Tarot horoscope on Sunday May 19th for all signs of the zodiac: find out which card has befallen you and what it means


Today is dedicated to creative ideas and processes to achieve your goals, or at least their correct vision. This is a day of balance and determination, so you should feel and "pull out" your potential for success. The energy of the day favors people who are distinguished by hard work and perseverance, as well as those who think about the health and well-being of their body and spirit. Ponder, feel, draw wisdom from within and share your inner light with the rest of the world. At the end of the article you will find a key card for the current day.


Map: Hangman

Today you must take care of your own well-being and avoid mood swings and stress. Do not waste time on empty and meaningless actions, but direct your efforts to what you can do for your own good. Do not expect mercy from above, but act yourself. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Hierophant

Do not try to break the rules. In the end, you yourself really love routine and predictability. That is why today you can calmly do your ordinary and familiar affairs without trying to change anything. Do what you have been familiar with for a long time and give a feeling of comfort, and rejoice at it. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Tower

Try to get rid of toxic people, or at least try to stay as clear as possible and avoid them. If it seems to you that you are moving in the wrong direction, review your environment and your goals, or rather, methods for achieving them. Look for what brings you happiness, not drama and misunderstanding. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Hermit

Sometimes even a day off is not enough to relax and recharge your batteries. If you feel driven and tired, do not be discouraged because of this - just slow down a little and do not try to grasp the immensity. Respect your body and mind and listen carefully to their signals. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.

A lion

Map: Emperor

Today you must take responsibility and control your own life as much as possible. Consider this a day of movement and development for you. Perform maximum actions and steps towards your dreams and work with maximum efficiency to get tangible results. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Justice

On this day, strike the right balance between productivity and overwork. It may seem to you that you are able to turn on the second wind and work without stopping, but this is just an illusion, so remember harmony and balance, take breaks and allow yourself periods of doing nothing. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Sun

Enjoy the day and use this time to review all your started projects that you did not have the opportunity to complete. You may find that many important and urgent issues in the past no longer have any significance at the moment, so conduct a complete audit of your goals and plans. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Two Cups

Your emotional energy is restored. Perhaps today it will be much easier for you to choose between what you like to do and what you need to do. This day will not bring you any tension, but only the general mood of relaxation and calm contemplation of the world. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Card: Ace of Pentacles

Your situation clears up a little, and you may find that you are quite capable of resolving some critical issue (for example, in terms of finances), which, in your opinion, may interfere with your project or plan. Solving this part of the puzzle will give you peace of mind and help you feel confident in your next steps. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: King of Swords

Be careful with the words. No matter how annoyed you are today, remember that tact and restraint matter. Perhaps someone today will need encouraging guidance and appropriate advice from you, so be careful and friendly to the people around you. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Ten Cups

Do not regret what has already been done, because it is not up to you to fix the past. If something goes wrong, there is probably a reason for it that you don’t see or understand now. Trust in the usual course of life and do not try to fix it immediately, so as not to make it worse. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Four Cups

Today is a great day to streamline and organize your plans and intentions. Try to clarify for yourself some points that still elude your understanding. It is possible that completely unexpected people will reach out to you, and you should be ready to accept this help with gratitude. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.

The strongest card of the day

The key card of this day is World. It emphasizes the harmony of man with the universe, his confidence in his strength and vocation, as well as in the fact that he does everything in his life correctly. The card symbolizes the importance of your victory over your own weaknesses and complexes that prevent you from developing. In addition, she talks about how important it is to separate the desire for instant gratification from truly true desires.


Watch the video: August 19, 2019 All Signs Daily Message (July 2024).