Which of the zodiac signs is not able to respect others. There are four of them


We like to be treated with respect. But are we able to respect others? Which of the zodiac signs is not able to respect others? Let's figure it out.

Aquarius - they just have no time. Aquarians are very busy with themselves, they just have no time to pay attention to your problems and your fears. If you decide to share the most secret with Aquarius - you should not expect sympathy from him, or a sharp reaction to your problems. Most likely, he will simply listen to you and will not delve into your problem.

Aquarians do not burden themselves with other people's problems, they have enough of their own, so try not to worry if they sharply refuse your attention, they’re just used to demanding respect from others, but do not consider it necessary to respect other people's feelings. Aquarians do not respect elders from an early age. This is manifested in their constant desire to argue and speak in high tones.

They have no time, they are not up to you, they don’t want to talk with you. They will decide for themselves. Why would they need the intervention of adults, it would be better if adults bought what Aquarius had long wanted, or told them how to solve the problem. Adults often scold such babies for lying. But this does not lead to a positive result. If you restrict the freedom of Aquarius - it simply ceases to communicate with you. The appearance of respect Aquarians can create when they need something from you, when you are useful to them.

Capricorns “They respect you as long as they consider it necessary.” It is difficult for them to respect elders, because they often indicate what needs to be done. Therefore, it is not surprising that they have strained relations with relatives. The Capricorn team is very difficult to get along with, they constantly bend their line, do not listen to others, do not respect their point of view, and then are offended that someone requires something from them.

Capricorns very easily adapt to the mood of the opponent, so if you decide that you are very interesting to the representative of this zodiac sign and he does not give you a pass - do not flatter yourself, he just needs you temporarily. But, when the need for you is exhausted, you will see it, on the other hand. Your opponent will become cold, emotionally closed, alien and indifferent to your problems and hardships.

There can be no talk of respecting you and your feelings if Capricorn switched to another object in his love quest. Therefore, do not flatter yourself and do not believe in tales of eternal love and devotion. When working with Capricorns - adhere to the position of detachment, do not share the innermost, because Capricorns often turn the information received against those who told it.

Virgin “It's hard for them to respect the one they hate.” In appearance, sweet and good-natured Virgins very often hide in their hearts resentment and disappointment in those around them. They try to be kind and open, but often expect a dirty trick from others, do not trust them, and do not forgive mistakes. They do not respect those who are weaker. Often compassion and love are alien to them; they prefer to condemn and attack.

One can only gain respect from the Virgins with truly significant acts, although they can be criticized. Sometimes communicating with Virgo it is difficult to imagine that they can hate, can despise, may not respect. In appearance, they treat you very well, try to help and support you. But, when you decide to complain to them about your fate, tell them your innermost secrets - they will immediately find a reason to ridicule you, point out your shortcomings.

It is difficult for representatives of this zodiac sign to respect others, because they believe that life is not fair with them, that they have suffered because of people and now they can not trust them. The Virgo themselves can sharply speak about respect. They do not consider that they are obliged to respect someone. Therefore, it is so difficult for their relatives and friends with the Virgo in communication. Indeed, even if you try to do only the best for them, this does not guarantee respect on their part.

Virgins have extremes when they set someone else as an example and admire someone’s actions, and after a while - upset complain about this person. It is almost impossible to meet the expectations of the Virgin, as well as to earn her trust and respect. Yes, and is it worth it?

Taurus - they are just too lazy to respect someone. In childhood, representatives of this zodiac sign respect their elders and try to align themselves with them, to take an example from them. But, as soon as their own opinion is formed - they immediately forget about respect and try by hook or by crook to defend their point of view. Often Taurus go too far and even insult close people, although they did not deserve it. In some situations, Taurus is not that disrespectful, but even neglected, he can even taunt.

In adolescence, representatives of this zodiac sign are quite difficult to establish communication with others. They lack flexibility, they become angry when they are asked to do something, to fulfill, to control something. They do not hear requests and instructions, ignore work and study, do not respect peers or elders.

This is such a peculiar protest, so Taurus is trying to take their place in society, forgetting that other people are also in it. In parallel with growing up, Taurus begin to respect those who become examples for them. But, in relation to loved ones, they are just lazy. Laziness to respect.

They can be asked several times about the same thing. Taurus can forget about their promises, about their obligations, they can forget even about meetings with loved ones. They were just busy with something else. In fact, they simply do not respect the feelings of other people and do not respect them.

Sometimes Taurus seeks to improve, and may even surround you with care, but it will not last long, soon they will again forget what was promised and will not even listen to your requests. Do not be discouraged - just rely on yourself and on your strengths. After all, making someone respect you is simply impossible, it is easier to build communication and relationships with the person who respected you from the beginning, and for which you and your point of view are important.


Watch the video: Who Are the Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs? (July 2024).