Turkey skewers: recipes for tender meat. The secrets of turkey barbecue marinade: spicy, quick, kefir, wine


Shish kebab is an indispensable companion of every trip to nature. In the summer, not a single trip to the cottage, let alone a picnic, is complete. Traditional recipes involve the use of fatty meats - pork or lamb.

However, now there are more and more followers of the principles of healthy eating who prefer kebabs from turkey. The meat of this bird is dietary, and when cooked on charcoal, it retains all the beneficial properties. In addition, the turkey absorbs various marinades very well, which allows you to experiment with tastes.

Turkey kebab - general principles of preparation

Before you start grilling kebab, you need to thoroughly prepare. One of the most important tasks is the choice of meat. You must decide which part of your body you will use: your hips, breasts, or legs. The thighs are the fattest part of the bird, and on the contrary, there is no fat at all in the breast, but it is very dry. Different parts of the carcass can be combined, but try to cut them into equal pieces so that they are baked evenly.

If you plan to cook shish kebab on skewers, you should cut the meat into large chunks approximately 5 centimeters thick - so after frying the juice will remain in them. For skewers, three-centimeter cubes should be prepared (if you make the pieces larger, they will roll over from their own gravity).

Before cooking, turkey must be marinated. This will improve the taste of meat and significantly speed up the process of cooking barbecue. Rinse the meat under running water, cut the veins from it, put in a pan. Add coarsely chopped onion, mix with salt and pepper. Squeeze 1 lemon into the pan, mix thoroughly again and leave for 6 hours. This is one of the classic marinade recipes for turkey kebabs, in reality there are many more of them - based on wine, kefir, mineral water, etc.

After the meat is marinated, it remains to plant pieces on skewers. Cook on charcoal for about 12 minutes.

Recipe 1: Spicy Turkey Kebab

Quite a simple and budget version of the recipe, in which, besides the meat itself, only spicy seasonings and garlic are used.


• 1.5 kg of turkey thighs;

• 5 garlic cloves;

• half a teaspoon of oil;

• half a spoonful of hop-suneli;

• half a teaspoon of adjika;

• half a teaspoon of paprika;

• half a teaspoon of black pepper;

• salt.

Cooking method

Rinse the turkey meat thoroughly, cut the veins from it, and dry it. Cut into pieces of 5 centimeters. Crush the garlic, pour it into a glass or enameled pan, which you will use to marinate. Pour spices there, add oil, mix everything thoroughly. Wait 10 minutes and add the turkey slices, mix and leave for 2-3 hours under the lid.

After 3 hours, put meat cubes on skewers and cook on the grill for 12 minutes, turning the skewers every 2 minutes. After cooking, shashlik lightly sprinkle with vinegar water.

Recipe 2: turkey skewers with sesame seeds on skewers

Another simple recipe in a hurry. Infusion in sesame marinade is only 1 hour, which, compared to other methods of pickling, is very fast.


• a pound of turkey breast;

• 3 tablespoons of oil and soy sauce;

• 1, 5 tablespoons of white sesame seeds.

Cooking method

Wash and blot the turkey breast with paper towels to remove excess moisture. Remove the film, the veins, then cut into pieces of 3 centimeters. Put in a saucepan, pour over with oil and soy sauce. Stir so that all pieces of meat are evenly covered with a mixture of butter and sauce, leave for 1 hour. For the time when the turkey marinates, put skewers in the water - so they will not absorb the juice. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and cook for 10 minutes in the oven or on the grill.

Recipe 3: Turkey Kebab in Kefir Marinade

The highlight of this dish is kefir based marinade. A turkey prepared in this way is especially tender and juicy.


• turkey thighs - 1.8 kg;

• turnip onion - 4 pcs.;

• kefir - 2 glasses;

• sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;

• tomato puree - 2 tbsp. l .;

• a mixture of peppers;

• lavrushka;

• salt.

Cooking method

Wash, dry meat, remove veins. Then cut it into pieces of 5 centimeters. Cut onions into rings, crush with your hands to form juice. Pour the kefir into the pan, add the onion, a mixture of peppers, tomato puree, lavrushka, and salt. Pieces of turkey meat separately, pepper, put in the marinade. Close the lid and insist 5-6 hours. While the meat is pickling, prepare the coals. Chop bell pepper. String pickled meat on skewers, alternating with pieces of pepper. Grill for 10-12 minutes, not forgetting to turn the skewers so that the meat does not burn.

Recipe 4: turkey skewers in mayonnaise in air grill

Barbecue recipe, for which you do not need to go to nature - just have a home grill. Due to mayonnaise, the dish ceases to be dietary, but it acquires new taste.


• 1 kg of turkey breast;

• 1 head of onion turnips;

• 150 g of mayonnaise;

• Italian herbs;

• black ground pepper;

• salt.

Cooking method

Wash and dry the turkey fillet with a paper towel, remove the film and streaks. Cut the meat into pieces 3 centimeters thick, put them in a saucepan, salt and add spices. Shred onion and pour to turkey meat, pour mayonnaise into it, mix. Leave for about 3 hours under a closed lid in the refrigerator.

