What should not be silent in bed with a man


Many women prefer to remain silent about the claims to their sexual partner. Even if the discontent is well founded and the attitude of a man towards sex is really wrong, almost the majority of girls continue to keep their opinions to themselves. In fact, such an approach to building intimate relationships does not lead to anything good, since it is completely dead-end.

If a man does not know about his blunders, he, naturally, will not take any measures to make his partner happier. Therefore, silence is not a way to maintain relationships, but rather the opposite. Let's talk about the things that a girl should not tolerate in bed with her chosen one, and immediately voice dissatisfaction with them.

Rudeness. Some men sincerely believe that good sex is rough sex. In fact, this is not entirely true. Indeed, there are women who relate to the rude behavior of a partner extremely positively, but there are not too many such women. If a woman does not like the rudeness of a man in bed, then she must definitely declare it, and as soon as possible. Patience is not the best strategy for behavior on a love bed, because in the end, it will lead to the fact that the girl starts to treat sex as torture, and this is a serious crack in the relationship.

Unsuitable posture. To achieve orgasm, some women need a specific position that may not suit her partner. However, a man can reach orgasm in almost any conditions, and the girl is not. Therefore, the representative of the fair sex has the full right to declare the elect of the need to use this or that position.

Wrong choice of stimulated erogenous zones. The body of each representative of the fair sex is different, so the location of the main and secondary erogenous zones of each girl is different. That is why many men make mistakes when choosing sensitive areas of their partner's bodies. For example, in some women, the more sensitive erogenous zone is the clitoris, and not the vagina. The same applies to the secondary erogenous zones: some girls enjoy kissing the chest and neck, while others need stroking the back and buttocks. Therefore, if a man chose the wrong target for his caresses, the woman just needs to tell him about it, otherwise she will not receive any pleasure from the process. In this case, no one is to blame, but you still need to dot the i.


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Watch the video: Does Silence Make A Man Miss You (July 2024).