The use of fried chicken wings causes aggression in children


Scientists have come to a curious observation: children show strong aggression if they eat chicken meat directly from the bone. If the chicken is cut into portions, this does not happen.

The examined group included 12 children of 6-10 years. It is the features of the perception of the food of the chicken that became the reason for the above conclusions. Scientists suggest that the separation of bone from the teeth of the bone increases some aggressiveness of children. Therefore, doctors do not recommend giving chicken wings to children for dinner, as this has a negative effect on their process of falling asleep.

Interestingly, Brian Russell, a well-known clinical psychologist, does not agree with the findings of the doctors. He claims that people for millions of years have consumed meat on the bone, and this is unlikely to have made them more aggressive than the permissible measure.


Watch the video: Could Eating Chicken On The Bone Make Kids More Aggressive? (May 2024).