Former wife of Andrei Arshavin will lead the show on Channel One


After the divorce from Andrei Arshavina, TV reporters show an incredible interest in his ex-wife, Yulia Baranovskaya. Recently, she has been making a dizzying career on television.

Not so long ago, she was a consultant of the program “What men want” on TNT, co-host of the program “Girls” on “Russia”, since the beginning of summer she has been broadcasting “Restart” on TNT, and now Julia has reached the first button.

In the new season, Baranovskaya together with Alexander Gordon will conduct the program "Male / Female". Transmission is based on gender issues. As conceived by the authors of the idea, an unhappy wife will bring her husband-a scoundrel into the studio, and invited experts will give their advice on improving the climate in the family. Julia, of course, will be on the side of women. Apparently, the producers of the show intend to exploit the topic of the complex personal life of Baranovskaya herself.


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