After the divorce from his wife, Igor Petrenko lost much weight.


Recently it was reported that Igor Petrenko’s wife, actress Ekaterina Klimova, filed for divorce. Apparently, Igor is experiencing hard parting with his wife - the actor has lost much weight. Having visited the recent premiere of the film "Poddubny", Petrenko tried to hide from the cameras, avoided contact with journalists.

Recall that the separation Petrenko and Klimova became known in the spring. Rumors about difficulties in the relationship of spouses went long ago, but only a few months ago, Catherine decided to file for divorce.

Close spouses believe that the reason for the divorce was the possible connection between Klimova and singer Roman Arkhipov, in whose arms Catherine was once filmed. Shooting hit the web.

The couple tried to preserve the relationship, but even the presence of common children could not save the marriage.


Watch the video: Phil Collins to Remarry His Ex-Wife After Costly 2008 Divorce (June 2024).