How to breastfeed in public places


Modern mom can not always afford to stay at home, even with a baby. But how to get to a business meeting or shopping, if the child is breastfed?

Unfortunately, not all shopping or business centers are equipped with a mother and child room. Such facilities are also impossible to meet on the street. However, there is a solution!

First of all, young mothers will come to the aid of clothes and underwear for feeding with special cuts in the breast area. Manufacturers of such clothes, as a rule, care not only for convenience, but also for the woman to feel in specialized clothes beautiful and stylish.

If you have not yet managed to acquire a “feeding” wardrobe, just a loose shirt will do, the main thing is to unzip the clothes. Tight-fitting with a closed collar in this case - not the best option.

If it is cold season outside, it is best to choose a half-size down jacket a size larger. There you can hide the baby, who decided to refresh himself, from prying eyes.

It is not necessary to feed the child outdoors in the winter, all the more so it is important for the nursing mother not to overcool the breast. Do not be afraid to ask for help at a nearby pharmacy or cafe. Most likely, you will come to the rescue and provide a secluded corner. It is important to remember that all modern shopping centers are most often equipped with a special room for feeding. Unfortunately, it often turns out to be locked. In this case, you have the right to ask the administration to provide you with the opportunity to feed the child in a suitable room.

Many mothers go to feed the baby in the female toilet. This is not recommended for sanitary reasons.

If the child is already sitting, and you have no place to sit at the time of feeding (for example, you are standing in a queue), take along a sling, ergo-backpack or hipster. All these devices are regulated so that the child has access to the breast. Sling and backpack also allow you to close the baby from prying eyes, if you do not want to advertise the feeding process. If you have only hipsters with you, use a wide scarf or tippet.

But most importantly - do not hesitate to feed the child. It is important to remember that infant hunger always takes precedence over public opinion, and breastfeeding is the most natural process. Do not be offended by the comments of passersby who are unhappy with you, despite the fact that you comply with all the rules of decency. Perhaps they just have not yet experienced the happiness of motherhood.

Text: Anna Utkina


Watch the video: Breastfeeding in Public - Akron Children's Hospital video (June 2024).