Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies: pumpkin seeds, parsley, chestnuts ... What to fear and what to trust when treating prostatitis with folk methods


Prostatitis - A disease involving an exceptionally strong half of humanity.

To help get rid of this scourge can not only drugs of official medicine, but also auxiliary folk methods that have helped out more than one generation of men.

What are the most popular folk remedies, and which should be avoided?

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies. The most effective recipes

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds store a special substance in themselves that helps fight inflammation of the walls of the prostate gland. However, the usual use of pumpkin seeds is not able to bring a positive result. It is necessary to prepare special tablets for resorption.

Prepare about 300 grams of fresh seeds. Dried or fried completely lose their effectiveness, so the best option is to buy or grow a pumpkin and collect seeds. They must be carefully peeled off the husk, carefully making sure that the green shell is not damaged (this is the most useful ingredient). Pass the prepared seeds through a fine mesh grinder and mix with honey 1: 1. Mix the mass thoroughly and heat a little in a water bath (about 3 minutes). Next, put the mixture in the refrigerator overnight. After the mass becomes dense, form tablets with a diameter of 1 cm and a height of about 3 mm. The resulting pills regularly, every morning before meals, you need to dissolve until completely dissolved. The course of admission is 3 months.

This recipe is especially useful when the first signs of prostatitis appear. If the disease is already in an acute stage, rely only on those drugs that the doctor prescribed.

Chestnuts to relieve signs of prostatitis

Chestnut fruits contain a large number of anti-inflammatory substances that are so necessary for this disease. To prepare the recipe, you need to take about 300 grams of ripe chestnuts. The optimal purchase date is September or October, at which time the ripe chestnuts acquire a rich brown color, indicating that the fruits contain the maximum amount of vitamins. Peel peeled nuts should be carefully chopped in a mortar and pour a liter of boiling water on the floor. The broth should be infused for 8-10 hours. Further, it must be evaporated in a water bath until 200 ml is left. The resulting medicine must be consumed three times a day, thirty drops before meals (approximately 2 ml.) Drink the entire prepared infusion, take a break for one month and be sure to repeat two more times.

While taking an infusion of chestnuts, your appetite may increase, which will affect your weight and general condition. To avoid such effects, make microclysters twice a week. In one step, you need to enter 250 ml of the prepared broth.


Propolis must necessarily be used in the treatment of prostatitis. This bee product is not only anti-inflammatory, but also antispasmodic.

Propolis is used to make candles. 40 grams of propolis must be poured 200 grams of alcohol and evaporated. The resulting extract (approximately 0.1 grams) mixed with cocoa butter (2 grams). Mix thoroughly and form a candle from the mass. Within a month, you need to insert a candle into the anus before bedtime, take a break for one month and conduct another month course.


Another record holder in the content of vitamins required for prostate disease is parsley. In total, one hundred grams contains two daily norm of vitamin A at once, and vitamin C even five times more than in lemon. There is also inulin in parsley. Thanks to such indicators, parsley treatment can be a very effective method that does not require much effort and does not take much time.

From fresh herbs, which you can grow on your windowsill, squeeze the juice and drink a tablespoon three times a day. Pay attention: it is necessary to drink juice for half an hour before meals, otherwise the effectiveness of the medicine will drop dramatically.

Parsley seeds also have beneficial properties. To prepare a decoction that can relieve pain from inflammation of the prostate, it is necessary to grind 200 grams of seeds, pour boiled water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. After the broth has cooled, take a day, 5 times one tablespoon.

Radiola pink

Radiola pink - a champion in the content of substances that prevent inflammation. The main amount of nutrients found in the roots, so for the preparation of the broth using this part of the plant.

Carefully chopping the roots of plants, approximately 100 grams, it is necessary to pour a glass of boiled water and leave in a water bath for the full effect. You can also use a thermos, it will help to keep warm. After the water with the radiola is infused, strain and drink one glass 2 times a day.


Pear is a delicious and inexpensive fruit that will help to avoid the disease of inflammation of the prostate, as well as relieve discomfort. Compote can be cooked both from the fruits themselves, and with the addition of pear leaves. The main thing in this method is regularity. Compote of pears must be drunk daily for one month.

Exercises for the prevention and speedy recovery from prostatitis

Performing special exercises regularly is another way to help get rid of prostate inflammation as soon as possible. This method does not eliminate pain and discomfort, however, it provides prostate massage and disease prevention.

1. Slowly squeeze and unclench the muscles as you do when urinating. Such massage is especially effective for cognitive prostatitis.

2. Tighten the muscles of the perineum as much as possible and try to keep them in this state for up to 2 minutes.

3. Quickly contract and relax the muscles of the perineum. Do this exercise briefly, but regularly.

Gradually increase the load every day. So you prepare the muscles to be in good shape and save yourself from dangerous complications.

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies. How not to make yourself worse?

Onion tincture - more harm than good

Onions are famous for containing specific substances - phytoncides that prevent the spread of inflammatory processes. However, onion tincture of vodka, the recipe of which is proposed as an effective remedy for prostatitis, is a perfect false and harmful medicine. Vodka or alcohol, in general - an absolute taboo for prostatitis. Alcohol in any percentage and any amount (even the smallest) only increases the speed of the disease and helps establish a chronic condition.

• Applications from burdock or cabbage

This method is completely useless for prostate disease. Cabbage copes well with the elimination of edema, bruising and inflammation, but you should not expect a positive effect after making applications on the perineum. The sexual gland increases in size, swells, but all these processes cannot be eliminated or reduced by cabbage leaves alone.


Compress with prostatitis has a positive effect only if the disease is at the initial stage. In the stage of exacerbation, no warming up will help you, but on the contrary, will cause even more harm. Do not pay attention to the contents of the compresses: oil, tinctures, extracts, or homemade creams. Their active ingredients get only into the skin, only a hundredth part reaches the sore spot.

Vacuum pumps

Some men use vacuum pumps, falsely thinking that they will help to quickly get rid of prostatitis. Actually this method is erroneous. Muscle tension of a penis is not connected in any way with a sexual gland.

Hemlock tincture

Hemlock - poisonous grass, which should be used with extreme caution. If you often use folk remedies in the treatment of diseases, make it your own rule to trust only those methods that contain harmless substances. Hemlock can be used in the treatment of prostatitis, but only a little deviating from the norm or confusing the dosage regimen, you can harm the whole body. A tincture, for the preparation of which it is necessary to use alcohol, only emphasizes the harm of this recipe.

Any alternative methods are effective only in the complex therapy prescribed by an experienced urologist.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Steam treatment for enlarged prostate (July 2024).