Drinks for weight loss with ginger, honey, lemon, cucumber - which is better to drink to lose weight quickly? Recipes for the most effective drinks for weight loss at home.


Let's try to build an associative line with the word "drink": light, refreshing, thirst quenching, fragrant, invigorating, cold or hot. Surely it is such associations that cause you this word. Do you know that a drink can also be conducive to losing weight?

It turns out that in the world there are a huge number of recipes for weight loss, which help many women to struggle with excess weight and adjust the figure. If you want to learn more about how to prepare them and whether they can actually help in the issue of weight loss, we will try to tell you about it.

Drinks for weight loss - can help?

Naturally, it is not a question of just drinking some kind of liquid and losing weight without making any effort at all. As well as the treatment of diseases, the process of weight loss should be comprehensive and include at least:

• Active sports (swimming, jogging, aerobics, Pilates, yoga and others),

• diet or nutritional system,

• Additional measures to promote weight loss (anti-cellulite programs, wraps, the use of special products that help fight extra pounds).

The simplest and the very first drink that you should regularly take while losing weight is plain water. However, it should not contain any additional impurities (syrups, sugar and others). Thanks to water, for example, drunk before eating, the metabolism is accelerated, the body feels fresh. In addition, water can perfectly "deceive" the stomach, eliminating the feeling of hunger for a short time.

The more water you drink during the day, the better. However, keep in mind the required rate: from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day. If you significantly exceed it or go exclusively to water, you can “amass” swelling and get into the hospital room, because the body needs fats, carbohydrates and proteins that are not able to give him only one water.

Indeed, kefir can help to satisfy hunger, except water. Even nutritionists are allowed to drink it at night, since it is kefir that is considered low-calorie and at the same time a nutritious drink. It will relieve the feeling of hunger, improve intestinal peristalsis. Thus, you protect yourself from constipation, because they are frequent companions of diets.

In keeping with the system of proper nutrition, you should also drink teas and compotes, for example, from dried fruits. Forget about packaged juices for good: they do not contain substances that would be useful for an adult or a child. These are solid concentrates, sweeteners and preservatives. And they contain an increased dose of carbohydrates, so that you can negate all your attempts to lose weight.

Drinks for weight loss at home recipes

If you have chosen for yourself a system of proper nutrition and strive with her to lose a couple of extra pounds, then you will come to the aid of drinks prepared by hand: smoothies, fresh juices, teas and fat burning cocktails.

One of the most common ingredients of a slimming drink is ginger. It not only acts as a fat burner, but also removes excess fluid from the body, and also supports immune forces, protecting it from viral and catarrhal ailments.

Ginger Slimming Drink

• Grated ginger root - 1 tsp.

• Water - half a liter mug,

• Cumin and cinnamon - half a teaspoon,

• Black or green natural tea - a small pinch.

You only need to combine all the components of ginger tea, pour them with water and put on a slow fire. It’s enough to boil the tea for 30 minutes, and in the end you should add one pinch of tea to your taste and let it brew. During the day you will need 1.5 liters of this tea, and it is allowed to drink it at any time, including the "forbidden" hours after 18:00.

Consider that ginger has a rather specific aroma and taste. Not many people like it, so it’s worth trying this tea once and then doing it again. If you don't like ginger drinks, it doesn't matter. You should not forcibly pour in a liquid that is tasteless for you, just try other drinks with different ingredients.

Slimming drinks with cucumber, lemon and ginger

Such components of drinks for weight loss as lemon and cucumber are also famous for their excellent health and cleansing properties. Lemon, for example, is able to break down fats, due to the presence of fruit acids, and it also effectively fights viruses, as it is known for its high content of vitamin C.

Cucumber, in turn, has a mild laxative effect, and it also contains no calories at all.

Try to cook your own drink of cucumber, lemon and ginger for weight loss. It will tone up the body and remove the feeling of hunger. Take:

• 8-10 glasses of water

• Large cucumber - 1 pc,

• Ginger root grated - 1 tbsp. l

• Lemon - 1 pc.

Cucumber You can grate on a fine grater, adding to it the ginger root and squeezed lemon with pulp. All this is filled with water and drunk during the day. Just enough half a glass of such a smoothie and you no longer want to eat.

