An honest man’s look at women’s attempts to manipulate us.


Dear women, admit, which of you, looking at the companions of millionaires-millionaires and other oligarchs, did not think - what did he find in her? Vulgar, stupid, ugly, in the end! By the way, men who look at it from the side often have approximately the same thoughts. But at the same time they think "yes, I would be in his place ..."

By the way, with themselves "in his place" they represent not the women who are now near. Most likely, not someone specific (although exceptions are possible), but a certain image. Yes, yes, yes, exactly, and with almost all men, including the one with whom you are now together.

If you don’t like this idea, ask your husband or young man if I’m right or wrong? Hear that this is absolute nonsense, that you are the best, and calm down. Because, with all of our male stupidity, the answer will be solved by the truth unless a potential suicide or masochist.

And, no matter how unpleasant you may be, but in such thoughts men will be much more honest than you women. By the way, we are generally more honest, but not because it is better, but because it is simpler, if you like, even simpler. If we represent another in fantasy, then it will most likely be simply more beautiful, sexier (in our understanding) than the one that is with us now (you can throw slippers at me, but it is). We don’t think about all the nonsense that they are trying to convince you of, we don’t dream that she would remarkably know how to cook borsch and even better know how to wash socks. Nothing of the kind - we just mentally have to want it more. Stupid? Stupid, but true.

But you ... You, even in fantasy, even in harsh reality, are trying to choose a man who can be used more strongly. To be completely honest, we all use each other. But we do not need you for what we are thinking about now. The most important thing for a man is that his woman serves as proof of his “self”, that he is a “Real Man”. To this we will return later. But the woman, ideally, wants to be next to a man who could be used as much as possible. Use its capabilities.

Your ability to manipulate anyone, even the most self-confident and intelligent man, is amazing! But, most surprisingly, the majority of women will stubbornly unlock and piously believe that she does not do that. And something will be right. The fact is that you do not necessarily think through every step, but act intuitively. Nature has tried to make you more cunning. Take away from you this trick and manipulability and what will remain? A weak being, always forced to obey the whims of a stronger being.

And here the most interesting begins - what your manipulations are, how they act and what result they bring.

Main weapon

Imagine, American psychologists got the idea to find out how often their compatriots refuse spouses access to the body. The result is 127 times a year: 67 - excuses about the headache, 32 - "I'm already sleeping," "next time," and so on. and 28 - "I'm tired." And in Holland conducted a survey on revenge partner. It turned out that 90% believe that this is the most effective way.

I, however, these figures caused one thought - and when are they then engaged in sex at all? But this is a completely different topic.

No one will argue that any domestic quarrels will affect the bedding joys. The scandal in the kitchen will lead to the fact that lovers will spread to different rooms or at different edges of the bed, if there is no place to sleep separately. But I'm not talking about it now, but about female blackmail.

Yes, this is exactly blackmail, and often hidden. You can not honestly say: "My dear, if I do not have this fur coat, you can forget about sex for three months." No, you must act on the sly. Pause in silent enthusiasm in front of a showcase with a long-watched thing, tell about what awesome fur coat his friend bought his wife or come up with something else. And if he did not understand your desire (or understood, but did not fulfill), he can forget about his desires for a long time and seriously.

And tell me, who among you has done nothing of the kind? Do not tell me. Do you know what comes out of it? First, you yourself turn what should be one of the greatest pleasures into the subject of blackmail and the way to fulfill material desires. Secondly, both you and your companion unconsciously lower your relationship to the level of "client-prostitute". And, thirdly, for the husband it becomes not only habitual, but also touches what has already been said - his “self”. She doesn't want me? So I'm bad? Then you have to prove to yourself that everything is completely wrong. Naturally, not with his wife, but with some other woman.

It turns out that everything is not so sad. Then the problem is in the wife, something with her, and not with me, not in order.

Let me digress - and imagine that men will become like you and also engage in sexual blackmail? “You don’t want to? Then I’ll go find out, what if you want your girlfriend Svetka?”

