Who is over forty: anti-aging cosmetics


Most women are not ready to admit their true age. This is, in principle, natural. However, you need to be honest with yourself. After all, when a beautiful lady over 40 years old, acquires a jar of cosmetic cream, on which 30+ is indicated, she is deceiving not others, but only herself.

In order for cosmetics to act with maximum effect, they need to be selected according to their age, otherwise there will be no proc from them.

The main difference between anti-aging and conventional cosmetics is the presence of active ingredients in it.

These are antioxidants, protecting cells, and hydrants, which do not allow moisture to evaporate and protect the skin from drying out, and elastic stimulants, which preserve its elasticity. This includes various activators, supplements used to help produce collagen and elastin (they are responsible for youth and restoration of the skin), hormonal preparations.

Because of its specific powerful composition of anti-aging cosmetics has a strong impact, therefore, it should be used with caution.

Required breaks between procedures and a regular change of cosmetic company, otherwise over time, the skin gets used to the same products, which over time reduces the effectiveness of their use to nothing.

For the same reasons, you should not use anti-aging cosmetics before the onset of years, unless, of course, you want to premature skin fading.

Professionals say that such tools are useful for those who are already over 35 years old, although, of course, in each case, the beginning of the application is individual. How early skin aging begins depends on thousands of factors: nutrition, stress, environment, sleep, work, chronic diseases, and individual characteristics. All this together has a great impact.

But in any case, the biological clock is ticking in all women, and closer to the age of 40, the natural process of wilting begins at the hormonal level.

Cosmetic products containing hydrants or antioxidants will not harm at the age of 25, as they are useful for the body at any age, but creams based on the action of hormonal drugs and their analogues should be treated with caution. They must be selected strictly individually.

There is a definite answer to the legitimate question - if all these saving “miracle drugs” are necessary then?

The fact is that anti-aging cosmetics were created specifically to solve age-related problems and are divided into age categories for a reason; each category solves its own problem.

For example, in a cream 45+ in sufficient quantities those substances that cease to be produced at this age are contained, and the cream will compensate for their loss.

Now imagine what will happen if this tool is applied by a young girl? Her skin will receive a concentrated, shock dose of substances that are not needed at all, and the final result is unlikely to please her.

And, on the contrary, if you use the cream 30+ at the age of 45, it is unlikely that this will give anything except a weak result - the necessary active components will simply not be enough.

So, dear women be always honest with you. Choose in perfumery shops what you really bring maximum benefit, and you will always be beautiful.


Elena 05/20/2016
I bought a mom Liberderm, a series just for mature skin. I thought to take myself, but now, after reading the article, I’ll take the same brand, but for the young, just with vitamins)


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