In addition, the drink can be prepared differently: peeled cucumber is cut into rings, as well as lemon. Ginger remains grated. Pour the fragrant lemonade with water and add mint leaves. This drink is called "Water Sassi". Cynthia Sass - famous nutritionist who has developed a whole system of weight loss, recommends taking this miracle drink for effective weight loss. As a result, you get a flat tummy and an elastic press, if you combine the intake of lemon-ginger drink with physical exertion and a special diet.

Drink for weight loss: ginger, lemon and mint helps to remove excess fluid, so get ready for frequent running into the bathroom. However, it gives a very positive effect, because the metabolism is significantly accelerated, and the gastrointestinal tract works like a clock.

Slimming Drinks with Lemon and Cucumber

If you can not accustom your body to regular use of pure water, then we recommend that you try to prepare surprisingly tasty and refreshing drinks with lemon or cucumber. There are a lot of "non-lovers" of simple water, therefore several recipes for a light drink for weight loss will be most welcome.

Here, for example, a drink with lemon, cucumber and lime for weight loss:

• Take at least two liters of clean, preferably non-carbonated water,

• Mix it with lemon and lime slices, as well as thinly sliced ​​cucumber,

• If you want, it is allowed to add ice and mint leaves to the drink, then you will get an almost original, useful and refreshing Mojito.

Drink this liquid in portions throughout the day. Especially appropriate would be a glass of drink during hungry spasms at the beginning of the diet.

The kefir diet also gives a positive effect during the weight loss program. It consists of kefir dishes and drinks. You will not lose if you decide to make a healthy and nutritious cocktail with cucumber and kefir:

• Finely grate cucumber without peel,

• Add to it a liter of kefir,

• If desired, supplement the cocktail with greens: parsley, dill or cilantro.

As soon as you feel that you are hungry, you should drink at least half a cup of kefir-cucumber drink. Believe me, an unpleasant feeling of hunger will disappear immediately.

Nutritionists recommend combining lemon with honey in drinks. You get great taste, as well as the unique aroma of the liquid, which perfectly contributes to the disappearance of extra pounds. Drink for weight loss with lemon and honey is prepared as follows:

• Take 1.5-2 liters of water,

• Cut the lemon into slices,

• Mix these ingredients and supplement them 1-2 tbsp. l honey

Allowed to prepare the drink in a cold form. In addition, you can cook a delicious tea based on the same ingredients, only combining them with ginger. Initially fill it with hot water and let it brew for about 15-20 minutes, then combine with the remaining ingredients and boil for about 10 minutes on the stove. You can drink this tea all day long, hot or cold, to your taste.

Honey based slimming drinks

Instead of simple water on an empty stomach in the morning you can also drink honey drinks for weight loss. Do not worry, honey will not be too high in calories, slowing down the process of losing weight. On the contrary, it will be an excellent sugar substitute, while the popular chemical sugar substitutes only exacerbate the situation. The fructose contained in them in huge quantities is deposited on your sides with fatty deposits. But thanks to the sweet taste of honey, the need for desserts will disappear.

Honey slimming drink with lemon

• By tradition, we take a half to two liters of water,

• Stir 5-10 Art. l honey

• Squeeze half a lemon into a container with a drink.

For a quick, and, most importantly, proper weight loss fit and drink with honey and cinnamon. It serves as a kind of "brake" for insulin, so the fats in the body do not accumulate, but rapidly split.

The drink is done as follows:

• Brew black or green tea (weak),

• Pour into a liter jar 1 glass of tea,

• Add to it 1 tbsp. l honey and 1 tsp. cinnamon

If you are a lover of spicy taste and aroma of this spice, then you can exclude brewing from the proposed recipe.

Ginger with cinnamon together can exist in the composition of kefir cocktail. Prepare it as easy as other drinks for weight loss:

1. On a glass of kefir you need 2 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. ground ginger powder.

2. Honey is recommended to first mix with a tablespoon of water, and then enter it into the mixture.

3. All components are combined into a single mass, whipped in a blender and drink.

For the sake of dropped kilograms, it is allowed to drink, in addition to the drinks listed above, herbal teas are also homemade. The process of slimming can contribute broths:

  • Daisies,
  • Birch leaves,
  • Nettle,
  • Peppermints,
  • Currant leaves and others.

Such drinks for cleansing and slimming will help you remove excess fluid from the body, adjust the digestion process, prepare for fasting days or start a diet, and slow down the processing of food a little, thereby reducing the feeling of hunger. Remember that honey, lemon, cinnamon and some herbs are prohibited if you are allergic to these ingredients.


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