I will go to my mother

This is naturally a simplified expression. The main thing - the manipulation of their own absence. To my mother, to a friend, it is not known where ... And you will grow in the mud, you will not be able to find your socks, you will die of hunger, you will drink and end your life under the fence. As a heavy artillery, you can attract children as well - you will no longer see your son.

Well, what do you end up with? You can win the fight in this way, but the battle as a whole will be lost and on a large scale ... Such blackmail can either work constantly or stop paying attention to it. In the first case, the man eventually turns into a self-disrespecting creature, and secondly, into a person who does not respect you. Do you need a rag near, not a husband? Or do you want him to start saying to himself: yes, when it’s already dumped, but it only promises? It is not by chance that women are considered good tactics, but bad strategists ...

Immediately make a reservation - cases where it is really impossible to live near this person are not considered. There is no need to frighten them with leaving, but actually to leave. Otherwise, you will become a rag.

I'm blonde

Well, a very common manipulation, which I will say briefly. “I’m so stupid, I don’t understand anything about it, and you have such a smart ... strong ... decisive ..." This method should make the man next to you feel like a superman, right? But it often happens the other way around - is she really such a fool? Then I am a man, not too smart, if next to me like that?


Well, where do without them? Especially because you actually think that this is not a manipulation, but just an expression of emotions? Well, yes, in the same way as children make a tantrum when they are trying to get a new toy. They, too, "only" demonstrate their mood and do not hold back emotions. The fathers buy the crying daughters of the dolls, and the unlearned homework can be forgiven for the bawling student.

The method is good in adolescence. That is, when your young man has not yet realized that this is just one form of blackmail. If, having received the desired male repentance once again, to continue using this method all the time, then the tears will either become a habitual attribute of living together, to which the man stops responding, or will begin to cause irritation. "Hysterical, again roars for any reason ..."

Enumerate the manipulations that you use in communicating with us can be infinite. You can impose the role of mummy, without which this particular man cannot survive, you can show ostentatious jealousy or, on the contrary, the same ostentatious detachment, you can portray an unfortunate victim or become a “boss” (something like “mommy”, but not persuading commanding).

There are many options, but all of them are intended for one thing - to make a man do what you want. And this is the biggest nonsense ...

No, I'm not trying to persuade you to stop manipulating - this is impossible, and not necessary. To do this, you must break your own nature, stop being women. Everything is easier and more complicated.

What I have listed and what is included in the arsenal of the majority of women leads to the only result - the subordination of a man. In some cases, the submission of explicit, in some - on the sly. Is it any wonder then that your man turns into a kind of man?

And now I will return to what I said at the beginning - to the Real Man.

All that we talked about here can be attributed to a situation where you force a man to prove that he is a man. That is, constantly instilling in him that without such evidence there is no such thing. And it works. But it acts simultaneously in different directions. On the one hand, you don’t want to admit that you are NOT a man, so you can get what you want. And on the other hand, a man ceases to believe in himself, ceases to be aware of himself as "the present."

But those women, next to which the companions, successful in life, are able to act differently. By their manipulations, they do not cast doubt on the “self” of their man, do not force her to prove, but demonstrate themselves. And their "Real Men" is left to behave as they want themselves. And they themselves just want that such a "NM" should want. Including fulfill the wishes of a woman. EXPRESSED, not those you are trying to hint at.

I assure you, if you learn this, almost any man (except in exceptional cases, completely spoiled by women) will become "real."

I'm sure it's too hard for you to understand what I advise. For this you need to realize that the most important thing for any man that you are not able to realize is inner freedom. A man is able to do anything. But only if he knows - this is his personal desire, and not a way to get rid of female blackmail.

And here it is necessary to explain what freedom is in the understanding of men. Explain because you do not have this understanding at all. What you consider freedom has nothing to do with it. At least with what is considered the freedom of men. Women are not just not free themselves, they hate other people's freedom. And most of all they hate free women. Those who know that this man without freedom does not happen. Know and use it.

But this is a completely different, separate topic, which I will try to write about later.


Watch the video: Going Inside a Man's Mind With Steve Harvey (June 2024).