8 factors that will lead you to a heart attack


According to available data, cardiovascular diseases continue to hold the lead among the leading causes of human mortality worldwide. At the same time, doctors are convinced that if people had a better idea of ​​the reasons why heart diseases arise, then the death rate from them could be reduced threefold.

American cardiologists have compiled a list of factors that provoke the development of heart disease.

So, the main enemy of the heart muscle is hypertension - high blood pressure, due to jumps which prematurely dies every second "core". Cardiologists say: people prone to hypertension, it is necessary to undergo a routine examination at least three times a year.

The second cause of diseases of the cardiovascular system - high cholesterolwhich, as a rule, is adjacent to hypertension. It is known that "bad" cholesterol contributes to the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, thereby disrupting the normal blood supply of the heart, leading to its stopping. The key to quality cholesterol control is proper nutrition.

Age and gender also play an important role in "heart" problems. It is statistically proven: after 65 years, the likelihood of heart disease increases significantly, so pensioners need to undergo a cardiac examination at least once a year. It has also been established that cardiovascular diseases most often affect men.

Presence of chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes) as well genetic predisposition to problems with the heart and blood vessels (for example, if close relatives had a heart attack), they “inject” a person at risk of a heart attack. Of course, the presence of such health factors a person must inform your doctor.

Lifestyle and hygiene are one of the significant risk factors for the heart, however, in contrast to the previous causes, are under the complete control of the person. Neglecting a healthy lifestyle and simple hygiene, a person becomes a potential victim of a heart attack. First of all, it concerns the lack of physical activity, smoking, alcoholism, as well as monitoring the state of the oral cavity and clean hands.


Watch the video: Stress and Heart Disease (May 2024).