Fry for 15 minutes in a convection oven at 180 degrees, laying skewers on the upper and middle lattice. Then raise the temperature to 200 degrees and cook for another 10 minutes.

Recipe 5: Turkey Marinated Skewers

When cooking according to this recipe, the taste of the final dish will depend on the time of pickling meat. Turkey turkey can be kept in a wine marinade up to 14 hours: the longer, the more tender and juicier it will become. In addition to interesting tastes, red wine will give a kebab of turkey a beautiful rich color.


• 1.5 kg of turkey thighs;

• 300 g bacon;

• 6 onions;

• 3 tablespoons of olive oil and dry red wine;

• half a teaspoon of salt;

• 10 peas from a mixture of peppers;

• 1 teaspoon of dried basil;

• 1 tablespoon of milled paprika and sesame;

• half a spoonful of red milled pepper.

Cooking method

Rinse the turkey poultry, dry it, clean it of film and veins. Cut into pieces of 5 centimeters (or slightly thicker). For the marinade, chop the onion with ringlets, put in a bowl or pan, sprinkle with spices and crush to release the juice. After that, salt, pour oil and wine. Mash again, mix. Add the marinated pieces of meat and mix again. Cut the bacon into thin plates, put in a pan to the rest of the ingredients. Insist under a closed lid for 14 hours. It is possible less, but then the meat will turn out less juicy. Cook shashlik on charcoal, turning the skewers every 2-3 minutes.

Recipe 6: Oven Turkey Shish Kebab

When baking in the oven, the dish turns out to be as useful and dietary as possible, preserving all the vitamins. In the basic recipe, kebabs are moderately spicy, so if you like a more pungent taste, add more horseradish and mustard.


• 650 g of turkey breast;

• 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and vegetable oil;

• 1 tablespoon of homemade horseradish;

• 1 teaspoon of mustard;

• salt.

Cooking method

Dice the washed meat into cubes about 2x2 centimeters. In a bowl, pour the olive oil and soy sauce for the marinade, mix with mustard and homemade horseradish. Sprinkle with salt if necessary. Add turkey pieces to a bowl of cooked marinade, cover with a plate, for example, hold for 5 hours in the refrigerator. An hour before cooking, put the skewers in the soak in water.

When the meat is pickled, put it on the prepared skewers, put it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. Bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Recipe 7: Skewers of Turkey and Vegetables

This dish is not only tasty, but also beautiful due to the use of colorful vegetables. The recipe itself suggests variability: yellow pepper can easily be replaced with green, and young potatoes with old ones.


Turkey Thighs - 1 kg;

zucchini - 1 pc.;

peppers of different colors - 2 pcs.;

young potatoes and onions - 3 pcs.;

oil - 4 tbsp. l;

freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tsp.

sesame oil - 0.25 cups;

apple juice - half a glass;

chopped garlic and ginger - 1 tablespoon;

ground black pepper - 1 tsp.

Cooking method

Cut the turkey meat into pieces about 5 centimeters thick, put in a saucepan. To prepare the marinade in a separate bowl, mix the butter, soy sauce, apple juice, garlic, ginger and pepper. Pour the marinade in the pan to the turkey, stir, cover and hold for 8 hours in the refrigerator.

Cut the peppers and zucchini into large pieces, the new potatoes into thin circles, and the onion in half. Mix lemon juice, oil, salt, pepper and add the mixture to the vegetables. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with cling film and insist for about half an hour.

Strung meat and vegetables on skewers, alternating between them. Cook the turkey skewers on charcoal for about 15 minutes, regularly turning the skewers.

Recipe 8: Asian marinade for turkey kebab

An exotic version of marinade, built on a combination of sweet honey, salty soy sauce and spicy ginger. Fans of oriental cuisine will definitely like it.


2 tablespoons of honey;

3 garlic cloves;

half a teaspoon of chopped ginger;

half a teaspoon of soy sauce;

1 lemon

Cooking method

Put ginger, soy sauce and honey in a cup or small bowl. Crush the garlic, add to the rest of the ingredients, mix well. Then pour the mixture into the pan to the meat, mix and make sure that all the turkey pieces are smeared with marinade. Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 3 hours.

Recipe 9: Fragrant Turkey Shish Kebab Marinade

This marinade recipe is adapted to Russian culinary traditions. You can cook it from the components that are always in any kitchen.


Cinnamon, zira, ground pepper - 1 teaspoon each;

Turnip onion - 2 pcs.;

Lemon - 1 pc.;

Oil - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking method

Pour the oil in a small bowl, mix with the spices and mix thoroughly. Chop the onion into small pieces. Prepared oil with spices and onions add to the pan to the chopped turkey. Insist meat in this marinade no more than three hours. At the end, squeeze the lemon into the pan and mix well so that all the pieces of meat are soaked with juice.

Turkey kebab - tricks and tips

  • For the preparation of marinades, it is better to use olive oil. It makes the taste and aroma of spices more saturated, and also well softens dry meat - for example, breast.
  • In order to check if turkey skewers are ready, the meat should be carefully cut with a knife. Well-done turkey will be white.
  • Fresh vegetables are ideal as a side dish for such a dish - just chopped or as a salad.


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