Feline horoscope: what to expect from a beloved pet, taking into account the date of his birth


Egyptian astrologers delved into the riddles of furry friends before our era. Long before the reign of Cleopatra, the Egyptians opened the hearts and minds of the mysterious feline. Check your pet’s date of birth and find out what Egyptian astrology tells about fluffy pets.

A fish

The cat is very beautiful and has an angelic, innocent look. Believe me, she knows this and cleverly uses her natural charm in order to evade responsibility, on occasion.
This is a mystical and mysterious animal, which has a hypnotic talent.

The fish radiates hidden power, but in the life of a kitty rarely uses it for self-affirmation.

Cats of this sign are not curious to explore new habitats or surroundings. She has absolutely no desire to play with other animals. Instead, they will prefer to dreamily nap all day in the arms of the mistress or at the feet.


Get ready for the fact that Murka will behave like seven different cats at the same time. Sometimes their manners do not correspond to traditions, because participating in spring cat shows or conquering territory is, in their opinion, a worthless occupation.

And the pet’s behavior makes me think at all - do I have a normal cat?
He will turn ordinary hide and seek into a competition for quick wits, which will last for months.

And jumping from the closets? Yes, what you need for frisky games. Or maybe from the window? Oh, and if from the cabinet through the window ... Believe such fun is better than seeing the unblinking gaze of Aquarius, reflecting to soak, in order to get everyone.

This murka is able to develop a crazy passion for obscure toys in one minute, and then drop them and forget them forever.
Constantly diversify the life of a cat, often caress and have no doubt - you have a very smart, loving and kind friend.


The cat likes order and measured in everything. At first glance, they are obedient, but the cheat will recognize human weaknesses and will masterfully manipulate you.

If you do not shock the pet with a large number of movements, noise or transformations in their environment, then Capricorn will be satisfied. Fluffy is happy in a comfortable, spacious and rich house.
This cat will never outrageously meow or purr with adoration, but will love you constantly and invariably. Do not even doubt it.


Your cat was born under the restless and adventurous zodiac sign. He often finds himself in the wrong place and at the wrong time. For example, hanging on top of a tree or stuck in a tight loophole, there will certainly be a Sagittarius.

Do not try to limit their freedom of movement, you will not succeed. Fluffy friends can go away for several weeks. But don't be afraid. If you give your pet maximum freedom, they will always come home. This is a bold sign and will protect you even at the cost of your own life.


It is this cat that has superintuition and was deified by the Egyptians earlier. Murka reads the owner’s thoughts with ease, feels the danger and will appear for a portion of food while you are about to call her.
Scorpions are playful and strive to conquer anyone: an animal or a person of the opposite sex. If the owner pays too much attention to anyone else, then let him not be surprised when the pussy suddenly rushes at him in a rage. These are the zodiac's greatest zealots. But since you are kind and faithful to them, they will reward a hundredfold.


To restore the psycho-emotional balance, Libra is indispensable. The cat forms the necessary balance in the family between people.
She needs constant stroking, attention, in the society of other people and animals. Make sure Murka has a lot of buddies. But your pet should remain the main cat, because she absolutely does not like to share the attention of the owner. Treat Libra like a star. Then you are guaranteed many years of prosperity to the songs of the furry favorite.


The standard of a domestic cat is charming, obsessed with caring for itself and arranging favorite habitats. Do not lose your patience, as she constantly licks, because for pussy cleanliness means safety.

If, you feed the Virgin from dirty dishes, then in her gaze you will see everything that she thinks of such untidiness.
Provide your pet with neat accommodation and they will remain their best friend for life.

a lion

The cat was born under the royal sign - this is the same Leo, but more miniature and elegant. The cat is proud, decisive and ready to fight for every piece of territory belonging to it. Treat your friends with the highest respect and never forget that these are the most noble of all cats.

If you give them their due, they will fight for you and love more passionately than any other cat.


Fuzzy is loyal, kind and will become a close companion. But until you invite too many and for a long time strangers into a common home with her.

Let your pet know that your home is her home.
Still, Cancer does not like the host’s long absence. Hug your pussy and caress when you return from work and your friend will be satisfied.


The cat is fickle and capricious, but full of love and tenderness. She will draw you into the conversation, as she has a large set of sounds and many tricks to show her desires.

Do not limit her freedom of movement. For example, do not lock in the room for long. And do not constantly offer the same trinkets for entertainment. Provide them with as much activity as possible, encourage games more often.

With their amusements, the Twins can make grand bedlam in the house. Therefore, it is ideal if the owner will participate in the game along with the cat. And then you will find that the pet smiles even in a dream, like the Cheshire Cat.


The cat was born under a chic and sensitive sign. She is attracted to bright plants, flowers, conspicuous things and soft pillows. She will not share food, favorite rug or toys with anyone. Beauty can not be enticed by fun. She will choose to bask in the sun and enjoy the tranquility. Refined charm gives it restraint.
Keep in mind, when Taurus is very jealous, she is quiet in her own way: she never hisses and does not scratch. Always remember that a pet needs love and attention. Fuzzies are extremely susceptible and feel even small transformations in the emotions of the owners. Therefore, they will share your bad mood like no other cat.


The cat is healthy, athletic, aggressive and will live to a ripe old age. By the way, their sexual appetites are also on top. Casanova's world-famous rake was Aries. Very often, Murka will leave the house in search of love affairs.
Make sure that she does not become too restless in everyday life. Define more time for the cat: to stroke it, comb it out, or maybe make a minor massage. This will be a real pleasure for the cat, and she will live a more saturated, healthy and full-fledged reality.


Watch the video: What is Your Spirit Animal By Birthday? (June 2024).