved relationships. And also: keep your word! Your word is an advance of action. About the man speak his actions. Did not keep his word - resentment, disappointment and mistrust.

4. Why the wife does not want a husband: a new love or a new love relationship

A woman is known to be an emotional being. She lives in feelings and emotions. As long as she loves her man - she will do everything for him, not focusing on the shortcomings or lack of help from the man. Over time, this feeling passes for a number of reasons and she wants to re-experience joyful emotions. If you see that your wife's eyes sparkle, she preens and this is not related to you, and besides, sex has also disappeared - sound the alarm, someone appeared at her. Maybe not in real life, but in virtual, but shining eyes and a happy look of a woman speaks about her love. If you sit idle and do not take the initiative - you can lose your beloved. If for some reason she does not leave, then living on the same territory, you will become just your roommates.

Behavior of a woman: The woman began to take care of herself more, she had a sparkle in her eyes, she often tries to leave somewhere or began to spend more time at the computer. She always carries a phone with her and does not leave it in a prominent place.

Decision: Many of us have heard the expression: "a woman loves with her ears, and a man loves with her eyes." When a man gives attention to his woman, makes her understand her importance and importance in his life, then no admirer and admirer can take your lady's heart away. Try to notice changes in her appearance, especially if it concerns a figure. Most ladies are very worried about this and go on a diet. Keep in touch with her while at work. A woman is very pleased to feel that she is remembered, loved and appreciated, even from a distance. Be interested in her life, problems.

5. Why the wife does not want a husband: all the energy goes into quarrels

Who would have thought, but the scandal is an analogue of sex! During a quarrel, the same changes occur in the body as in the pleasures of love: increased heart rate, pulse, and breathing. The same enzymes and hormones are released into the blood as during sexual intimacy. But the scandal from the point of view of psychology is of better quality, since there are more stages in it than in sex. In the scandal there is always a prelude, the main stage and the climax. While in sex can not get some stage and full discharge will not occur. In this case, a person has to “discharge” through scandal and quarrels.

Behavior of a woman: She often “clings” to trifles in order to quarrel, to raise a scandal, to express how everything got her, throws things angrily, beats dishes. The case can even reach the assault on the part of the woman.

Decision: As soon as you feel that the scandal is near, try to extinguish it "in the bud." Women need to be defused, and if they let her discharge through a quarrel, you can assume that you had sex only in a perverted form. Do not let her get angry, applying the "depreciation principle", that is, agreeing with what the spouse says in a guilty voice with his head down. You can continue to scold yourself. As the saying goes: "The guilty head and the sword does not whip." You simply will not leave a reserve of charges to her, because you will bring them down.

If, after sex, your wife was unhappy or grumbled, then she was not "discharged." Try to apply all the knowledge, skills and body parts to get the full satisfaction of your woman!

6. Why the wife does not want a husband: there is no emotional, emotional and intellectual closeness

A woman lives in feelings and emotions. The more positive feelings she has for a man, the deeper the emotional, emotional and intellectual intimacy. When everything is good with these types of intimacy, then physical proximity brings joy and satisfaction. But over time, the partners can move away from each other and as a result, there is a cooling in the intimate plan, there is no desire to do something pleasant for your partner.

Behavior of a woman: She does not talk about her life, does not ask her husband about his affairs. Communication is reduced to phrases relating to children, food, products. There is no talk about the future, no joint plans, goals, or ways to achieve them are made. She wants to relax and spend the weekend separately from her husband.

Decision: For a woman to want you, first establish emotional and emotional intimacy:

• Be attentive to her feelings, emotions, and condition.

• When she feels bad - listen with understanding, hug, let them speak. Remember that the vocabulary of a woman is 7-8 thousand words a day, whereas a man has 2-4 thousand.

• Respect and emphasize what it does. It often happens that some actions of a woman are taken for granted and depreciated. Remember that no one owes anything to anyone, appreciate what they are doing for you.

• Keep in touch with her while at work. Write a message, call, chat a little, lighten her mood, support or say you are bored.

• Provide signs of love. The real signs of love are not those that you like, but those that your wife likes. She will appreciate it.

• Hug and touch your woman more. During hugs, caresses, bodily touches and strokes, oxytocin is released into the blood - a hormone of love, affection and stress reduction.

• It is better to make small but frequent surprises and gifts, rather than a couple of times a year, but big ones. Women value the amount of attention given more.

• Be indulgent to her when she is naughty. Sometimes a woman just needs to feel like a little girl who wants to handle.

• Give compliments to her address. Emphasize what you like best about her.

• The more general plans, tasks and goals you have, the stronger your union will be.

• Keep your word. If they said that my wife needed a new dress or shoes, everything, this is not discussed, took her hand and went to buy.

• Do not forget to pinch or slam it on the bottom. It will support both in her and in you playfulness and flirting.

• Help her with household chores. Let's understand that you are together "pulling the strap of life."

7. Why the wife does not want her husband: painful or unpleasant feelings during intimacy or dissatisfaction with sex

Many have heard about the compatibility of partners. In the intimate field, partners must also “approach” each other. Someone needs 10 minutes to meet, and someone 40. If one of the partners did not have enough time to “discharge”, discontent and irritation will accumulate. All this can be compensated by scandals or treason. Therefore, it is very important to know how much time your woman needs to fully discharge. If she needs a longer period than you, use and use different methods, the benefit of which is now a huge amount.

If a woman has unpleasant or painful feelings during intimacy, then she will wait for an intimate relationship, not as a joyful pastime, but as a terrible event that brings discomfort. It is necessary to find out the reason for such sensations, otherwise the woman will simply avoid having sex with you.

As you can see, there are many reasons for reducing a woman’s attraction to her husband. Sex is the main indicator and indicator of family relationships. What kind of relationship you have in a pair depends on both partners.

Remember: being in a relationship try to think that you can give a partner, and only then what to take.

Seeing that you give, the partner will also try to give. The dose of anti-egoism has never interfered with relationships.

Be close to your woman in every way and she will want to do more for you than she already does.


Watch the video: Signs That A Man Doesn't Want You Anymore (July 2024).