Sesame oil - useful properties and contraindications. How to take sesame oil with health benefits.


Sesame for thousands of years is incredibly popular among residents of Eastern countries. Not so long ago, he became in demand in the kitchen of any real housewife and in our area. There is even a legend that long ago sesame seeds were a key ingredient in the elixir of immortality that any person on the planet longs to master. You should definitely think about what kind of such miraculous properties has sesame, that it is so valued and exalted.

Sesame seeds are used not only as a seasoning for a wide variety of dishes, but also for medicinal purposes. Experts in the field of medicine and cosmetology in one voice say that sesame really helped many people to get rid of health problems. A very useful tool is the oil, which is extracted from sesame seeds. It is about the beneficial properties of sesame oil and will be discussed in this article.

What is sesame oil and how to get it?

Sesame oil is popularly also called sesame. It is produced by thoroughly squeezing sesame seeds. The oil does not have any particular pronounced smell, so it is impossible to determine by the smell whether it was spoiled or not, a fake in front of you or not. Only a few can feel a light, delicate aroma with nutty notes that more resembles a certain skin lotion than a product used in food, for example. Anyone who has already dealt with sesame oil was surprised by its pleasant aftertaste and how dramatically the taste of the dish can change if it is filled with it.

Often, not only raw sesame seeds can be used for squeezing, but also lightly roasted. Interestingly, the color and taste of the oil depends on it. Therefore, you yourself can easily determine how to squeeze sesame oil, which you have in the kitchen. If the oil is a delicate light golden color and it is impossible to say exactly how it tastes, then this oil was obtained from raw sesame. If it has a bright, pleasant taste and a dark color, then this oil is squeezed out from toasted sesame seeds. Now let's look at the composition, methods of use and the beneficial properties of sesame oil.

Useful properties of sesame oil and its application

Sesame oil consists of a mass of useful rare components and substances that will support your beauty and help the skin to always be silky and velvety to the touch. One of these components is vitamin E. It not only enhances the protective function of the skin and helps it fight the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, but also contributes to its rejuvenation by maximally smoothing even the smallest and imperceptible wrinkles.

The composition of sesame oil includes such a substance as Semazol, the name of which many of us have heard, choosing for ourselves sunscreen. Semazol also enters there, because it is considered to be a means capable of creating a temporary insurmountable barrier around the skin, through which the sun's rays cannot get through and they cannot damage the skin.

Lecithin, also available in sesame oil, helps to moisturize the skin suffering from excessive dryness. Thanks to this substance, the oil is not too susceptible to rapid oxidation.

With age, our skin becomes increasingly stretched and loses its former elasticity and firmness. Protein, which is saturated with sesame oil, will protect your skin as much as possible and help it to preserve beauty and youth as long as possible.

Sesame oil can be used not only by adults, but also by children. Each woman, who has a child, somehow, at least once, but faced with the problem of skin irritation in the child and its redness. Sesame oil perfectly helps in such cases and in a fairly short period of time will help to remove itching and redness. It soothes delicate baby skin and easily copes with small wounds and irritations.

Not all ladies have the opportunity to relax and get enough sleep. If this is not done, signs of fatigue such as swelling of the eyelids and circles under the eyes begin to appear. The composition of sesame oil includes such an element as magnesium, which promotes relaxation of the muscles of the face and skin. If you regularly apply oil on the eyelids and the area around the eyes for the night, then in the morning it will become noticeable that the signs of fatigue are less noticeable, and the skin has become even and tender.

In cosmetology, sesame oil is also used to help get rid of acne, blackheads, small facial scars and other defects that are visible to everyone around you and make it impossible for you to feel confident. The oil contains components that help smooth the skin surface and increase the ability of its cells to regenerate. With sesame oil, you can not only heal small scratches and cuts, but also treat such common skin diseases as psoriasis or eczema.

When he suffers from a cold, there is simply no strength to fight it. Of course, you can go to the pharmacy and purchase various drugs, but remember that all of them negatively affect the functioning of the liver and other internal organs. In order to treat colds with folk remedies, you need to know exactly which of them are effective and which ones will simply spend your time and energy without giving a result. Therefore, if you suffer from a strong cough, then once a day, drink one tablespoon of sesame seed oil. Those who are suddenly overwhelmed with lung diseases can also use sesame oil for medicinal purposes. Only in this case, it is necessary not to take it inside, but to smear the chest with it. Before using oil from sesame seeds it is better to warm up, but not much. This is so that it is pleasant to the body and rather absorbed.

Experts advise everyone to start their day with a rinse mouth with sesame oil. This procedure is good because it prevents caries, problems with the gums and restores the mucous membrane, if it was damaged earlier. From sesame oil, the mouth receptors can be activated, and you can feel even the most delicate and delicate taste of any food more clearly. They say that sesame oil is used by tasters, because they, like anyone, need their receptors to work at full power.

Sesame oil in the face masks

Sesame seed oil can deservedly be considered a universal product. It is best able to influence both the internal organs and your appearance. External use of oil can be a variety of ways. Some just add a little oil to the cream and put it on the face every day, while others prefer to use it to remove makeup, because it has a pleasant greasy texture and easily dissolves even the most resistant cosmetics without smearing it over the face during rinsing.

In fact, sesame oil can be added not only to various creams, but also to any means. This can be any facial foam, and cleansing lotion, and gel for washing. Absolutely no matter what the composition of the tool, because sesame oil goes well with all the components. You can add it as much as you wish, it does not bring any harm, only one benefit.

On its basis, even at home you can make good and really effective masks for the skin on the face. Especially good masks with sesame oil help for aging skin, oily and excessively dry.

Here are some recipes you should note:

1. Take a little sesame oil and mix it with a couple of drops of tangerine essential oil. Rub the mixture with the smooth movements of your fingers into the skin of the face for two minutes. If such a procedure is performed daily, then soon traces of fatigue will disappear from the face and its swelling will decrease.

2. To one hundred milliliters of kefir, add one spoonful of sesame seed oil. Mix well and apply to face, neck and décolleté. After 20 minutes, wash the mask off the skin. This procedure removes inflammation, moisturizes dry skin and combats aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

3. If you take one spoon of cocoa powder and add a tablespoon of sesame oil to it, you will get a mask that fights against premature aging and helps give the skin a rejuvenating effect. The mask is required to be applied daily on the face for 15 minutes. The same mask can be applied to those who have endless skin problems and often acne and other rashes.

Contraindications and harm to sesame oil

All around are talking about the incredible benefits of sesame seed oil, but we must not forget that it, like any existing product, has some contraindications and in some cases can cause harm to the body.

1. This oil is strictly prohibited to use for those who have problems with the chair, because it can have a debilitating effect. In this case, you may have diarrhea, which will stop only when the remaining oil is removed from the body.

2. Refrain from using butter if you are allergic to any nuts.

3. Sesame oil helps to improve blood clotting, so it can not be used by people suffering from thrombosis.

Before taking sesame oil, consult with a specialist, because everyone is familiar with the consequences of self-treatment. Do everything right and be healthy!


Watch the video: 10 Serious Side Effects Of Sesame Seeds (July 2024).