"Give something from the head", or Everything you need to know about headache pills


Unfortunately, there is no universal pill for headache. The point is not that the world's pharmacists work poorly. The problem is that headaches have different causes and can be symptoms of almost fifty diseases. Therefore, taking "something from the head" is not always a good decision, because there are no absolutely safe pills, and all of them are designed to combat different types of pain.


The leader of the list of the most popular headache drugs first appeared in pharmacies in 1899 as an antipyretic. Soon both its anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects were noticed. Modern scientists have proven the valuable preventive properties of acetylsalicylic acid: it prevents heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer, colon, and breast cancer.

But in this barrel of honey there is an annoying fly in the ointment:

  • suppressing the activity of enzymes involved in the synthesis of substances that cause inflammation, aspirin inhibits simultaneously the enzyme that ensures the smooth functioning of the cells of the mucous membranes, in the first place - the stomach. The form of intake (pills, shots, "pops") does not matter at all, if you exceed the doses, a so-called drug ulcer may develop.

All sorts of advertising tricks like shells, dissolving only in the intestine, or sparing the stomach effervescent beverages - just an attempt by manufacturers to once again lull the vigilance of the buyer.

  • In addition, aspirin is contraindicated for expectant mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy: taking it increases the risk of the formation of pathologies of boys' genitals.


Few people know, but nurofen was created specifically for sports medicine: the drug coped very well with pain during injuries. However, it turned out that Nurofen is a good helper in the fight against pains of a very different nature. Its action is also based on the suppression of the production of enzymes, so the main disadvantage of all drugs based on ibuprofen is a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

  • The most unexpected side effect for tablets from the head, seen with long-term use of Nurofen, is headaches.


Well known since the times of the Soviet Union, a remedy for any kind of pain saves many heads from suffering today. The world knows it called metamizole natricum (metamizole sodium). As a very effective component is included in many tablets: "Toralgin", "Tempalgin", "Maksigan", "Baralgin", "Pentalgin", etc.

  • Frequent and long-term use of analgin inhibits the formation of blood cells and adversely affects the nervous system.


Less effective than its predecessors on the list, but considered safer. It copes well with headaches caused by infections and fever.

In America, this drug began to be sold in 1953 as an alternative to aspirin irritating the gastric mucosa. In the same capacity, in 1956, an active advertising company presented the British "Panadol" (the same paracetamol), however, it was sold only by prescription. Today, paracetamol is part of more than 500 over-the-counter medicines, and doctors have sounded the alarm: its overdose is the most common cause of liver damage.

  • Paracetamol is especially toxic to the liver while being taken with alcohol.


Well-known Soviet brand, but today every company produces its own recipe. Almost always this combination of aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine. It refers to the drugs of choice - that is, the preferred drugs prescribed for various diseases in the first place (due to the least side effects).

Even Hippocrates insistently advised: “Do no harm,” and Kozma Prutkov urged to “ripen to the root,” so no one calls to endure a headache, but only a doctor can sort out the reasons for its occurrence, prescribe the most appropriate medicine and choose its safe dosage.


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